b) if you are a small company, always invest in niche markets because with an unknown brand it is almost impossible to compete against big brands with big budgets. Today, I see many Japanese developers trying to develop applications for business even though they don’t have business connections. What is worse, many Japanese developers are trying to develop applications for the global audience but the rule of marketing is in order to be successful globally you first have to be successful in your home turf.
So what should startups in Japan do then? In my opinion
1. Instead of developing new apps with unique ideas, they should take successful apps and platforms and localize them in Japan. Rocket Internet has been doing this successfully. Why Japan shouldn’t have a Rocket Internet?
2.They should learn how to make decisions fast and act fast. (E.g. one person would be in charge of making emergency decisions and when issues are labeled as “emergency” or “semi-emergency” that person makes all those decisions by himself/herself)
3.Japanese can successfully work in large groups while this might be tough for Westerners (as we are more ego oriented). Japanese startups should try to merge and collaborate.
3.日本人は大きいグループの中で作業するのに慣れていますが西部不慣れかもしれません(日本と比べると一人でやる作業になれていると思います). スタートアップする日本企業は合併と協業に力をそそぐべきです。
4.They should learn how to save money and outsource. For instance, instead of spending 30 man for patenting an idea or 10 man for renting an office, they can spend 40 man on programming. They can outsource basic programming to “professional coders” who will work for them for 800 yen an hour through http://www.vworker.com/ or https://www.odesk.com
5. They should learn that selling something is more important/difficult than making something. Before writing a code or developing an app they should do market research and see if their friends, parents, relatives would be interested in that product.
5. 日本人は何かを販売することは、それを製造することよりより重要で、また難しいことを知るべきだ。コードを書いたり、アプリを開発する前に、マーケットリサーチをし、友人、両親、親戚などがその製品に興味を持つかどうかを調べるのだ。
They should also forecast the demand in this simple way: go to the Iphone app. market and see how many similar apps there are. Then count how many reviews they have gotten. Consider that in the worst case scenario 1 in 200 people would leave a review. If there are only 5 reviews, that means the app was sold 1000 times max. That means in the best case scenario you will not get enough revenues to pay for your rent.
6. They should focus on the advantages of being in Japan: high smart phone penetration rate, access to AR and QR technologies, established electronics industry and established animation industry. It is better to focus on Japan’s strengths and develop AR, QR, NFC and animation related apps. It is so sad that even though Japan was the leading company in NFC technologies, today most of the NFC apps come from overseas. One particular area of opportunity might be “application + mechanical device” type of new products like this http://www.techinasia.com/beautecam/
7. They should know that according to the law of “diffusion of innovations” no matter how interesting and great their application is , it is not going to take off unless infleuntials, opinion leaders or celebrities use it or talk about it.
8. They should know that there are no “otakus” outside Japan and it’s very rare that people pay money for virtual goods.
9. Instead of studying English, they should study “interpersonal communication.” With good communications they can expand their network and reach more vcs.
10. Instead of studying more programming they should study marketing and the charactersitics of Japanese consumers. Then they can identify successful and unsuccessful startups and develop apps that Japanese people really like.
Adam Car
Associate professor of communication at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies & lecturer of marketing strategy at IUJ. Adam started writing about social media as early as 2005 and is the author of several sns related studies including "the antecedents of social networking behavior" and "Twitter usage during the Great Tohoku earthquake." Adam Acar is also the organizer of marketing Competition Japan the first All-English social media focused competition in Japan.
Adamは2005年からソーシャルメディアに関する執筆を開始、著書には「ソーシャルネットワーク行動の前触れ "the antecedents of social networking behavior"」や「東北大震災中のツィッター使用 "Twitter usage during the Great Tohoku earthquake"」など、ソーシャルネットワークサービスに関するものが複数ある。Adam Acarはまた日本での競争に焦点をあてた、初めての全文英語の社会メディア、 Marketing Competition Japanの創立者でもある。
# 9. の VCS の訳を訂正します。正しくはベンチャー・キャピタルと考えます。従って訂正の訳文は、”より一層ネットワークを拡大できると共に更なる多くのベンチャー・キャピタルに繋がるのである。” となります。