年末年始 休業日のお知らせ平素より唐津市ふるさと会館アルピノをご愛好いただき、厚く御礼申し上げます。誠に勝手ながら、年末年始の各施設で下記の日程で休業とさせていただきます。大変ご迷惑をお掛けしますが、ご理解、ご確認いただきますようお願いいたします。1階 物産展示場 1月1日2階 唐津焼総合展示場 12月29日~1月1日3階 お食事処「からつ」12月30日夜~1月1日佐賀牛の取扱をはじめましたお歳暮シーズン到来し、アルピノでも佐賀牛の取扱をはじめました。
Year-end through New Year HolidaysWe deeply appreciate your constant patronage to Karatsu City Furusato Hall arpino.Our facilities will be closed during the following days from the year-end through New Year.Please check them out. We are sorry about the inconvenience.1st floor Local products exhibition January 1st2nd floor Karatsuyaki exhibition December 29th through January 1st3rd floor Restaurant “Karatsu” December 30th evening through January 1stWe have started to sell Saga Beef.Arpino has started to sell Saga Beef for the year-end gift season.
The work estimate has arrived from M. Please check it out.I would like you to decide how many color samples to make, considering the following estimates.Character AThis time, existing products will be copied and used to make original molds for mold making.*cost for adjusting molds (cost for adjusting shrinking and distortion of the product caused by copying)*cost for silicon mold building*cost for product replication (without coloring)*cost for product coloring*The estimate for Character B was calculated based on Character A’s estimate, therefore, the cost may be higher or lower by 10% depending on how the shape and color of the character is complicated.If you can place an order today or tomorrow, we will be able to deliver them by the date you wished.
1. I am sorry but I failed to use the in-house regular mail to send the receipts to you. I sent it in an envelop using regular postal mail instead. I remember scanning all the receipts before sending them. I will send all of the receipt later in JPG data using hightail.2. I am sorry for the delay in responding to you. Thank you for the second and the third estimates of the product.I checked with the South American office. According to them, they will make a decision regarding the second and the third after they see the sales trend of the first, which will arrive in stores this month. We will use the estimates as a material to refer to when considering the profitability of the business. I will let you know when they start to think about ordering the second and the third.
長文、そして一方的で個人的な内容にも関わらず、読んで下さりありがとうございました。 このInstagramでの交流は、孤独だった私に、とても大きな愛情と勇気をくれました。 皆さんの温かい言葉、優しさに救われた1年でした。本当にどうもありがとうございます。この公表をもって私達夫婦の新しい人生は始まります。読んで下さり本当にありがとう。皆さんの幸せと健康を心からお祈り致します。 愛と感謝の気持ちを込めて..
Thank you all for reading this very personal writing.I used to be lonely but all the communication here on Instagram have given me lots of love and encouragement.Your warmhearted words and kindness saved me throughout the year.We are at the next starting point in life by thanking you now.I am really thankful for your reading.My very best wishes for your health and happiness. With all our love and gratitude.
Hi!I am sorry that I could not send you a message as my eBay account got temporary suspended for some reason.Now I am emailing from here.Along with what is mentioned above, I noticed that the items cannot be tracked on eBay site.However, please feel safe because your guitar was already shipped.I will send you a URL where you can track the shipment once I return to my office tomorrow.
I wanted to become a Japanese language teacher. I paid a lot money to take a six month Japanese language teachers training program. I finally started to work as a Japanese language teacher so I do not want to quit it next spring. To be honest, I have recently come to think that I want to teach in Japan a little longer. You once told me that if I was not going to the U.S., it would mean that I did not love you. It is not true. Many lovers continue their relationships over the long distance just because they truly love each other. Neither of us have saved a lot of money. Even though you say things should be alright but I do not think so. I am anticipating about our future.
Now the strap pins are the ones made by Schaller.It is very difficult to obtain the original strap pin made in 1981 but current original strap pins are available for change.What do you think about this one?I am looking forward to your reply.
I am wondering if you could post again the following articles whose links are not available any more. I asked iCopyright, who does the rights management of your articles to extend the existing usage period to after December, 2016. Their reply was that articles that were not available any more would not be able to be used so extension would not be possible.This is why I am requesting you to post the articles again.
1.We were previously given a permission to use them for five years. The permission will expire in December. We would like you to allow us to use them either unlimitedly or for another five years.Details are shown below.By the way, I had a telephone conversation with A regarding this issue. This is why cc of this email is to be sent to A.2.Test questions will be given and completed at the test site. The test questions will be collected after the test.
Thank you for taking time to talk with me over the phone the other day.Attached is the document we have regarding the articles by company A and B.We will check in with the original consigner C to see if they have additional documents.We were allowed 5 years to use these 2 articles respectively, which will be by December. We would like you to allow us to use them either unlimitedly or another 5 years.For your information, below is the summary of this matter.
Please let me confirm the content of your reply to make sure if my understanding was right.The following two that are found on the web are allowed to use. However, if company A as the user issues a revised edition, that is, they use them in a way not specified in the condition you gave them, it will call for additional application procedure.The following links have been expired. Therefore, they are unable to be used any longer unless the articles are found in other links provided by the company.
We are expected to do $20,000 in sales monthly.We mainly sell on the Internet but we also have a retail shop in Kashiwabara, Sayama City, Saitama.We currently don’t do Internet sales other than at Amazon but we will think about other options in the future.We don’t have taxpayer identification number, Dun and Bradstreet (D-U-N-S).
おトクなキャンペーンやイベントを紹介。手ぶらでOK! 着付け代無料!竹下通り、明治神宮鳥居前で簡単撮影可能!さらにデータ2枚プレゼント!もれなく足袋をプレゼント!約20分でお着替え完了後、ヘア&メイクアップ。多言語対応可能(中国語、英語)原宿竹下通りにあるおしゃれでかわいい着物のレンタルショップ。普段と違う自分になって、原宿を楽しんでみませんか?
Sales and events will be introduced.Just bring yourself! Kimono dressing for free!Your photos will be taken in front of Meiji Shrine gate on Takeshita street!Get additional 2 data for free.Get complimentary tabi!Kimono dressing will be done in about 20 minutes, followed by hair-set and make-up.Chinese and English available.We are a kimono rental shop on Takeshita street in Harajuku, featuring cute and fashionable kimono.Why don’t you walk around Harajuku dressed up in kimono? Enjoy new you!
May I understand that I can continue to use it unlimitedly?Following 3 articles are the ones that company A wants to continue to use. As far as we know, the first two articles will be expired on December, 2016 and the last one on May, 2017. We would like you to allow them to be used unlimitedly. If it is impossible, we would like you to let us continue to use them for five years.The last one has a link that is disconnected to the website. Attached is the email transactions we had previously regarding the matter.
Attached is the document that was used when we got permission from you last time.Our understanding is that we need to hurry the renewal as we are allowed to use it only until December. I would like you to let us use them unlimitedly, or to let us continue to use them for another five years. As I first told you it is not me that will use the articles but company A. I am just representing for the company.
先月は2回リミットアップをしたのになんで今月2回はしてくれないのですか先月はリミットアップして30日経ってなくてもリミットアップできましたどうして今月はリミットアップできないんですか リミットアップしてくれないと納得できません私はいつも毎月2回づつリミットアップをしています 今月もお願いします私は主に携帯を販売しています平均の価格は$400ですなので全然リミットが足りませんまだまだ売る予定の携帯をたくさん用意してあります商品をご購入有り難うございますお客様に提案があります
Why don’t you give me 2 limit ups while you gave me 2 limit ups last month?Last month, the second limit up was available even though it was not after 30 days of the first limit up.Why can’t you give me a limit up?I do not understand it.I always use 2 limit ups a month.I want to do so this month too.I mainly sell cellphones.The price is at $400/phone on an average.Therefore, I am really running out of the limit.I have prepared cellphones that I am going to sell from now.Thank you for purchasing the item.I have a proposal for you.
Please make the limit up to $300,000 as I am going to sell 100 cellphones a month.If $300,000 is not possible, please raise the limit as high as you can.I demand you to do so.I will give you a 10% discount if you pay me directly by PayPal, not through eBay.I really want to have business with you directly.If you find an item that you want, just email me the item number or the name of the item.In addition, I would like you to ask me any question if you are looking for something in Japan.I will be committed to finding whatever you want.I am looking forward to your reply.
私はこれまで300枚以上のTシャツを購入しました。また御社の歴史を大切にと定価で購入してきました。コダクロームの話題がネットに載る機会も少なくなりました。私はコダクロームを心から愛してやまない人間です。しかし法人の代表として、利益を求められる立場になりました。今回また100枚程度購入したいのですが、できるなら大幅な値引き(50-60% OFF)程度で、購入させては頂けませんか?あなたと我々の、継続したビジネスとなるよう精一杯努力致します。前向きなお返事、お待ちしています。
I have purchased more than 300 T-shirts from you. I have done so at the list price because I valued your company tradition.Less has been talked about Kodachrome on the Internet these days.I cannot help loving Kodachrome.However, now that I am in the position as a representative of a corporate body, I need to seek profits. I would like to purchase about 100 T-shirts again but I am wondering if you could give us a big discount such as 50-60 off the list price.We are committed to try our very best to continue our good business.I am looking forward to your positive response regarding this.
I am living in Japan.Can you make adjustment to this lamp's wiring and socket so that I can use it safely in Japan?Will that require any additional cost?
Thank you for contacting ○○○!Your request has been received and will be reviewed by our staff in the order in whichit was accepted.To add additional comments, reply to this email.Our regular office hours are Monday-Friday 9am-5pm CST.Please allow 1-3 business days to receive a response to yourrequest.For additional information, please visit our Help Center here.
○○○にコンタクトしてくれてありがとうございます!あなたのリクエストは確かに頂いております。そしてそのリクエストを受けた我々のスタッフが順番に対応にあたります。あらたにコメントを追加する場合はこのメールに返信する形でお願いします。私どもの営業時間はアメリカ中部標準時間で月曜日から金曜日の午前9時から午後5時までとなっております。あなたのリクエストに対する返答は、1-3営業日かかると思ってください。ほかの情報についてはこちらのHelp Centerを見てみてください。