hhanyu7 Translations

5.0 1 reviews
ID Verified
About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Are you sure, this is the Speedy 40? Because, it looks like the 25. Could please check.

I bid on this camera I hope the lens is the Zeiss CFE - lens w/o internal shutter

Hello, Is this camera still availiable? I am very interested in this item. Thanks a lot!

hello, I messaged you twice about combined shipping, explaining that I am a LV reseller in australia and always looking for new suppliers however your shipping is very expensive.
Do you combine shipping as I would like to add items to my order.

I do not understand why you opened an unpaid item case against me when I sent you two messages about combined shipping, obviously I am looking to buy more but not if you charge $35USD per item! :-0


これがSpeedy 40というのは確かですか?25のように見えます。確認してください。

私はこのカメラを競り落としたいのですが、レンズがZeiss CFE―インターナルシャッターのないレンズであることを望んでいます。



私は同梱の件で二度もあなたにメッセージを送ったのに、あなたが私に対して未払いの商品のケースをなぜオープンしたのか理解できません。あなたが商品一つに付き35ドルをチャージしないなら、明らかに私はもっと買うものを探すつもりです! :-0

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I would like to know about general wear of the book as far as spine, dust cover and pages. Also I would like to know if there is a cheaper way to ship book(by surface mail). I wouldn t mind waiting a couple of weeks to reduce the $95.00 postage

Would you accept a monthly payment plan for this?

Hi there, I was looking to buy a set of decent Japanese chisels. Looks like one of your larger sets went unsold. Any chance you are going to post them again?

What makes the difference between the expensive sets and the cheaper sets? Condition? Or maker?

Exactly how old are these-they have rubber handles?
I have a genuine katana about 480 years old,loe quality but genuine and id like to add an old kamisori for daily use


本の背、カバーやページに関して一般的な擦り切れ具合について知りたいと思います。またもっと安い本の発送法がないか知りたいです(普通郵便で)。 95ドルの切手代を減らすのに2週間待っても構わないです。




正確にどれくらいの年季のものですか? ゴム製の取っては付いていますか?