France’s RoboCARE bets robots can keep elderly healthy and teach the French to speak better English
TOULOUSE, France — Robots may not yet be able to experience emotion, but one French company believes that they can be used to improve connections between humans in areas such as health care and education.
RoboCARE Lab, a company based in Toulouse, France, has launched an ambitious campaign to place robots in nursing homes and schools across the country. The hope is that these robots will help the elderly remain in closer contact with family while stimulating their memories and raising their spirits for improved long-term health.
トゥールーズに拠点を置く企業RoboCARE Labは、国中の老人ホームや学校にロボットを配置するという意欲的なキャンペーンをローンチした。その目論見は、これらのロボットが、高齢者の記憶を刺激し長期にわたる健康改善に高齢者のやる気を起こさせる助けとなると同時に、高齢者が家族と連絡をより緊密に保つ助けとなることである。
In French schools, which have struggled at times to effectively teach English, the robots would provide extra help for teachers and motivation for students. There are also plans to develop a French curriculum with robots to help autistic children learn social skills and empathy.
Naturally, in a country like France, which at times has a contentious relationship with innovation, the founders of the company are proceeding with some caution. But in the long run, they believe this new technology could have a positive impact on France, and eventually the world.
“This is something we think can be used to reach older people and younger people as well,” said Faissal Houhou, who cofounded RoboCARE with Dominique Blasco. “And we think France is ready for something like this.”
As the founders have been touring with their robots to discuss the company’s plans, they’ve certainly generated tremendous attention from the French media.
At the moment, RoboCARE uses two different robots. The first is called Milo, and is built by Texas-based RoboKind. Milo’s face becomes animated when he speaks, and he makes small gestures and motions as he communicates.
現在の所、RoboCAREは2台のロボットを使用している。一つはMiloと呼ばれるロボットで、アメリカのテキサス州を拠点にする RoboKindによって制作された。Miloの顔は、話す時に生き生きとした表情を見せ、交信しながらちょっとしたしぐさをしたり簡単な動きをみせる。
Milo is used to lead group games, including memory quizzes, and group exercises or singing activities to keep nursing home residents engaged.
Fred Margolin, chief executive of RoboKind, said his company has been working on Milo for several years now. In the process, they’ve taken a robot that originally cost $35,000 to build and shrunk the cost to under $6,000, making it more affordable for industries that need widespread deployment.
In the U.S., RoboKind has focused on developing the robots for use with autistic children through a program called Robots4Autism. He’s hoping RoboCARE will create a French version of that curriculum, which is massive in terms of the scope of its content and lessons.
RoboKindの最高責任者Fred Margolin氏曰く、RoboKindはここ数年間Miloに取り組んでいるという。プロセスにおいて、同社は本来製作するのに3万5000米ドルかかるロボットを1台買い、コストを6000米ドル以下に縮小したので、幅広く展開する必要のある産業とってロボットはより買いやすくなった。
RoboCAREのチーフエグゼクティブのFred Margolin氏は彼の会社でがMiloに数年携わっていると述べた。その中で彼らははじめは3万5千米ドルかかった製造費を広く展開する必要がある業界にとってさらに手ごろな値段にするためコストを6千米ドルにまで縮小させた。
RoboKindの最高責任者Fred Margolin氏は、自身の会社が、ここ数年間、Milo(ミロ)に携わっていると語った。その過程で彼らは、元々35,000米ドルだった製作コストを、6,000米ドル以下に削減した。これにより、幅広い展開を必要とする業界にとって、より手頃なものとなった。
RoboKind is also working on finding ways to get Milo into U.S. nursing homes, and Margolin said the company believes the robot can be effective in helping to delay the early effects of dementia. He’s optimistic RoboCARE in France will pave the way for a broader international market, and has been impressed with the company’s progress.
“I seems like RoboCARE has really taken the ball and run with it,” Margolin said.
Starting next year, Milo will also be used in a school in Picardy, France to assist with teaching English. It can be challenging to find teachers, particularly at the elementary school level, who are qualified and capable of effectively teaching English, Houhou said. He hopes educators will embrace Milo as a new teaching tool.
The other robot used by RoboCARE is a telepresence machine from Suitable Technologies. This is also being tested by two Toulouse-area nursing homes.
This robot is a computer monitor on a stand with wheels. Family members who can’t afford to make regular visits can book time online with the robot, and then control it from their own computer.
RoboCAREによって使われている他のロボットはSuitable Technologiesのテレプレゼンス機だ。これもToulouseエリアの介護施設にてテストされた。
これとは別にRoboCAREが利用しているロボットが、Suitable Technologiesのテレプレゼンスマシンだ。これもまた、トゥールーズ地域にある2つの老人ホームでテストが行われている。
Houhou said the system provides big advantages over basic Skype video chats or phone calls. The fact that the robot can follow a resident around often leads to longer calls and interactions. And in many cases, residents may not be capable of using a computer or holding a phone for extended periods.
More importantly, whether its Milo or the telepresence robot, Houhou says the robots create a more enhanced feeling that the person is closer.
“The robot is a presence,” Houhou said. “You are not there, but it feels more like a real person.”
さらに重要なことに、HouhouはMiloか他のtelepresence robotがより人々を近くにいるという感覚をより高められると思っている。