hhanyu7 Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Thanks again for your wonderful cooperation, and I sincerely hope we can continue to grow your business with you. BTW, did you receive the available AR quartz models listing PDF document I sent last time?

Also, I will be sending you a sample RAY-BAN RB3025 aviator sunglasses set, COMPLETELY FREE, as a courtesy gift for you to enjoy, and so you can see the original nature of this line of quality products we are able to offer. As mentioned, we probably have the most extensive original RAY-BAN offerings outside of the official LUXOTTICA channels, and many of our customers are finding this series of products a 10x larger market vs Armani AR series quartz watches.




hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

“Designed and manufactured by FiiSmart, the watch operates on the new “YunOS for Wear” (an operating system) and supports Alipay payment, among many other functions. We are happy to partner with innovative companies who are devoted to adopting the latest technology to bring ultimate convenience to consumers.” said an Alibaba spokesman.

The new gadget sports a 1.63-inch AMOLED display and is powered by dual-core CPU with 4GB of storage. Other specs include Bluetooth, a built-in 300mAh battery that supports 45 hours of regular use and magnetic charging. Also notable, Pay Watch is the first smartwatch that is equipped with Alibaba’s customized Android system YunOS.


「FiiSmartの設計・製造による腕時計は、新しい『YunOS for Wear』(オペレーティングシステム)で作動し、Alipay決済やその他多くの機能に対応します。私たちは、究極の便利さを消費者にもたらすため、最新のテクノロジーの採用に徹する革新的企業と提携することに満足しています」 とAlibabaの広報担当者は述べた。

300mAh内臓バッテリーが含まれる。また注目すべきことは、Pay WatchはAlibabaの専用AndoroidシステムYunOSが搭載された、初めてのスマートウォッチであるということだ。

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The product launched a crowdfunding campaign on Alibaba’s Taobao crowd funding platform, offering four versions of Pay Watch at crowd funding prices starting from 699 RMB ($109 USD) or 899 RMB when they hit the market for real.

Mobile payment is becoming a must for smart wearables that want to stand out from the vast crowd of Chinese smart hardware manufacturers. Both Apple Watch and Mi Band have teamed up with Alipay. Shuashua, a near-field communication (NFC) smart bracelet developed by a Beijing startup, also supports transactions with bus and taxi services, as well as supermarkets, restaurants, cinemas and hospitals.


製品のために、AlibabaのTaobaoクラウドファンディング・プラットフォームでクラウドキャンペーンがローンチされ、Pay Watchの4つのバーションが提供された。クラウドファンディング価格は699元(109米ドル)から始まり、実際に市場に出ると899元となる。

モバイル決済は、中国のスマートハードウェアメーカーの巨大な群れより突出したいというスマートウェアラブルにとって不可欠となりつつある。Apple WatchとMi Bandの両社は、Alipayと提携した。北京のスタートアップが開発した近距離無線通信(NFC) が利用できるスマート・ブレスレットShuashuaも、バスやタクシーサービスのほか、スーパーマーケット、レストラン、映画館、病院などで決済に対応している。

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

“We are looking into expanding into either the Philippines, Thailand or Hong Kong by mid-next year,” said Vinod Nair, Founder and CEO of MoneySmart.sg.

He noted that in the Philippines, Internet penetration is still quite immature compared to Hong Kong while Thailand is in between.

The funds are expected to give the company a runaway of 12 to 18 months. After which, it plans to raise a Series B round.

Founded in October 2009 as SmartLoans.sg, the site allowed Singaporean users to compare and apply for home loans. Nair then went on to launch several independent niche sites for comparing credit cards and insurance packages.


「私たちは、来年半ばまでにフィリピン、タイ、あるは香港への進出を検討しています」 とMoneySmart.sgの創立者で最高経営責任者のVinod Nair氏は述べた。


SmartLoans.sg として2009年9月に設立したサイトで、シンガポールのユーザは住宅ローンの比較や申し込みができる。Nair氏はその後、クレジットカードや保険パッケージ商品の比較ができるいくつかの独立したニッチなサイトのローンチに取り掛かった。

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

“You can’t rely on just a single product vertical,” he said, expounding on the failure of his first startup, a real estate search engine. “You need to diversify and not rely on one product vertical if you want to be sustainable [business model].”

Nair, unfazed by the failure of his first venture, poured his whole savings of SG$5,000 (US$3,500) six years ago into founding SmartLoans.sg. For about one and a half years, it saw a healthy revenue growth with users taking up home loans through the site, before hitting an obstacle – property cooling measures that caused a significant drop in property sales.


「単一製品垂直統合にだけ頼ることはできません」 と初めてのスタートアップとなった不動産検索エンジンの失敗談を詳しく解説しながら同氏は述べた。「持続可能な(ビジネスモデル)でありたければ、多角化を図り、一つの製品垂直統合に頼るべきではありません」


hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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“We were no longer cash flow positive, and our tiny reserves that we had built up over the months to fund expansion were quickly being bled dry. Thankfully, the very supportive people at NUS Enterprise offered to extend us a loan of SG$55,000 (US$35,800), which helped us see through some very tough times,” explained Nair.

Nair then sought to diversify the portfolio of services to generate more streams of revenue, launching SmartCredit.sg and SmartInsurance.sg to target the personal loans, credit cards and car insurance market, before starting MoneySmart.sg.


ありがたいことに、NUS Enterpriseの全面的に支援してくれる人たちが私たちに、5万5000シンガポールドル(3万5,800米ドル)の融資を提供してくれました。そのおかげで私たちは非常に厳しい苦難を乗り切ることができたのです」 とNair氏は説明した。


hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

“We started our blog because we wanted to educate and engage our audience more frequently. After all, all people didn’t need to come back to our site after they made a decision and we thought that content would be a great way to reach out to a new audience,” said Nair.

He admitted that it was not entirely smooth sailing and that the startup experienced difficulty seeking seed funding.

“We were swimming against very strong currents. Our blog had hardly any traffic and we were not able to secure any commercial partnerships for the new product verticals we launched. Financial institutions were not fully online nor did they see it as a major channel,” he recounted.


「私たちは閲覧者を教育しもっと頻繁に関わりたいと思いブログを始めました。結局のところ、すべての人が決定を下した後に私たちのサイトに戻る必要はありませんでした。それで私たちは、コンテンツは新しい閲覧者に接触する素晴らしい方法だろうと思いました」 とNair氏は述べた。


「私たちは非常に強い流れに逆らって泳いでいました。私たちのブログにはほとんどアクセスはなく、ローンチした垂直市場向けの新製品に対する商業パートナーを確保することができませんでした。金融機関は完全にオンライン化されておらず、オンライン化を主要なルートとは見ていませんでした」 と同氏は詳しく述べた。