I use my digital camera to take about 1000 photos every day. I am trying to make a high-speed slide show video with these photos.
Taking poses of myself while walking the streets of South Korea, I could feel for myself how Korea seemed to be a land so near, yet so far away.
I take up to one thousand pictures a day with my digital camera. Now I am attempting to watch these pictures as a movie, in a high speed slide show.
Taking pictures of myself depicted in a Korean city made me fully realize that I was in Korea, a place that feels like a close and distant presence at the same time.
I take about one thousand photos every day with my digital camera. I have been attempting to create a video clip showing them in a very high speed as slide shows.
I often felt Korea being a very close and yet a far distant county when I was shooting myself submerged in towns of Korea.
Other noises reflecting in there make me realize where I am. This time, as one of my works, I will produce an installation using the mirror and digital images. This installation uses a technique capable of showing numerous pictures taken during my recent visit at a speed of five or more flames per second.
And I want to show three projects that are the installation mentioned above, a workshop and a presentation, including a demonstration of my work at open studio.
Also, during my stay here, I would like to knot recorded 3 projects, work shop and presentation including the installation written above in the presence of audience in a open studio as well as on the base of the technic with more than 5 frames per second for great amount of images.
I would like to link the three projects as open public creation works in an open studio such as workshops and presentations that include the methodology to show the vast number of slides taken during my stay in Korea with high speed of one slide per every five seconds.
I am also planning to do three projects in the open studio that include workshops, presentations as well as installations I mentioned earlier by way of showing mass of photos with the speed of 5 exposures per second or more.