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Many of the mentioned startups, including our own online store CuriousCatch.com, are fairly new channels that are reinventing (or replicating) what overseas counterparts are doing.These overseas sites include Fab, Etsy and Kickstarter, which are more established and well-funded than most of us.Since our announced launch in 31 July, this year, we’ve been getting a variety of feedback and suggestions from our customers and personally I’ve come to learn more about how the local market consumes creative goods and services as compared to a market like the U.S. or China.There’s also much to learn from studying brick and mortar set-ups in the same space, including multi-label boutiques and flea markets.



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Expanding on what Terence has shared, I hope to explore what are the pre-conditions necessary for the success of platformed creativity in Asia, particularly Singapore.The Big Apple as a role model for Asia’s creative entrepreneurs A New Yorker consumes differently as compared to a Singaporean.A friend shared a fascinating story of how he’s able to build film sets cheaply as a film student from scavenging the more well-to-do parts of the city.He’s found fairly new furniture like that’s dumped on the streets, even though it’s probably been used for only 3 to 6 months.These households consist of mainly working professionals with ready disposable income.





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But the scene is changing with internationally acclaimed institutions like Hyper Island and events like CreativeMornings/Singapore (disclaimer: I am an organizer of this event) bringing together foreign talents and local creatives.The Singapore government is also lending more financial support and creating the necessary infrastructure for a creative culture to thrive.Presently though, we’re also faced with a less design savvy market as compared to our East Asian neighbors like Japan and South Korea.This means that many design-oriented startups will have to educate the market and wait for a growing middle class with higher disposable incomes who may come to appreciate the value of design.


だが、Hyper Islandのような国際的に著名な機関やCreativeMorings/Singapore(注:私はこのイベントの主催メンバー)のようなイベントで環境は変化し、海外および国内のクリエーターを引き合わせている。シンガポール政府も、より多くの金銭的支援を行ったり、クリエーティブな文化が繁栄するのに必要なインフラを構築している。現在はというと、私達は日本や韓国などの東アジア諸国と比べて、市場があまりデザインを知らないという問題に直面している。これは、デザイン志向型のスタートアップが市場を育て、デザインの価値を認めるようになるかもしれない、お金のある中間層が増えるのを待たなければならないということだ。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

It’s baffling why consumers wouldn’t mind spending several months of their pay checks on branded goods but insist on bargaining for handicrafts at flea markets.Or as a local doctor would have put it, consumers here are willing to spend their fortunes on cosmetic surgery but will complain about high clinical consultation fees for flu and fever.Solutions for a creative economy Make no mistake, the emergence of platformed creativity in sheer numbers is not representative of a viable market ready to consume creative goods and services at scale.It’s simply an indication that willing and passionate entrepreneurs are out there and ready to make a change in the creative and technology scene.





zhizi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Those who are here for the long run and are committed to educate local and regional consumers will learn to build a sizable (and perhaps loyal) following.Startups now have access to popular internet media channels, and this will shorten our go-to-market cycles and free talents from bad ideas so they can work on better ones.The next 5 years will be an interesting for entrepreneurs blending creativity and tech.Especially when we’re witnessing an influx of foreign talents assimilating to the local culture and participating in creative projects that will push the bar for all creative disciplines from fashion to film.The media players here will have to think bigger and scale abroad too.



zhizi 英語 → 日本語

America was the first to dominate as a soft power after the war.In the last two decades, our East Asian neighbors had a head-start with South Korean and Japanese culture assimilating into global music and film.Today, China is catching up fast.Their sheer number in talent creates exportable content that will help solidify their position as a future soft power.Consumer startups cannot afford to stay under the radar and that is why mainstream media will play a pivotal role in lifting all technology startups in Southeast Asia.Look at the growth and incubation period of Etsy and Kickstarter below.For every success story we know of, there are plenty of unknowns we’ve yet to hear about from the news.



zhizi 英語 → 日本語

The rumor suggests that all the TongCard features will find their way into Tencent’s WeChat/Weixin app after the acquisition, bringing all those coupons to the messaging app’s 200+ million users. It’d also see Tencent make a huge leap in its O2O service strength, growing to beat major web companies and startups operating in this space. And so it’d help Tencent and WeChat surpass rivals such as local coupons startup DDMap, or Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) with its deals-equipped Maps app.

If the acquisition comes to pass, the TongCard capabilities might be tied with Tencent’s own e-payment system Tenpay, which we know will soon appear within WeChat.


噂によれば、すべてのTongCard機能は買収後にTencentのWeChat/Weixinアプリに組み込まれ、クーポンサービスのすべてが2億人以上のユーザーを持つWeChatに導入されるようだ。また、TencentはO2Oサービスの強化において大躍進し、同業界で事業を行う大手ウェブ企業やスタートアップを打ち負かすほどの成長を遂げるだろう。そして、TencentとWeCahtが地元のクーポンスタートアップDDMapやクーポン機能を持つBaidu Mapsを提供するBaidu (NASDAQ:BIDU)を凌ぐ手助けにもなるだろう。
