Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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About 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

In a research note obtained by AppleInsider, Kuo said he expects Apple's iPad business to transition late in quarter three with component shipments and initial assembly of the "iPad 5" and "iPad mini 2." The analyst is quick to note, however, that the new iPads' build schedule likely preclude the tablets from being unveiled at Apple's Sept. 10 media event.

The late refresh cycle for the iPad 5 is due to a rumored redesign that will bring the device more in line with the existing iPad mini. These changes will affect mass production, which won't happen until quarter four, Kuo said.The analyst also predicts the iPad 5 to boast TDD-LTE support, a somewhat exotic cellular protocol used by China Mobile.



iPad 5の更新サイクルが遅いのは、デバイスを既存のiPadミニに一層近づけるよう再設計しているためだと言われています。この変更は大量生産に影響し、第4四半期までは生産されないだろう、とクオ氏は述べています。また、クオ氏はiPad 5が中国のモバイルに使用されているややエキゾチックな携帯電話プロトコルTDD-LTEをサポートしたものになると予測しています。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

As for the second-generation iPad mini, Kuo expects the tablet to have a Retina display and next-generation "A7X" processor, which will also be used in the iPad 5. The extra horsepower is needed to drive the high-resolution screen, Kuo said, though it is unclear if the system-on-chip will be under clocked to preserve battery life.

According to the analyst, Apple pulled in the launch timeline for the "iPad mini 2" to contend with an expected range of competing small form factor tablets using high-resolution displays. This suggests the company's original plan was to debut the second-gen device in 2014.


第2世代 iPad ミニについて、クオ氏はタブレットがレティーナ画面とiPad 5にも使用されている次世代A7Xプロセッサーを搭載するだろうと見込んでいます。高画質のスクリーンを駆動するには大変な処理能力が必要だが、バッテリーの寿命を保つためのSOC(システムオンチップ)が搭載差れるかどうかは不明だと同氏は述べています。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Octavianus soon found it advisable or necessary to make war upon Sex. Pompeius. He invited Antonius to come to Italy for a conference in the spring of the year 38. Antonius arrived at Brundisium, but not finding his colleague there, and being refused admittance to the town, he departed at once, alleging pressure of Parthian affairs: by letter he warned Octavianus not to break the peace with Pompeius. Octavianus, persisting, incurred ruinous disaster ( 38 B.C.) and had to beg the help of Antonius, sending Maecenas on a mission to Greece. Antonius, who wished to have his hands free of western entanglements and needed Italian legionaries for his own campaigns, agreed to meet his colleague.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

●In the home country Brazil SOBRAL is a well-known brand of fashion jewelry and fun home accessories for decades. Meanwhile the extravagant resin jewellery has been conquering the European and North American market.The only previous exclusive SOBRAL-Store in Germany since 2007 is in Heidelberg.

Centrally located in the much frequented historic part of the city, the store always presents the latest collections which inspire fashion conscious customers from all over the world!

Visit us in Heidelberg or get your favorite Sobral piece subscribing our 'Carta Sobral' and ordering it exclusively from our shop via Internet!


本国ブラジルでは 数十年前からSOBRALは、奇抜なファッションジュエリーとインテリア雑貨ブランドとして知られています。一方で、派手な合成樹脂のジュエリーはヨーロッパや北米市場を席巻しつつあります。既存のSOBRALの専門店は2007年からドイツにあるハイデルベルグ店のみです。



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi - I have today received a notification from Customs to say they want to
deliver my parcel, but that I have to pay £73.58 charges from Border Force
on behalf of HM Revenue and Customs before they will deliver the item to me.

There was no mention of this when I ordered the goods - I assumed as there
was no notification, that the high price paid for the Johnny Depp Model was
inclusive of all delivery charges.

Please can you confirm for me and give me instruction as to what to do next.
I cannot really afford to pay an additional £73.58 on top of the price of
the item - this makes it a very expensive gift indeed.

Thanks for your response in advance.




商品を注文した時点でこれに関する説明はありませんでした。Johnny Deppモデルに支払った高価な価格には一切の配送手数料が含まれているという通知はなかったため、手数料支払いを引き受けました



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

3. We are aware of the world's cultural and religious diversity. Each
culture represents a universe in itself and yet it is not closed. Cultures give
religions their language, and religions offer ultimate meaning to each culture.
Unless we recognize pluralism and respect diversity, no peace is possible.
We strive for the harmony which is at the very core of peace.

2. We face a crisis which could bring about the suicide of the human
species or bring us a new awakening and a new hope. We believe that peace
is possible. We know that religion is not the sole remedy for all the ills of
humanity, but it has an indispensable role to play in this most critical time.



2. 我々は人類の自滅をもたらすか、新たな覚醒と希望ともたらすかの二者択一の危機に直面しています。我々は平和の実現は可能だと考えます。我々は宗教は人類の諸悪に対する唯一の救済策ではなく、現在の最も重大な時期において果たすべき役割をもつものであることを知っています。

3_yumie7 Japanese → English
Original Text





Japan Exhibition authentication Council announced on August 22 that they will partially amend the current system about the investigation method of "Third-party Certification System relating to the exhibition statistics" and the period of use of certification mark from September1.

The operation of "Third-party certification system relating to the exhibition statistics" was started from the fiscal year 2012 for the propose of providing highly transparent and reliable statistics and informations about exhibitions as a system to prove that the figures(number of visitors, number of exhibitors, exhibit area) announced by exhibition organizers are based on definitions and indicators set forth in the guidelines.

However, the authentications in the first year are 4 companies and 8 cases.

3_yumie7 Japanese → English
Original Text


正社員x名の時間管理や賃金・賞与の管理、社員の能力・意欲を最大限に引き出すインセンティブ・プランの企画(賞与枠の透明化、社員持株会制度の導入、マネジメント会議の議事録の共有 )、労使関係管理(従業員個々人の不満対策)を行う



As a result, the quality of applicants and the informal appointment rate have improved and the employees' joining pace goes up from one in every six months to one in every three months.

We have carried out labor time, wages and bonuses management of x official employees, the incentive plan to maximize the potential and the willingness of employees(the transparency of bonus frame, the introduction of employees' stock ornership system, the share of management meeting ) and employer-employee relationship management( mesures against complaints of each employee) .

As a, we also superintended around x non-public companies of x industry, analysed business models by verifying the similarity of ventures existing in the country and made out the search report.

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Following recent photos of Apple's alleged iPhone 5C shown in its packaging,as well as the quick-start guide,SIM eject tool and other paperwork to be included in the packaging,several more photos and a video have surfaced showing similar devices and packages.

First,Chinese site iApps.im has shared two new photos,one showing a blue iPhone 5C partially unpackaged and a second showing yellow, blue and white iPhone 5C units in their packages.

The first video of an alleged fully assembled, powered on iPhone 5C has also surfaced on Chinese technology blog C Technology.The 50-second video shows a red,plastic device running what appears to be Safari on iOS7,with pinch-to-zoom capabilities as well as responsive scrolling.


Appleの iPhone 5Cと思われるパッケージに示されていた最近の写真、また「クイックスタートガイド」、SIMカード取り出しツール、その他のパッケージに含まれる書類に続いて、さらに何枚かの写真や動画が明るみになりましたが、これを見ると同様のデバイスとパッケージが示されています。

まず、中国のウェブサイトiApps.imが2枚の新しい写真を提供しました。1枚はパッケージの一部を出しているブルーのiPhone 5C、もう1枚はパッケージに入ったイエロー、ブルー、ホワイトのiPhone 5Cセットの写真です。

完全に組み立てられ、電源の入った iPhone 5Cの初動画も、中国の技術ブログCTechnologyにお目見えしました。50秒の動画には、ピンチズーム機能やレスポンシブスクロール機能のついたプラスチック製の赤いデバイス上に、サファリと思われるブラウザが iOS7版で駆動している様子が映し出されています。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The shape and two-tone color of the phone are consistent with previous leaks, although the low-resolution video and lack of any views other than from the front make it difficult to assess whether it is indeed a legitimate iPhone 5C or another device wrapped in a colored bumper or shell.

Finally, C Technology has also posted a solo photo showing a green iPhone 5C in its packaging, in line with other photos from the past few days although without a sticker illustrating the iOS 7 home screen on a color-matched background.

Apple's iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S are both expected to be revealed at a media event on September 10, with the two new devices expected to be released in the first wave of markets on September 20.


同機の形状やツートンカラーは以前の流出画像と一致していますが、低画質の動画や正面以外の部分が全く見えないことから、これが本当に正真正銘の iPhone 5C なのか、色つきの緩衝装置やケースに入った別のデバイスなのか判断が難しいところです。

最後に、C Technologyは、この数日間に投稿された他の写真と共に、パッケージ入りのグリーンのiPhone 5Cの単独写真も投稿しています。ステッカーはついていませんが、背景の色を合わせて iOS 7のホーム画面を示しています。

AppleのiPhone 5C、iPhone 5S両機は9月10日のマスコミ向けイベントで発表されると見られており、新しい2機の発売第1弾は 9月20日になると見込まれています。