Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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About 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

It matters what time of year it is for our best selling items.
They range from bicycle lights and computers to tubes and small parts and accessories.
In the US of course light season is soon because of it getting dark earlier soon.

We can get coleman and many other brands. We can get so many brands it is hard to get a full list but hopefully later this year we will have our online website going with thousands of items. Long time customers like you we can get signed up with better discounts so you can resell as well. I will let you know when we get that going.

In the mean time I will see about getting a list together of brands we carry and can order from.





3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

iPhone 5S Gold Champagne edition scratch test versus iPhone 5

Recently, we managed to get our hands on a prototype version of the backing for the upcoming iPhone 5S gold edition. Because the anodized aluminum was such an issue for the iPhone 5, we decided to see if the new iPhone holds up any better. The results were pretty interesting.

Here you can see us test the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5 with coins (as you might find in your pocket), and we decided to take it to the extreme just to see how much damage we could do between the two devices with a knife. The scratches caused by the coin did virtually no damage to the gold iPhone 5S while they caused quite a problem with the black iPhone 5.


iPhone 5S シャンパンゴールド版 vs iPhone 5 スクラッチテスト

最近、近々発売の iPhone 5Sゴールド版の背面パネルの試作品を何とか手に入れました。 iPhone 5にとって陽極酸化アルミは大変な注目の的であったため、新 iPhoneが少しでも説得力のあるものかどうかを見ることにしました。結果は大変興味深いものでした。

ここで iPhone 5SとiPhone 5を(誰のポケットにも入っているような) コインのスクラッチテストがご覧になれます。私達はナイフで両デバイス間のナイフの傷の程度を出来るだけ正確に見ようと決めました。コインによるスクラッチでは実際、 iPhone 5Sゴールドには全く損傷がない一方、iPhone 5ブラックは著しく傷がつきました。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Antonius arrived and received in person the capitulation of Samosata. Ventidius departed, and in November the Picene, who had been led a captive by Pampeius Strabo fifty-one years before, celebrated in Rome his paradoxical triumph. Ventidius is not heard of again save for the ultimate honour of a public funeral. Sosius took his place as governor of Syria 3 and, accompanied by Herod, proceeded to pacify Judaea. After a tenacious siege Jerusalem surrendered ( July, 37 B.C.). The authority of Rome had been restored. It remained to settle the affairs of the East upon an enduring basis and make war, for revenge, for prestige and for security, against the Parthians.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

That is perfect. I just had a meeting with our head of DigitalSafe and we are making digitalSafe 2.0 for early January 2014. This will completely customize DS. You will be able to customize Categories fully, (you will have a set of selection and you can create your very own category on the spot). We also will have templates and field customization on each Note. This takes DS into a full personalized DigitalSafe. This will be quite amazing.

The amount of work is tremendous and that is why we will work on this from mid September 2013 to January 10th 2014. We strongly believe that this will be a massive success. This satisfies more than the needs of your potential clients.


それで大丈夫です。DigitalSafeのトップとの打ち合わせがあったばかりで、2014年1月初めを目指して、digitalSafe 2.0を作成しています。これは完全にカスタマイズされたDSです。カテゴリーを完全にカスタマイズできるようになります(選択のセットがあって、自分だけのカテゴリーを即座に作れるようになります)。各注にはテンプレートとフィールド最適化がつきます。これによりDSは完全にパーソナライズされたDigitalSafeになります。そうなったら本当にすごいです。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

A quality control employee at Pegatron posted the picture above to her Weibo profile (gone now), appearing to show a large amount of iPhone 5Cs in testing mode, as noted by Nowhereelse/Engadget. The following quote was attached to the image:

“The low-end iPhone 5C to be launched for Chinese consumers in September doesn’t look much different than the Xiaomi Phone 2, right?”

It’s odd that the manufacturer does not have a better setup for testing the devices, but Engadget notes that this kind of testing setup has been seen before during factory tours.

The phone looks the same as other leaked components and mockups, and we expect it to be announced by Apple at their September 10th event.


Pegatron社の品質管理担当者が自分のWeiboのプロフィールページに投稿(削除済み)した上記画像にはNowhereelseやEngadgetが報道したように、テストモードの iPhone 5Cが大量に写っています。以下の引用は画像についていたものです。

「9月に中国の消費者向けに発売される低価格iPhone 5CはXiaomiの Phone 2とそれほど違わないように見えますよね。」



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The US post offices requested that I contact them in two days and they will manually trace from the last place it was scanned to track the package. For some reason it was not scanned yet at the sorting facility in Japan. I doubt that the item was lost so I am sure it will show up.

In dealing with items for close to 40 years i have only lost a package once. The post office told me that sometimes they get delayed. They acknowledge receiving it and scanning it at the facility here. If it is truly lost I will pay for it but first we must track it down. i am worried as it would be sad to lose a piece of history but hopefully that is not the case.


