hhanyu7 Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

A:RT if the Santa Anas are ruining your life. Fave if you have no idea what I'm talking about. Blink twice if you can hear me.

A: More like allerGEEZ amirite? #jokes

B: ur ready to manage the @AAAA account

A: thank you I've waited for this say for so long

B: The Ultimate Honor

C: I have a friend coming 2 visit this weekend so I did something I never do. Clean my room & sheets. Thx2 @carrieunderwood's album4motivation

B:every creative director is leaving their fashion house it's like a haute mass exodus

D:I want Demna 2 spearhead all

B:I will need a dr*nk when that collection comes out

D:u have noooo idea

B:the combination of the Brand and Demna's style is gonna be so interesting it just got rly hot all of a sudden


A: もしサンタアナの風があなたの人生を台無しにしていのならリツイートしてください。私が何を話しているのかあなたが分からなければ、お気に入りツイートしてくださいす。もし私の言うことが分かったら二回瞬きしてください。

A: どちらかと言うとアレルギーですよね? #jokes

B: 君は @AAAAのアカウントを管理する準備はできてる

A: ありがとう、長いことそれが言えるのを待ってました。

B: 最高に光栄です。

C: 今週末に訪ねて来る友人がいるんだけど、やったことのないことをやりました。部屋を掃除しシーツをきれいにしました。ありがとう、キャリー・アンダーウッドのアルバムでやる気出しました。

B: クリエイティブなディレクターはみんなファッションハウスから出て行くから、まるで格調高い大移動のようだ。

D: デムナにすべての先頭に立ってほしい

B: そのコレクションが出る時に酒が必要だ。

D: あなたには分からないのよ

B: ブランドとデムナのスタイルの組み合わせは、とても面白いものになって、突然流行ったりして。

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

We're writing to inform you that your order, 12, has been cancelled. If your order was placed with an international credit card or a credit card with an international billing address, we regret that we are unable to accept this method of payment on our U.S. site. If you have a U.S. issued credit card with a primary billing address in the U.S., please feel free to replace your order using that credit card by logging into your account online.

If you wish to use an international card and ship to an international location, click on the "International" link in our Help Center and you will be given the option to select one of our supported countries.




hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text


That's great news. My Paypal account is ・・・・, pls send me an invoice via Paypal.

I have a camera store in Beijing too. Do you have a website for all your photograph gears? I will visit frequently after our first transaction.

Please declare the camera with 200 USD, and don't write the "Hasselbald" brand on the custom form. Please just write "swc" or something like this. Gift won't help in China.

The attached picture is my address in Chinese characters. Could you please print it and put it on the parcel? My Paypal English address will be consistent with the attached Chinese one. Thanks a lot for your help.




私も、北京にカメラ店を持っています。あなたは写真用具一式が載ったウェブサイトを持っていますか? あれば、最初の取引の後に頻繁に見に行きます。



hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I need as many speedy 30 and speedy 35 as possible around this price. I do not want the item packaged stuffed, just folded as speedy is always posted flat.

My other suppliers offer free postage or approximately $10 per item as I always buy in mass.

I need speedys desperately, how many do you have?

The lens seems to be OK (from the photos) , is it possible to ship within 5 days?? By EMS?? I leave on a trip Nov 13. I will happily pay as soon as you reassure me of shipping date. I have bought many times from Japan before, EMS has always delivered very quickly. Please respond soon and I will pay.






hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

1. Resist a “collect data now, figure out later” approach

To ensure future analytics capabilities, companies must invest now in a platform that enables fast, efficient onboarding of new datasets. They should consider how their business will operate in the future with regard to data ingestion and federation and how the transition from legacy systems to end-to-end automated data and analytics should take place.

Central to this is the ability to invest in a new platform that scales purposefully, carefully, and transparently, as opposed to collecting data without a clear objective or investing effort to interpret the data being collected.


1. 「データ収集を今、分析は後」的なアプローチにあらがう



hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

2. Lack of meaningful differentiation

Crowded markets and low margins don’t usually result in outsized exits. The new modus operandi for VCs is that competition is for losers, and they look for businesses that can do something that others fundamentally can’t.

3. Unsustainable unit economics

Challenges such as identifying the right traction channels and finding product/market fit are common to all startups in their early days. But fundamental issues with price/product complexity fit may leave you in the startup graveyard as you try to scale, so get used to being asked early on what your CAC/LTV ratio is and how it can be improved over time.


2. 有意義な差別化の欠如


3. 持続不可能な単位当たりの 経済性
