[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 〇〇〇2号ロボ、元から9人居るのに新メンバーを2人加えて完成する形になりました。 〇〇〇の方は長物系の変形パターンとしては定番ですが、パキッと中央から折り...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は setsuko-atarashi さん tatsuoishimura さん 3_yumie7 さん itumotennki4 さん tosh さん aromachanbou さんの 6人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 8件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 924文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 57分 です。

[削除済みユーザ]による依頼 2017/05/07 05:30:24 閲覧 2843回
残り時間: 終了


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/05/07 06:24:11に投稿されました
○○○ No. 2 Robo, It added two new members to complete it though there had been nine people from the start.
○○○ is basic for the modified patterns of the long type system, but the sense to bend it with a snap in the center and to build the robot is very interesting, and though it has become less than ○○○, it covers well the arm region replacement and the width of the play with the existing ones broadens.
It may be said a continuation of The last year's, but is an acceptable consideration that I can make ○○○ if I have ○○○ even just singly, perhaps.
Only there is no illuminations gimmick… some may think that way yet.
tatsuoishimura- 7年弱前
「It added」は、「it added」と訂正いたします。
tatsuoishimura- 7年弱前
「The last year's」とは、「the last year's」と訂正いたします。
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/05/07 06:51:54に投稿されました
〇〇〇second robot, we have finished it adding new members to the original 9 members.
〇〇〇 is standard as a deformation pattern of something long, but the sense of assemble a robot by folding it at the front is really interesting and it support the exchange of the arms, so it allow to broaden the way to play.
We can assemble 〇〇〇 just having 〇〇〇 as a single article, which continues since the last year, but I think it is a heartful consideration.
However, perhaps there are users who are not satisfied with the lack of the gimmick of decorative illumination.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/05/07 06:53:53に投稿されました
No.2 Robo, it is now 9 people from the original members, adding two new members to complete the form. Although the person of ◯ ◯ is a standard as a deformation pattern of a long-range system. The feeling of cracks to bend the robot from the center of the body, and rebuilding process is quite interesting. Although it is less arm replacements than ◯ ◯, it corresponds firmly to the arm replacement. It expands the range of play with existing products.
I am glad that deformation pattern have stil been continuing since last year. Even if you have even only a single item, it is good attention to every detail from maker side to combine with items already you have had〇 〇, and it seems a pleasing consideration for a Robo fan.
There might be people who wish to remake electric gimmicks, I guess.
tosh- 7年弱前


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/05/07 06:53:30に投稿されました
As for the issue of deforming pattern and price range, it is seen that mounting is impossible but ◯◯'s inner luminous gimmick will not work.
And ◯◯ is not good. Though when assembled in practice, it is powerful, it is a concern that there is almost no change on ◯◯ side which will be the base. If the arms changes from default, it will become only holding on the back as initially arm replacement was actively done, in addition to that there is no specific basic form on the setting.
Both of them are to some extent interesting if it is a single body, but when super joined, pro and cons are singled.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/05/07 06:58:39に投稿されました
I can guess that it is not possible to feature it due to the problems of deformation pattern and the price range, but the the interior luminescent gimmick become useless...
And as for 〇〇〇.... Well.... assembling it actually, it appears powerful, I worry that there is few change in the 〇〇〇 side, which is the base of the product. Sure, the arms change from the default, but as I actively exchange the arms and there is no basic form when set it up, so it is just a burden... Both products are fun as a single product, but when we join them, it seems that there are pros y cons.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/05/07 06:39:26に投稿されました
I can imagine that it is impossible to install due to the problem of deformation pattern & price range.
But the glow of internal gimmick OO will die.
And OOO.. hmm. It actually is powerful to see it if installed, but after all, there is a point to concern that almost no change on the side OOO that becomes the base. The arm certainly changes from the default, but, since it is originally I am replacing the arm positively, especially the basic form is also not exist due to the setting, it only became on the shoulder.
It is quite fun for both on a stand-alone basis, but it seems that the opinion break apart if I combine it in super-form.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/05/07 06:39:06に投稿されました
◯◯'s second round. As for its effect and ways of playing, as it was experienced at the first round, there was not a big comment especially, there is not luminous gimmick, and so the effect used for ◯◯ better than ◯◯.
However, it is odd that there are 11 but there are only ◯◯ for 10 (In addition to that the release of ◯◯,◯◯ happened on the same day). If it is so my true opinion is that I wanted to be sold for 6 sets adding ◯◯ too.
However, what they will do really with ◯◯'s ◯◯。
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/05/07 06:53:15に投稿されました
The second problem for OOO. The effect and the way to play is already experienced by the first robot.
So there was no great comment. But, since there is no lightening gimmick, the effect of playing is greaterer than OOO.
However, I only have 10 of OOOO while there are 11 robots on sale, and I have a feeling not finished .(moreover, OOO was started to sale on the same day with OOO, I have such a feeling more).To tell the truth, I wanted that OOO was sold within one package of 6 robots.
I wornder what should be done for OOO’s OOO.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/05/07 06:27:52に投稿されました
The◯◯ third round, soon after ◯◯ version was released, the third ◯◯ round was released.
As it is quite ◯◯ in quality, it is able to move waist which was put enthusiasm is as usual.
Because of jointed joints, movement range of thighs are slightly narrow. There is no additional elbow joint at ◯◯. There seem to be a little too perfect (If ◯◯/◯◯'s consideration to too useless, it looks in the whole.)
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/05/07 06:10:17に投稿されました
The third version of 〇〇〇. Just after the release of 〇〇〇 version, the third version of 〇〇〇 was released.
It rather has the same quality of 〇〇〇 as usual, and gives the impression of devoting to odd enthusiasm like making waist moving possible.
As for the thigh movable scope, it is unexpectedly narrow because of the joint part. Also, 〇〇〇 does not have additional joint of elbow. Those parts seem to be somewhat incomplete. ( Or they look comparatively incomplete because of the useless enthusiasm of 〇〇〇/ 〇〇〇.




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