翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2012/05/25 03:42:41


日本のニュースで、高校生のなりたい職業のランキング上位に、 ホステスが入っているのを知りました。自分が楽しんで働いていた業界が、少女をだまして悪い影響を与えてる部分が多いと気づき、とてもショックを受けました。


And, there is no one to against it. We are familiar with a job as a serving girl because many TV, drama, manga introduce it with various decorations.
I recently became to know that one of the top professions that high school girl want to be is a serving girl. I was very shocked with this fact since the industry I've been enjoying working for is responsible for the big part of giving bad influence to those girls.
As my career goes up, I came to realize that there is a glass ceiling that I've never known its existence.

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