[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] TECHFUND、日本発パブリックブロックチェーンAstar Networkとパートナーシップを締結。Astar関連プロジェクトに対するセキュリティ監査、...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は uchimaki_japan さん steveforest さん setsuko-atarashi さん melonlemon さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 20件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2247文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 2時間 42分 です。

techfundによる依頼 2024/03/31 09:59:49 閲覧 333回
残り時間: 終了

TECHFUND、日本発パブリックブロックチェーンAstar Networkとパートナーシップを締結。Astar関連プロジェクトに対するセキュリティ監査、エンタープライズ領域での新規事業開発をサポート
「起業家の可能性を最大化する!」をミッションに掲げる株式会社TECHFUNDは、⽇本発のパブリックブロックチェーンAstar Networkとパートナーシップを締結しました。

Astar Networkは、世界的にも注目されている日本発のパブリックブロックチェーンです。

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 10:42:52に投稿されました
TECHFUND has entered into a partnership with Japanese public blockchain Astar Network. To Astar related project security scrutiny and enterprise area new enterprise area development are supported
"Entrepreneurs potentiality maximized!" is TECHFUND Co's mission which company has entered into a partnership with Astar Network, which is a Japanese public blockchain.
Astar Network is a Japanese public blockchain attracting world wide attention.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 13:14:33に投稿されました
TECHFUND entered a partnership with Astar Network, a public blockchain from Japan. They will support security audits for Astar-related projects, and new business development in the enterprise field.

TECHFUND set their mission of "Maximize the potential of entrepreneurs!". They has entered a partnership with Astar Network, a public blockchain from Japan.

Astar Network is a public blockchain from Japan that is attracting worldwide attention.

TECHFUNDはAstar Networkと共に、Astar NetworkエコシステムのWeb3プロジェクトのセキュリティ安全性の向上、またAstar Networkを用いたエンタープライズ向けの新規事業開発を両社で相互にサポートしてまいります。
1.Astar Networkエコシステムのセキュリティ安全性の向上をTECHFUNDがサポート

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 11:02:58に投稿されました
TECHFUND supports the improvement of security for Web3 projects on the Astar Network ecosystem and the development of new businesses for companies using the Astar Network together with Astar Network.

Through the partnership with us, we carry out the following two businesses.
1 TECHFUND supports the improvement of the security of the Astar Network ecosystem.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 10:51:30に投稿されました
TECHFUND and Astar Network together will support new entrepreneur developement for enterprises using Astar Network ecosystem Web3project security improvement.
This time's partnership will form the following two business alliances.
1. TECHFUND will support the improvement for Astar Network ecosystem security

TECHFUNDは、発見した脆弱性のレベルと数に応じて最適な監査費用が決定される「成果報酬型Web3セキュリティ監査サービス『Hi AUDIT』」を提供しています。このサービス運営を通してBlockchain・Web3領域のセキュリティ技術や脆弱性発見ノウハウを多く培ってまいりました。

2.Astar Networkを用いたエンタープライズ向けの新規事業開発を両社で相互サポート

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 11:02:33に投稿されました
TECHFUND offers"Hi Audit," a performance-based WEb3 security audit service fee according to the level and number of vulnerabilities discovered. Through this service we will cultivate a lot of know-how of finding Blockchain ・Web3 area security technology and vulnerabilities.

2. Both of companies support new entrepreneur development for entrepreneurs using Astar Network
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 13:35:45に投稿されました
TECHFUND provides a "pay-per-performance Web3 security audit service"called "Hi AUDIT" . It defines its cost according to the level and number of vulnerabilities it found. Through the operation of this service, they have improved a lot of security technology and vulnerability detection know-how in the Blockchain and Web 3 field.

2. Mutual support between the two companies for enterprises in creation of new business by using Astar Network

今回のパートナーシップ締結により、Astar Networkを用いたWeb3プロダクト開発のセキュリティ監査をTECHFUNDが実施することで、Astar Networkエコシステムのセキュリティ面での強力な支援体制を実現してまいります。

Astar Networkには、グローバルで様々なWeb3プロジェクトに選ばれサポートしてきた多くの実績があり、今後その利用シーンを日本の大手企業の新規事業に拡げていくことに注力していく方針を発表しています。

評価 54
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 13:48:55に投稿されました
Through this partnership, TECHFUND will conduct security audits for Web3 product development using the Astar Network, thereby realizing a robust support system for security within the Astar Network ecosystem.

Astar Network has a track record of being selected and supported by various Web3 projects globally, and it has announced its policy to focus on expanding its usage scenarios to new businesses of major Japanese companies in the future.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 11:15:32に投稿されました
Through this partnership, by Web3 product developed security audit carrying out the plan by TECHFUND a strong supporting system will be realized.

Astar Network has many actual results of being selected in various Web3 projects globally, and in the future, the company has made it public to focus on developing the method to major Japanese entrepreneurs' new business projects.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 14:02:39に投稿されました
TECFUND will provide strong support in security for the Aster Network ecosystem by doing security ordit for Web3 product development using Aster Network in their partnership.

Aster Network has many results as they chosen for varios Web3 projects and supported it in worldwide. And their plan is to focus on expanding usage for the Japanese major company's creation of new business.

今回のパートナーシップ締結により、Astar Networkを用いたエンタープライズ向けの新規事業開発を、両社のノウハウを重ね合わせることで相互にサポートしてまいります。

評価 54
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 13:51:20に投稿されました
On the other hand, through its "Corporate Accelerator Business," TECHFUND has been supporting the development of new businesses for over 50 major and listed companies since 2015. Since 2017, TECHFUND has also been proficient in supporting the development of new businesses in the Web3 domain, including hosting acceleration programs in the Blockchain field.
Through the partnership established this time, both companies will mutually support the development of new enterprise businesses utilizing the Astar Network by leveraging their respective expertise.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 11:27:14に投稿されました
On the other hand, TECHFUND has been supporting through "Corporate Accelerator Business," more than 50 major entrepreneurs, new business development for listed companies since 2015. Also, from 2017, such as to open acceleration programs in Blockchain area, we are proud of supporting new entrepreneur support in Web3 areas.
By this partnership conclusion, by using Astar Network, new entrepreneur development for entrepreneurs, we support one another through both companies now-how.

Astar Networkにとって、セキュリティレベルの向上は常に重要なテーマだと認識しております。その中でWeb3のセキュリティ監査に取組むTF社がパートナーエコシステムに加わってくださることを嬉しく思います。
さらに、Astar NetworkはWeb3領域において、日本を代表する先進的なユースケースの創出に尽力しています。こちらブロックチェーン技術の社会実装においても、アクセラレーターとしての経験と専門知識が豊富なTECHFUNDさんとの協業に高い期待値を持っています。

評価 54
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 13:55:03に投稿されました
For Astar Network, we recognize the constant importance of enhancing security levels. We are pleased to welcome TF, which is committed to conducting security audits in the Web3 space, to our partner ecosystem.

Furthermore, Astar Network has dedicated to creating innovative use cases representing Japan in the Web3 domain. In the realm of blockchain technology's societal implementation, we have high expectations for collaboration with TECHFUND, who brings abundant experience and expertise as an accelerator.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 11:42:38に投稿されました
We understand security level progress is an alway important issue for Astar Network. It is a great pleasure for us that TF company engaging in Web3 security audit could join in the Partner Economy.
Moreover, in the domain of Web3, Astar Network is making great effort to create progressive use case representing Japan. This Block Change Technology's social implementation also highly expects to work together with TECHFUND which has a rich specialized experiences as an accelerator.

今後はAstar Japan Labを通じた活発な事業共創や、dApp stakingにリスティングされているスタートアップ等への支援において、TECHFUND社とご一緒できることを楽しみにしております。
Astar Networkエコシステムのセキュリティレベル向上を促すことは、Web3業界にとってだけでなく、これからの日本の未来にとっても重要なことであると確信しています。また、エンタープライズ向けの新規事業開発サポートはTECHFUNDが創業以来強みとしてきた領域です。

評価 54
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 13:57:48に投稿されました
We are looking forward to collaborating with TECHFUND in fostering vibrant business co-creation through Astar Japan Lab and supporting startups listed for dApp staking in the future. We firmly believe that promoting the enhancement of security levels within the Astar Network ecosystem is crucial not only for the Web3 industry but also for the future of Japan.

Also, supporting the development of new enterprise businesses is an area where TECHFUND has demonstrated strength since its inception. We are confident in our partnership's ability to contribute significantly to this aspect.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 12:00:23に投稿されました
In the future, for active business co-creation and dApp staking through Astar Japan Lab, and being listed in such as Start ups support, we are looking forwards to work with TECHFUND company together.
We are certain that promoting to security level up for Astar Network eco-system is an important matter. In addition, new entrepreneur development support for entrepreneurs is a domain that TECHFUND has been strong point since its establishment.

テクノロジーを強みに起業家を応援するアクセラレーターとして、日本発のパブリックチェーンであるAstar Networkをサポートできることを光栄に思います。
Astar Network渡辺さんとは日本のWeb3黎明期から一緒に業界を盛り上げてきた同志であり、「業界の冬」と呼ばれる多くのユーザーが興味を失ってしまう時期を共に何度も乗り越えてきた仲間です。大きな志を共有してきた私たちだからこそ発揮できる強みで、新しい価値を生み出し、この業界や日本の未来に貢献して行きたいと思います。

評価 54
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 14:02:03に投稿されました
We are very honored to be able to support Astar Network, a Japanese public chain, as an accelerator that empowers entrepreneurs leveraging technology.
Mr. Watanabe from Astar Network and I have been comrades in the Japanese Web3 dawn period overcoming multiple instances of what is often referred to as the “industry winter,” during which many users lose interest. With our shared ambitious vision, we aim to create new value and contribute to the future of both this industry and Japan.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 12:14:23に投稿されました
As an accelerator supporting start ups with strong technology, we are proud of supporting Astar Network which is a public chain from Japan.
Mr Watanabe from Astar Network is a comrade working together to raise this field since the dawn of Web3, and over came the period many users lost their interest called "a winder for this business world". With the advantage to show by who got through the hardship with a great hope, we want to contribute to this business world and Japanese future.

Astar Networkを用いたWeb3プロダクトのセキュリティ監査をTECHFUNDが特別価格で実施します。
そのほか、今後Astar Networkに関するハッカソンでの入賞者特典としてセキュリティ監査を無償提供するなど、Astar Networkのコミュニティをセキュリティ面から貢献し、エコシステムを盛り上げる施策を共同で行ってまいります。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 13:45:16に投稿されました
For those Astar-related project members who need security support at a special rate, we at TECHFUND would like to announce the start of the security audit for Web3 products at a special rate using Astar Network.

Apart from this, we also take measures to boost the ecosystem jointly by contributing to the Astar Network community, such as a free security audit as a prize for a hackathon related to Astar Network.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 12:29:53に投稿されました
To those who want Astar related project security audit support at a special price
TECHFUND implements Web3 product security audit used Astar Network for a special price.
In addition, in the future such as providing free security audit as special prize winners at the hackathon for Astar Network, we work together to carry out policy to support Astar Network community in security side and enliven the eco-system.


Astar Networkは、次世代の分散型インターネット「Web3」の社会実装・大衆化を目指すパブリックブロックチェーンであり、日本トップの時価総額とグローバルプレゼンスを有しています。世界を牽引するバイナンスやコインベースなどに投資され、その革新的なテクノロジーと稀有なエコシステムを高く評価されています。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 11:18:56に投稿されました
If your company or project is interested in or considering a security audit, please contact us using the form below. We will contact you shortly.

Astar Network is a public blockchain to pursue the popularity or implementation in society of the distributed model Internet Web3 for the next century, it has a global presence together with a market value as a top of Japan. It is invested by the world's leading Binance and Coinbase and is highly valued as an innovative technology and a rare ecosystem.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2024/03/31 12:42:10に投稿されました
Business firms and projects who are considering the security audit or interested in it, please apply with the following form. Person in charge will contact you later.

Astar Network is public block chain aiming at the next generation of decentralized internet "Web3" social implementation/popularization, and has the top Japanese market capitalization and global presence. It has been invested in world leaders such as Binace and Coinbasse, and has been highly praised for its innovative technology and unique ecosystem.



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