hhanyu7 Translations

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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

It’s common in China that hundreds of similar services will appear to follow up the hype of popular players. Apart from charging merchants relatively low commissions, venture-backed tech startups subsidize users for the sake of market share in the O2O field. But subsidies don’t necessarily cultivate sticky users. A startup without venture money to fuel growth or keep users will be shed from the arena very quickly.

The merger between Dianping and Meituan will not only help consolidate their market share, but stem the massive spend both companies invest in subsidizing their services.




hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Confirmed: Sequoia Capital invested in Indonesia’s Go-Jek

Indonesia’s “Uber for motorcycles” service Go-Jek is one of the country’s hottest startups. But it’s also very secretive. The startup has not announced any funding news since it was established way back in 2011. So far, we’ve only been able to disclose on-record that Go-Jek is backed by NSI Ventures.

In recent months, there’s been a great deal of speculation about it getting more funding – with rumors saying Sequoia Capital had invested in Go-Jek. However, it seems Sequoia has now made the investment in Go-Jek somewhat official after including the firm’s logo and description in its online portfolio (pictured below).


確定済み:Sequoia Capital、インドネシアのGo-Jekに投資

インドネシアの「オートバイのUber」サービスGo-Jekは、国内で最も話題のスタートアップの一つだ。しかし同時に非常に秘密主義でもある。同スタートアップは、さかのぼること2011年に設立して以後、資金調達のニュースは全く発表されていない。これまでのところ、我々が報道を前提として発表できたのは、Go-JekはNSI Venturesに支援されているということだけだ。

この数ヶ月、Go-Jekがさらに資金を調達しているという憶測がたくさん飛び交っていたーその噂によると、Sequoia CapitalがGo-Jekに資金調達をしたというのだ。しかし、SequoiaはオンラインポートフォリオにGo-Jekのロゴと概要を載せるというやや正式な形を取った後に今回Go-Jekに投資をしたようである。(下記の写真を参照)

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

CEO Nadiem Makarim and CFO Kevin Aluwi have been hush-hush about the investment, preferring to remain in the shadows and keep funding information off the record when interviewed by Tech in Asia.

Local tech junkies are sure to yawn and say, “Sure, we already know about the funding. We do talk to people around town.” But for an outsider looking in, perhaps the investor-investee relationship might not be so obvious. Nadiem told Tech in Asia on-record that Go-Jek has more than five offices in Jakarta. The company’s deep pockets are also evident from Go-Jek’s relentless rollouts: food delivery service Go-Food, parcel delivery service Go-Box, grocery delivery service Go-Mart, with more sure to follow.


最高経営責任者Nadiem Makarim氏と最高財務責任者Kevin Aluwi氏は、投資について極秘にしており、Tech in Asiaにインタビューされた時も陰に隠して、資金調達の情報は非公開にすることを選んだ。

地元の技術マニアならきっと退屈顔で、「そうですよ、資金調達のことならもうとっくに知ってます。私たちは街の人たちと話をしますからね」 と言うだろう。しかしよそ者から見ると、投資者―被投資者の関係はそれほどはっきりしてはいないのだろう。Nadiem氏がTech in Asiaに公言して語ったのは、Go-Jekはジャカルタに5つ以上の事務所を構えているということだった。同社が十分な資金を持っていることは、Go-Jekの絶え間ない展開からもわかる。フードデリバリーサービスのGo-Food、小荷物配達サービスのGo-Box、食料雑貨配達サービスのGo-Martとさらにそれらは続く。

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

In the past, Nadiem said Indonesian entrepreneurs should have the courage to take a lot of money, spend it fast, and go for broke. If he heeds his own advice, then that’s exactly what he and Kevin are doing with Sequoia’s money: going for broke.

Arguably, Go-Jek is top-of-mind in the capital when it comes to motorcycle transport, but Nadiem will still have to duke it out with GrabBike’s Anthony Tan for the title of Indonesia’s motorcycle champion. The firm’s parent company GrabTaxi reached unicorn status, with a US$1.5 billion valuation after a recent funding round.



ほぼ間違いなく、バイクタクシーと来れば、首都においてはGo-Jekが真っ先に浮かぶのだが、Nadiem氏はGrabBikeのAnthony Tan氏とインドネシアのバイクチャンピオンのタイトルをかけて競い合うことになるだろう。GrabBikeの親会社GrabTaxiはユニコーンステータスに達し、最近の資金調達ラウンド後、15億米ドルの評価額となった。

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Sorry for the delay of the payment I was sick but I alredy made the both payments I alredy received the first package please ship the second lamborghini countach 1/8 to the same addres in USA
please confirm both payment and ship the item as fastest you can I will be at San Antonio next week Im a little concern about it.
I will wait for replay and again sorry for the payment I didnt know the total refund I tought will be 10 dollars not 1,520.00 of the first shop.
Any way I alredy made both payments please let me know the tracking and remember ship the item to the same address you did before.

・Can you explain what is the problem of the gun. It costed me approximately 450 Usd but I can not use the gun.




hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Last order was delayed as when we lodged the shipment with FedEx as dangerous goods, they accepted the shipment but then requested we put the shipment through a third party Dangerous goods preparation company (this is what the charge is for). As advised last time, I met the expense for doing this.

I am guessing this was done as I don’t have an account with FedEx myself.

I am happy to continue to meet these charges of A$250.00 per consignment where Hazardous goods are concerned, but my hope is that this may not need to occur as FedEx get to know me. I understand your position based on your experience with other suppliers so I guess I need to fall into line with your established experience.


最後の注文が遅れたのは、私たちが危険物としてFedExに発送を頼んだときでした。FedExは荷物を受け取りましたが、第三者である危険物取扱いの会社を通すように私たちに要請がありました。(これがその手数料です) 前回アドバイスされたように、これを行い費用を支払いました。

