itprofessional16 Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple releases iOS 6.1.3 with fix for lock screen security flaw

Apple has released the latest update for iOS, version 6.1.3, which fixes a bug that allowed for bypassing of the phone's lockscreen security feature.

The new version appears to be rolling out in waves, and iOS device owners will at some point receive a notification that their devices are eligible for an update.

The update fixes an exploit activated by making and then immediately canceling an emergency call on a passcode-locked device. A malicious user with access to the device could use the exploit, plug the device into a computer via USB, and potentially access the data stored on the handset.






itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple’s Low-Cost iPhone Reportedly Getting The Same 4-Inch Display As iPhone 5, ‘Super-Thin’ Plastic Case

The low-cost iPhone of fable got a little more material with some reports from KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. Before you balk at reports from an “analyst,” note that Kuo has been spot on a number of times in the past, including when he predicted the iPhone 4S release timeline and changes, the launch of the original white iPhone 4, and the iPad 2, among others. Kuo has discussed Apple’s 2013 roadmap in the past, and now he’s telling AppleInsider that a low-cost iPhone will have a 4-inch screen like the iPhone 5.



噂の低コストiPhoneは、KGI証券のアナリストのMing-Chi Kuo氏からの報告でもう少し材料を入手しました。"アナリスト"からのレポートにためらう前に、Kuo氏は過去に何度もスポットを浴びたことに注意してください。何よりも、iPhone 4Sのリリースタイムラインおよび変更、オリジナルの白のiPhone 4の発売、iPad 2を予測しました。Kuo氏は過去にAppleの2013年ロードマップを議論してきました。そして今、彼はAppleInsiderに、低コストiPhoneはiPhone 5のような4インチのスクリーンを持っていると語っています。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Other details about the new device shared by Kuo include a “super-thin plastic casing mixed with glass fiber.” The hybrid material is designed to increase the case’s overall durability, while also saving weight and making for a thinner overall design. Kuo also adds that there will be multiple color options for the low-cost iPhone, along the lines of the recent iPod touch update from last fall.

The new report from Kuo is designed to counter information from notoriously hit-or-miss source Digitimes released earlier in the week, which claimed a larger 5-inch display on the budget iPhone, with manufacturing shifting to suppliers other than Foxconn. Neither claim is true, according to Kuo’s information.


Kuo氏により共有されている新デバイスに関するその他の詳細には、"ガラス繊維を混合した超薄型プラスチックケース"が含まれています。そのハイブリッド材料は、軽量化·薄型化のための全体設計でありながら、ケースの全体的な耐久性を高めることを目的としています。Kuo氏はまた、昨年秋から最近のiPod touchの更新の線に沿って、低価格iPhoneには複数の色のオプションが存在するだろうと付け加えています。


itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

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itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Lower-Cost iPhone Said to Use 'Super-Thin' Plastic and Fiberglass Shell in 4-6 Colors

KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo is reiterating his claims that Apple's low-cost iPhone will have a 4-inch screen, plastic casing, and be available in a range of colors similar to Apple's iPod lineup, sharing a few new details in a report highlighted by AppleInsider. In particular, Kuo shares offers some information on the device's plastic and fiberglass casing.

The new, less expensive iPhone model is said to have a "super-thin plastic casing mixed with glass fiber." The material will make it stronger, thinner and lighter than typical smartphone plastic casings, Kuo said.



KGI証券のアナリスト、Ming-Chi Kuo氏は、Appleの低コストiPhoneは4インチの画面、プラスチック製のケースで、AppleのiPodのラインナップに似た色の範囲で利用可能になると主張を繰り返していて、AppleInsiderのレポートに強調されているいくつかの新しい詳細とも共通している。


itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

When Octavian's soldiers learned these facts they chose deputies and sent the same ones to both commanders.They took no notice of accusations because they had been chosen, not to decide a controversy, but to restore peace.Cocceius was added to their number as a friend of both, together with Pollio from Antony's party and Maecenas from that of Octavian.It was determined that there should be amnesty between Antony and Octavian for the past and friendship for the future. Moreover, as Marcellus, the husband of Octavian's sister Octavia, had recently died, the umpires decided that her brother should betroth her to Antony, which he did immediately. Then Antony and Octavian embraced each other.Thereupon shouts went up

