Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Moods are a part of human nature. There is no logic to it, they are simply em...

Original Texts
喜怒哀楽とは人間の本質である。理屈ではなく感情そのものである。感情が共感でもって増幅されるが故に人間関係が重要視されるのだ。人と人との間には論理以上に感情が支配をし、単体では成立しない。だから口コミは常に女性から始まるのである。女性の素晴らしさは例え理性的で聡明感があっても、その底流には燃えたぎる感情があるからこそなのである。 社会生活に「感情」の二文字を当てはめるとすべてが動き始める。経営や事業等の成果は取組む己の感情に全て支配されているといっても過言ではない。
Translated by yakuok
Moods are a part of human nature. There is no logic to it, they are simply emotions. Emotions can be grown with sympathies, therefore, human relations are regarded as important. Emotions dominate between people more than morals do, they do not come into existence as a stand-alone. As such, gossips are usually passed around by word of mouth of women. The wonderful part of women is that, even if they are rational and wise, there is this burning passion in the depth running through women. Everything will start moving when a word "emotions" is applied to social life. It is not too much to say that the results of management and business are dominated by emotions of a person who is engaged to work on them.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour
yakuok yakuok