hhanyu7 Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Netflix is not just heavily reliant on AWS — it’s about to become completely dependent. Hunt plans to power down his company’s last data center this year, at which point Netflix will be running almost entirely on outsourced cloud infrastructures, mostly operated by Amazon. (It’ll still run its own content delivery network — CDN.)

Note that this timeline is new. Netflix originally said it would shut down its last datacenter in 2014, and then again this past summer, but the future sometimes comes a little slower than expected. That’s one aspect of enterprise infrastructure that will probably never change.




hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Still, Hunt would be happy to be less dependent on a single vendor: “That’s a somewhat uncomfortable place: To be dependent on a partner who is also competing with you,” Hunt said, referring to the fact that Amazon also sells a streaming video service.

But up to now, Hunt hasn’t found a single provider that matches Amazon in terms of its capabilities and scope.

“AWS is years ahead of Azure and a year or two ahead of Google in terms of the features and levels of abstraction they offer,” Hunt said.

“It’s getting closer, but Amazon keeps raising the bar in terms of AWS features.”


しかしながら、一つのベンダーに頼ることが少なくなれば、Hunt氏は満足だろう。「それはいささか居心地の悪い場所になっています。パートナーとも競い合いながら、そのパートナーに頼っているのですから」 とHunt氏は述べ、Amazonもまたストリーミングビデオサービスの販売をしている事実に言及した。


「Amazonが提供する抽象化の機能やレベルに関して、AWSはAzureの数年先を行き、Googleの1~2年先を行っています」 とHunt氏は述べた。


hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

I have read your email and noted its contents. I understand that you are referring to your seller rating because of the cancellation of an order. I genuinely appreciate the customer centric approach you have displayed in fulfilling your orders thus far and also understand the fact that your seller rating is presently not at par with your expectations

Please do accept my humblest of apologies and allow me to shed light on your query. Having looked into your account in this context, I see that the order cancellation of 202 from seller central

Kindly be informed that when you cancel an order from your end, it will have an impact on your seller rating irrespective of the reason you are selecting for the cancellation





hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Kindly note, if you cancel the Order only based on the buyer seller message, then it will impact your metrics if the Order is cancelled from your end.

I would like to bring to your notice that Amazon recognised that the situation above was not ideal for genuine Sellers such as yourself who were having their metrics effected simply by fulfilling Buyers requests to cancel orders. So recently we have put in place a new system to avoid this metric impact; which is, the Buyer-Seller Messaging Service includes “Cancel Order” Link to buyer emails. Please note that the subject line for such messages will be "Order Cancellation Request for Order 202.



あなたに知って頂きたいのは、アマゾンは、上記のような状況は、注文をキャンセルするという買い手のリクエストを単に全うすることによる影響が出ている評価を持つ、あなたのような真のセラーにとっては理想的ではないと、認識していたということです。そのため、この評価の影響を回避するために新しいシステムを導入しました。すなわち、Buyer-Seller Messaging Service (売り手・買い手メーセージサービス)には売り手のメールとリンクする「Cancel Order (注文のキャンセル)」が含まれています。そのようなメッセージの題名は「Order Cancellation Request for Order 202(注文番号202のキャンセルリクエスト」」となります。