zhizi 翻訳実績

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To counter this trend, Kakao Talk turned to gaming. The company signed up game designers to launch games specifically produced for the Kakao ecosystem, and started to recommend these games to its 30 million plus users. Kakao Talk also launch its own line of virtue currencies called “Chocos” to be used for all transactions, which Kakao Talk would then take a cut.

Kakao Talk’s foray was an instant hit. Within a month, 7 out of 10 most popular Google Play games was from the Kakao ecosystem, with the game Anipang occupying the top spot. By November, Kakao games have been downloaded more than 82 million times, of which 16 million went to Anipang, helping the game to a health revenue of nearly 200 million won a day.


こういう状況に立ち向かうため、Kakao Talkはゲームサービスを開始した。同社はゲームのデザイナーと契約を交わし、Kakao Talkのエコシステム専用に制作されたゲームをローンチして、3000万人を超えるユーザーにそれらのゲームを勧め始めた。同社はまた、何にでも利用できる「Chocos」という独自のバーチャル通貨もローンチした(Kakao Talkはこのバーチャル通貨の利用で手数料をとっているだろう)。

Kakao Talkのこの取組みは即座にヒットした。1か月以内に、最人気のGoogle Playゲーム10作品のうち7作品がKakao Talkのゲームで、ゲームタイトル「Anipang」が首位となっている。11月までには、Kakao Talkのゲームは8200万回以上もダウンロードされ、そのうち「Anipang」のダウンロードは1600万回で、1日にほぼ2億ウォンという多額の収益が上げられるようになった。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Similarly, Facebook, which profits immensely from gaming, only derives 17% of its revenue from it. That 17% amounts to nearly $600 million, and brings one third of Facebook’s profit, but that doesn’t change the fact that Facebook’s main line of business is advertising, both on the web and on the mobile front. In fact, gaming’s importance is already fading for Facebook and the business no longers grows and the future is increasing turning to mobile.

And these are the best of all possibilities. Having users doesn’t necessarily translate into being able to build gaming platforms, as Sina Weibo can attest. Similarly, having users doesn’t mean you can retain them, the fall of Kaixin is a perfect example of that.



そして、これらはすべての可能性のなかで1番よいものだ。Sina Weiboが証明するように、ユーザーがいるからと言ってゲームプラットフォームをつくることができるというわけではないし、同様に、ユーザーがいるからといって、ユーザーを維持できるということでもないのだ。Kaixinの崩壊がその好例だ。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.7

For Sex Education, Just Tap ThatApp

We recently told you about Blood Donors Network, one of the six great ideas from Social Innovation Camp Asia which tool place earlier this month in Kuala Lumpur. Blood Donors Network was awarded second place at the event, finishing behind one other team.

The winning team is the makers of ThatApp, a mobile application that aims to help to answer teens’ questions about sex. It aspires to help young people make smart, informed decisions about their sexual health. The name of the app is intentionally subtle, in order to make sure users don’t feel shy or embarrassed.



最近、Blood Donors Networkについて紹介したが、これは今月クアラルンプールで行われたSocial Innovation Camp Asiaで紹介された6つの素晴らしいアイデアの1つで、Blood Donors Networkはそのイベントで準優勝に輝き、優勝までもう一歩だった。


zhizi 英語 → 日本語

When I asked about the SI Camp experience, ThatApp representative Wong Chee Yan spoke of it very highly:

I got to know so many people that shared the same passion and vision, which is really very motivating to keep me going down this tough road of fighting for social causes. […] There were so many people I could learn with in term of business development, tech-related stuff, presentation, etc.

I’m told as things stand now they have a working app, and they plan to continue development. If you’d like to stay up to date on their progress or get early access to the app, you can register for updates over at thatapp.sh, or follow them via their Facebook page.


Social Innovation Camp Asiaでの体験について聞いてみると、ThatAppチームのWong Chee Yanは同イベントをとても高く評価した。



zhizi 英語 → 日本語

As a chat app, the need for any political censorship on Weixin that would be facilitated by a real-name system is probably not as significant as it is on weibo, but the location-based nature of the app could facilitate stalking in such a way that real-name verification might become something that users actually demand. If that happens, allowing users to verify their identities via Weibo could turn out to be a bit of a mistake, as users are well aware of the holes in weibo real-name registration. But if that doesn’t happen, this change will have been a smart move for Tencent to ease the verification process both for users and for itself.

