・ Laws of each country
In many countries the laws regarding organ donation and transplant have been determined.
Regarding brain death, there are countries that have laws to determine death by brain death or more specifically countries who have not established those laws, where death by brain death is decided based on the judgment of medical convention or medical association. Regarding the terms for organ donation, of course the will of the donor is the utmost priority but in the case that the donors will is unclear then generally the family of the donor has the ability to accept the transplant (USA, Canada, Australia, etc).
* What about laws in the world?
In many countries, there are laws and regulations regarding the organ donation and transplant.
Regarding the brain death, law provides that brain death as a death in some countries. And, in other countries, law does not provide specific definition, but let medical convention or medical association determine whether a brain death case treats as a death. Regarding the condition of organ transplant, of course, the consent of the person is the top priority. However, it is generally accepted if his/her family can give a permission to donate the organ when the person is unconscious or under the similar condition. (such as USA, Canada, and Australia)
また、ヨーロッパを中心に、「本人が臓器提供を拒否する意思表示をしていなければ、臓器提供が可能」という法律を制定している国もあります(「推定同意」という。スペイン、ベルギー、オーストリアなど)。 なお、世界保健機構(WHO)による「臓器移植に関する指導指針」(1991年5月)では、臓器を提供できる条件は「本人意思が最優先で、不明の場合は遺族の意思による」とされています。
また、献じん移植以外の移植として、 ドナーを直接的な生物学的つながりのある両親(1親等)や兄弟姉妹(2親等)から、対象者を拡大して組織適合性の面では非血縁者となる祖母・祖父(2親等)、オジ・オバ(3親等)、義父母、従兄弟、さらにまったくの非血縁者である配偶者、親族でも遠縁(民法上の親族とは、6親等以内の血族と配偶者、3親等以内の姻族)、親族にもあたらないまったくの他人、家族や意外の者からのドナー提供を許している国もあります。
There are also countries where anyone, a non-relative, can even be authorized and become a living organ donor.
Like this, organ transplants are being performed today in accordance with each country's law.
Today the number of such countries as organ transplantation is legalized in is small, and there exist a very few organizations that can offer the state-of-the art medical technologies and facilities.
Even in such a condition, our support center can present the information about hospitals with reliable technologies and facilities as well as reliable doctors.