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If you browse inSing.com, you can also see that HungryGoWhere has prominent placement as well, with its many food recommendation options available as the very first menu item. Readers may recall that SingTel acquired HungryGoWhere in May of last year [1] for S$12 million (or US$9.4 million).

Clozette has previously partnered with Indonesia’s Female Daily Network in a similar tie-up, as well as Glam Media Japan before that. The company raised $1.9 million in series A funding back in May, raising the total amount that it has raised to about $3.06 million.

1. And by last year, I now mean 2012 of course. This is going to take some getting used to…



Clozetteは前回、同じような提携で、インドネシアのFemale Daily Networkと提携をし、その前にはGlam Media Japanともタイアップをした。同社は5月にシリーズAの資金調達で190万ドルを獲得し、これまでに集めた資金は総額約306万ドルになっている。

1. ちなみに「昨年」というのは、もちろん今では「2012年」のこと。年が変わったことに慣れるのには、ちょっと時間がかかりそう…

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The Rise and Fall of China’s First Hit Social Game (The One Zynga Ripped Off as FarmVille)

Remember FarmVille, the social game that put Zynga on the map? That was pretty much ripped off from a Chinese game named Happy Farm, made by the startup studio Five Minutes. At the height of Happy Farm’s popularity in 2009 (after being released in the summer of ’08), the game had 23 million daily active users in China across three social gaming platforms; the game became a huge fad, talked about by students and young professionals, cited in divorces, and pontificated over by state-run TV as it worried that the addictive game would be distracting kids from their homework.



Zyngaを有名にしたソーシャルゲームのFarmVilleを覚えているだろうか?FarmVilleは、Five Minutesが制作したHappy Farmという中国のゲームをコピーしたものだった。Happy Farmが(2008年夏にリリースされた後)2009年に人気の頂点に達した時、同ゲームには中国の3つのソーシャルゲームプラットフォームで2300万人にも上るデイリーアクティブユーザーがいた。Happy Farmは大きなブームを呼び、学生や若いビジネスパーソンの話題となり、離婚の原因にもなった。また、そのやめられないゲームが子供の勉強の邪魔になることを懸念して、国営TVによって何かにつけて報道された。

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Coming before mobile gaming really took off in China (remember that 3G only launched in the country in 2009, when smartphones were still a relative novelty), Happy Farm and a few other build-it-with-your-buddies games were the main form of online entertainment, fuelling the growth of social networks such as Renren (NYSE:RENN), Kaixin, and Tencent’s (HKG:0700) QZone [1]. The farming game also made its way to Facebook. But casual games have the lifespan of a goldfish, and Happy Farm is now off the radar of most of China’s casual gamers. Most of them have moved onto mobile titles, having been swamped by the choices on new gaming platforms like the one on Sina Weibo.


Happy Farmがローンチしたのは中国のモバイルゲームが本格的に軌道に乗り出す前だった(中国で3Gが導入されたのは2009年になってからで、その時スマートフォンはまだ比較的目新しかった)。当時、同ゲームとその他の友達と一緒に遊べるゲームはオンラインの主要なエンターテイメントで、Renren (NYSE:RENN)、Kaixin、Tencent (HKG:0700) のQZoneなどのソーシャルネットワークの成長を煽った[1]。農場ゲームはFacebookにも繋がった。だが、カジュアルゲームの寿命は金魚のように短い。今やHappy Farmは中国のほとんどのカジュアルゲーマーの目には映らない。そのほとんどのゲーマーがモバイルゲームに転換し、Sina Weiboのような新しいゲームプラットフォームで提供されるゲームの数々に圧倒されている。

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However, it is known that Five Minutes laid off 90 percent of its staff in June of this year, though the three-man founder team remains intact.

Happy Farm will still keep pumping out vegetables, though. Licensed versions of it are still running on Renren, and its Tencent-bought spin-off QQ Farm is still ploughing the same furrow (see here). Indeed, with that kind of income, it’s not clear how Five Minutes seems to have unravelled as a studio. But now gamers have moved onto zombie bashing, bird flinging, and building entire cities – and we’ll soon take our fingers and finances to the next gaming bandwagon that rolls into town.


しかし、Five Minutesの3人の設立者チームはそのまま残っているものの、同社が今年6月に社員の9割を解雇したことは周知のことだ。

Happy Farmでは今でも野菜が作られている。同ゲームのライセンス版はRenrenで運営されているし、Tencentが購入したスピンオフのQQ Farmもこれまでと同じように運営されている(こちらを参照)。実際、そういう収入があれば、Five Minutesがスタジオとしてダメになってしまったのかどうかは定かではない。だが、今やゲーマーは、ゾンビを打ちのめしたり、鳥を投げ飛ばしたり、街全体を作り上げるというゲームをしている。そして、私達は直にやってくる次のゲームのトレンドに目を向け投資していくのだろう。

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Looking to Stop Smoking on New Years Day? Try Quit Pro for iPhone

As the new year is almost upon us, most of us are likely pondering some resolutions for 2013. For those of you looking to quit smoking this year, there’s a new application from Singapore-based Bitsmedia which could help you meet that challenge.

Its new app Quit Pro takes an analytical approach to kicking your habit, by recording not only when you smoke, but also where you smoked, as well as the feelings or events that brought on the craving (see screenshots below). There are options for quitting gradually, as well as cold turkey [1], so you can customize it to whichever looks achievable for you.


お正月に禁煙しようと思ってる?それなら、iPhone向けアプリQuit Proを試してみよう。


この新しいアプリQuit Proは禁煙に分析ツールを取り込んでいる。タバコを吸った時を記録するだけでなく、タバコを吸った場所、吸いたくなった気分もしくはイベントなども記録することができる(下のスクリーンショットを参照)。そして、「徐々に禁煙」もしくは「即座に禁煙(英語ではCold Turkey*と表現)」というオプションもある。だから、カスタマイズして、禁煙できそうなどちらかの方法を選択することができる。

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Erwan notes that he quit smoking 10 years ago using a similar Symbian application, and he thought that the same process could work for others. But with new tracking features, he says that Quit Pro is something entirely new.

Like Muslim Pro, Quit Pro is a freemium app that offers some additional content if you choose to upgrade. Admirably, Erwan is putting five percent back towards cancer research, and so if you’re looking for a reason to choose this over other smoking apps, I think that’s as good a reason as any. You can get it for free over on the app store.

1. Mmmm, turkey…

2. You’ll remember that I’ve been praising Japanese personal finance application Zaim this year. That’s another good one!


Macé氏は10年前にSymbian版の同じようなアプリで禁煙したという。それで、同じようなやり方が他の人にとっても効果があるのではないかと考えついたのだ。だが、同じアプローチとは言っても、新しい追跡機能も加えているので、Quit Proは全く新しいものだと同氏は語る。

Muslim Proと同様に、Quit Proはユーザーがアップグレードをすればいくつかのコンテンツを追加することのできるフリーミアムアプリだ。素晴らしいのは、Macé氏が収益の5%をガン研究に寄付していることだ。だから、一連の禁煙アプリの中からこのアプリを選ぶ理由を探しているのなら、そのことがいい理由になると思う。同アプリは無料でiTunesストアから入手できる。



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The mobile market will be restricted. One of China’s tech regulatory bodies, MIIT, is planning to reach its cold, bony hands into the world of mobile app development and sales. Exactly how that will turn out isn’t yet clear, but MIIT’s regulatory processes are the reason an iPhone takes an extra three months to come out in China. App developers are understandably concerned that they’re going to be slowed down — which can be a death sentence in the fast-paced mobile ecosystem — or censored, or very possibly both. Whatever happens with this round of regulation, I would guess that this won’t be the only time we see MIIT interfering in the mobile space in 2013.



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Rakuten brought much discipline into his company. He mentioned repeatedly that one of the most important lessons he learned from Rakuten was to set key performance indicators (KPI) and make them understandable and actionable at individual level. So let’s take that $10 million sales target as an example. This organization target could be broken down into groups and then down to an individual level. For example, if John is set to hit $300,000 worth of sales, then what would it take for him to hit that target? To illustrate my point, I have assumed some numbers below:

・His deal/close rate is five percent
・The target per deal is at $10,000
・Each work day, he can speak to a maximum of three potential clients


