Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

4.9 28 reviews
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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) French English Spanish
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → French
Original Text

If you have any questions please feel free to ask us anything.
We hope you will able to receive your item asap.

Thank you so much.


Thank you for your message.
Before shipment so we can accept your cancellation request.
We will cancel your order soon.

Unfortunately, you has canceled this order but we are looking forward to your order again in the future.

Did you receive Delivery Notification from postal office of your country when you were absence?
Currently your item has been kept in nearby Post Office.

Tracking Status:

Please ask to re-delivery as soon as possible because they will start to return your item to Japan within 5-10 days.
Before then we would like you to receive your lovely item in safely.


Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à nous demandez.
Nous souhaitons que vous receverez votre marchandise la plus rapide possible.



Merci pour votre message.
Nous pouvons accepter votre demande d'annulation avant de livraison.
Nous annulerons votre commande bientôt.

Malheureusement vous avez annulé la commande cette fois-ci, mais nous esperons que vous allez comander notre marchandise dans l'avenir.

Est-ce que vous avez reçu la notification du buereau de Poste de votre pays pendanat votre absence ?
Maintenant, votre marchandise est gardé dans le bureau de poste le plus proche

État d'avancement de livraison:

Veuillez demander la réexpédition la plus rapide possible, car ils commençons de renvoyer votre marchandise au Japon de 5 à 10 jours.

Nous voulons que vous receverez avant votre belle marchandise sans incident.

3_yumie7 English → French
Original Text

Thank you for your order.

We are very sorry but the item you ordered includes a lithium-ion battery and
we found that we cannot send packages including lithium-ion batteries to France.

If you want to have us send the item without the lithium-ion battery, we will ship it except the lithium-ion battery included in its package.

In that case, you will need to purchase separately the lithium-ion battery "LI-90B" in your country.

If you do not want to have us send the item without the lithium-ion battery,
we are terribly sorry, but we will be canceling your order.
You will be refunded automatically through the Amazon system shortly.

Please let us know which way you want us to proceed.

We are looking forward to your response.


Nous vous remercions pour votre commande.

Nous regrettons de vous infromer que la marchandise que vous avez commandé contient une pile au lithium-ion et nous trovons que ne ne pourrons pas envoyer des colis qui contient des piles au lithium-ion en France.

Si vous voulez que nous vous envoyez la marchandise sans la pile au lithium-ion, nous vous l'expedierons sans inclure la pile au lithium-ion dans le colis.

Dans ce cas-là, vous devez acheter à part une pile au lithium-ion "LI-90B" dans votre pays.

Si vous ne voulez pas que nous vous envions la marchandise sans la pile au lithium-ion,
nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que nous sommes obligé d'annuler votre commande.

Vous serez remboursé automatiquement par le system d'Amazon prochainement.

Veuillez nous faire savoir laquelle manière vous voulez que nous procédons.

Dans l'attente de votre réponse, nous vous prions de recevoir l'expression de nos sentiments respectueux.

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

• For your protection, all orders are subject to billing verification.
• If we need additional information to verify billing identity, we will contact you by email.
• We email tracking as soon as your order ships.
• Your order may arrive in multiple shipments; you will not be charged extra.
• Shipping charges for the entire order are billed on the first shipment.

If you've already created an account, login to My Account to view your order status.

I have reprocessed your return and set up a new exchange for you. You may receive notification that your order was cancelled. This is normal.

You will receive confirmation by email shortly and then a tracking number once it ships.



すでにアカウントをお持ちの場合は、お客様のご注文の状況はMy Account にログインされましたらご覧になれます。



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your purchase and your interest in becoming a distributor in Japan.
As you know we sell our product on Amazon.co.jp, but I would like you to know that we have been looking for someone to be our distributor/re-seller in Japan, I must say it is your lucky day, also I find this very fortunate that you have expressed interest as well.
We need someone who speaks Japanese and can handle day to day question and answers, you can do it on your own terms and as your own company, we will sell you products at a discounted rate and you simply re-sell them and make some money in the process.

We have large stock of all products, so you will never have to worry about stock.




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

If the player is discontinued we will let you know how many units is still left. For example Pioneer 150 has been discontinued we have 144 units left in stock, after that thee is no more pioneer 150. But they will have a new model from Pioneer like BDP-160.

We can discuss special pricing for you on any of our products or on all of our products, you decide the more you buy the bigger the discount. I do not know anything about you or if you own a company or if you have any presence in USA, perhaps we can meet? I do not know anything so please tell more information about you and your company if you have one. We are looking forward to future contact and prosperous business relationship with you.


プレイヤーが製造中止の場合は、いくつ残っているかお知らせします。例えばPioneer 150 は製造中止で弊社には140ほど在庫があり、その後pioneer 150はもう在庫切れですが、PioneerからBDP-160のような新モデルが出ます。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The Maecenas present along with two other Etruscans, M. Perpema and C. Tarquitius, at the banquet where Sertorius was murdered is presumably a member of this family.
Agrippa was the same age to within a year as Octavianus.
It was in truth what in defamation the most admirable causes had often been called a faction: its activity lay beyond the constitution and beyond the laws. Neither is the fate of the private fortune of Caesar the Dictator and the various state moneys at his disposal. Antonius is charged with refusing to hand over money due to Caesar's heir perhaps unjustly.His own patrimony he was soon to invest 'for the good of the Commonwealth'-and much more than his patrimony.


Maecenas一家が他の2人のエトルリア人M. Perpema、C. Tarquitiusと共にSertoriusが殺害された祝宴の場にいたということは、おそらくこの一家の一員であったのだろう。
最も尊敬に値する理念がしばしばファクションと呼ばれてきたことは、実際何という不名誉なことだっただろう。その活動は憲法や法律を超えたところにあった。独裁者 Caesarの私財や彼が自由に使えた様々な国庫による結果でもない。AntoniusはCaesarの相続人のせいで、金を譲渡するのを拒否したとしておそらくは不当に起訴されている。彼自身が世襲した財産は、自分の財産という以上に「公共の利益のために」すぐに投資することになった。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

No other authority gives ' Salvius' as his name: had he taken to latinizing the alien gentilicium? or else ' Salvius' is a cognomen.
Q. Pedius had been legate in Gaul and proconsul in Hispania, after which last command he triumphed. Pinarius, otherwise unknown, was a general at Philippi and probably the same person as the Antonian Pinarius Scarpus.Of another relative of Octavianus, Appuleius,the husband of his half-sister.
Before long a very different character turns up, Maecenas.His family could not be stripped of their ancestors-Octavianus' friend was of regal stock, deriving his descent on the maternal side from the Cilnii, a house that held dynastic power in the city of Arretium from the beginning.


Q. Pedius はGaulの総督代理、Hispaniaの地方総督を歴任し、その後最後に指揮を取って勝利した。他の面では無名なPinariusはPhilippiの将軍で、おそらくAntonia派のPinarius Scarpusと同一人物だろう。Octavianusの他の親戚には母親違いの妹の夫Appuleiusがいる。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

We are not sure what day that is going to be yet but we will definitely be there that following week between May 20-28.
I will be in touch with you in the next couple weeks as we get closer.

On a happier note....
We can spend as much time as we want with you, we have no schedule.
But we also don't want you to go out of your way to do anything special.
We just want to hang out and relax with everyone.
Because we are flying standby on Hiromi's airline pass, we are still trying to figure out when we can fly out to Tokyo.
I may try to get there sooner. I am flying direct from Boston to Tokyo and plan to meet up with Kazuko.
It's very complicated right now.
I will let you know as we get closer


