[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] ICTのイベントでは、エネルギッシュな女性達に出会い、今までにない体験をしました。 また、せっかくスピーカーとして呼んでもらったにもかかわらず、話をあまり...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は sweetshino さん romensakura さん trabox061 さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 12件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1383文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 2時間 2分 です。

emikoによる依頼 2012/05/25 02:25:47 閲覧 1938回
残り時間: 終了


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 03:19:09に投稿されました
I've met some of energetic girls at the event. I have never experienced something like that before.
In fact, I was afraid that I might not be a good help for you since I was not able to do long enough speech even though I was invited as a speaker.
Then, I was very encouraged by your email.
I would like to write something about my experience.
Japan is a society that traditional role allocation is embedded.
It is not very common that Japanese women have doubt about this gender segregated practice.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 03:08:57に投稿されました
At the ICT event, I met energetic wemen and had special experiences I've never had before.
At the same time, I was feeling sorry about my participation. I was afraid that my contribution was insufficient since I couldn't speak that much in spite of the role as a speaker.
It was at that time I received your e-mail, which encouraged me a lot.
I'll write about my experiences by this e-mail.
In Japan, traditional gender roles are established and Japanese women generally don't have doubts about such sexist practices.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 03:29:24に投稿されました
I got new experience to meet energetic ladies at ICT event.
Since I did not provide many stories, I felt sorry about my less contribution as a guest speaker.
So, Your E-mail really encouraged me.
I would like to tell you about my experience.
In Japan, traditional gender roles are entrenched in the society.
Japanese women rarely put question these gender discriminative customs.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 03:26:07に投稿されました
It would be hard for them to realize there is an issue about gender gap.
Medias around us are biased.
There are little information about many women who are successful in various fields and how biased Japan is comparing to rest of the world.
Japanese women are used to live in such society, where only limited information is provided.
Typical role models are idols or hostess, who is obedience and manipulated by media, or your mother who was raised just like us.
I have been building my career in game industry.
sweetshino- 12年以上前
英語ではここでのホステスとはかなり違う意味合いでとられる可能性が高いと思いましたので、hostessの部分をserving girlに変更してください
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 04:13:28に投稿されました
It is difficult just to realize gender gap problems.
Accessible media are biased.
They seldom give information about women active in verious areas, and about how much Japan is biased from the point of view of the world.
Japanese women are familiar with the society filled with such biased information since childhood.
The only roll model of them is an image of obedient women such as an idle or a bar girl, which is imprinted by media, or their mother who had grown up in the same way.
I have built my career in the field of game.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 03:39:49に投稿されました
Gender gap issue is difficult to be recognized.
Mass media surrounding us is tendentious.
We see few information about active women in various fields and how much Japan's society is deflected comparing to other countries.
Japanese women grow up and become familiar with the society full of that kind of information.
Dutiful idols and hosteses imprinted by media or their own mother whom grew up in the same environment are the only role models.
I built up my career in game industry.

例えばあきらかに少女をターゲットにした、魅力的にデコレーションしたシンデレラに例えたゲームが、 業界の大手の会社からリリースされました。しかし、これはホステスシミュレーションゲームです。

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 03:35:33に投稿されました
What I became realized are there are similar messages in game, manga, drama, and movies as well.
The images of obedience idols and hostess that are over decorated in order to make them even more attractive are overflowed.
I am not talking about only simple porn expression.
For example, a game that resemble to a Cinderella, which clearly targeting girl who decorating attractively, released from one of the leading company. However, this is just a serving girl simulation game.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 03:48:24に投稿されました
And I gradually found the same tendentious message imprinted in games, comics, TV dramas, and movies.
We can find well-dressed up attractive dutiful idols and hostesses contains anywhere.
Not only pornography, which is easy to recognize.
For example, major game company released attractively dressed-up Cinderella game way for girls. However, it is a hostess-simulation game.
trabox061- 12年以上前

日本のニュースで、高校生のなりたい職業のランキング上位に、 ホステスが入っているのを知りました。自分が楽しんで働いていた業界が、少女をだまして悪い影響を与えてる部分が多いと気づき、とてもショックを受けました。

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 03:42:41に投稿されました
And, there is no one to against it. We are familiar with a job as a serving girl because many TV, drama, manga introduce it with various decorations.
I recently became to know that one of the top professions that high school girl want to be is a serving girl. I was very shocked with this fact since the industry I've been enjoying working for is responsible for the big part of giving bad influence to those girls.
As my career goes up, I came to realize that there is a glass ceiling that I've never known its existence.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 04:06:18に投稿されました
No one makes an objection. Now people are familiar with hostess job because of dramatized TV programs, dramas, and comics.
I found Japanese news reported hostess was highly ranked in popular job among high school students. I was so shocked to realize a large portion of the game industry, which I had enjoyed working, blundished and harmed girls.
As I developed my career, I got to know glass ceilling I had never imagined.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 03:47:38に投稿されました
Now, I am struggling with the custom of gender role within myself.
There was an episode at ICT event.
My translator was a male from Japan representative association.
However, he did not help me translating on the stage.
Later I heard that no one wanted to take a job of ICT, the event that women is a theme.
This job was going around and around and finally came to him who has no previous translation experience. I have been irritated in many occasions just because I am a woman.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 04:14:54に投稿されました
Now that, I am fighting against gender roles inside of myself.
There was a story at ICT event.
My translator was a gentle man from Japan's delegation.
He did not help me as a translator on stage.
Afterwards, he said as following.
No one is willing to work at ITC and events under the theme of woman.
The position was bounced all over until that translator with no translation experience despatched right before the event start.
I have been always irritated because I am a woman.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 03:53:20に投稿されました
And, I've been feeling lonely since there was no one who is in the same position as me.
It was wonderful experience for me to get to know such wonderful women in the world.
I have manga and gaming skills that I have been developing.
These have a power to carry simple message to young generation.
I would like to create works based on my wonderful experiences as inspiration and share with them.
I am seeking for the place to present these while I am working on the projects, which probably focus on gender issue and culture.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/25 04:27:36に投稿されました
Though I had felt alone, because I did not have any woman in the similar situation in Japan, It was nice to know such wonderful women in the world.
I have skills to present issues in an understandable way to youth through comics and games, cultivated in game industry.
I would like to create and share my works inspried by my onw moving experiences.
I am currently designing them ( most of my works are under theme of gender or culture) and looking for its outlets.



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