zhizi 翻訳実績

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And, of course, your app doesn’t have to be targeted just at Uyghurs or Tibetans. For example, I would love to see social apps that aim to help break down the barriers between ethnic minorities and Han Chinese, which are significant. And a Lhasa or Urumqi-based LBS service would be just as useful to local Han Chinese as it would be to Tibetans or Uyghurs so long as you included simplified Chinese text, too. There are lots of cool things that could be done with smartphone, feature phone, and web apps to serve these unique communities and solve problems that not many other devs are even aware of, let alone paying attention to.



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Company: Weimian
Lesson: Pick your industry carefully.

Weimian was a luxury sock and stockings e-commerce company that won a big investment by catching the eye of angel investor Xu Xiaoping. But even with a million RMB in cash to play with, the company struggled and ultimately folded. The reason? Socks — even luxury socks — just weren’t expensive enough to keep up with the costs of running an ecommerce company in China. Order totals were relatively low because socks don’t cost that much, and competitors kept margins pretty thin, so Weimian wasn’t able to make much money。 Ultimately, the company folded, and at least in Ding’s opinion, it failed because socks and Chinese ecommerce don’t really mix.



Weimianは高級品のソックスとストッキングを販売するeコマース企業で、エンジェル投資家Xu Xiaoping氏の注目を引いて巨額の資金を獲得した。だが、100万元のお金があっても、同社は苦戦し、最終的には閉鎖した。理由?たとえ高級品のソックスでも、ソックスは中国でeコマース企業を運営する費用を賄うほど高くない。ソックスはそんなに高くないので、注文総額は比較的低いし、競合他社は薄利を維持している。だから、Weimianはあまり利益をあげることができなかった。最終的に、同社は閉鎖した。少なくとも、Ding氏の意見では、ソックス販売は中国のeコマースにあまり合わないから失敗したとのこと。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Of course, as we wrote recently, Xu Xiaoping invests in people, not products, and it only took him twenty minutes to offer Weimian a one million RMB investment, so I’m guessing Weimian’s founder will be able to get Xu to invest in his next project if he wants.

Company: 5 Minutes
Lesson: Stay focused on what you know.

You may not have heard of 5 Minutes, but you’ve probably heard of Happy Farm, the game Zynga copied to make Farmville. 5 Minutes was the Chinese game developer behind Happy Farm and a host of other web games, but the transition to mobile didn’t treat them well.


もちろん、私達が最近書いたように、Xu Xiaoping氏はプロダクトではなく人に投資をする。同氏がWeimianに100万元を投資すると決めるのにわずか20分しかかからなかった。だから、Weimianの創設者は彼が望む次のプロジェクトでもXu氏から出資をしてもらうことができると思う。

企業名:5 Minutes

5 Minutesを聞いたことのない人もいるだろう。だが、おそらくZyngaが「Farmville」をつくるのにコピーしたゲーム「Happy Farm」なら聞いたことがあるのではないだろうか? 5 Minutesは「Happy Farm」やその多くのウェブゲームを開発した中国のゲームデベロッパーだったが、モバイルへの過渡期は同社にとっていいものではなかった。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Between, a private social network for couples, hits 1.75 million downloads

Between, a mobile private social network for couples, has hit 1.75 million downloads. We last heard about the South Korean startup at Echelon 2012, where it announced a tally of 700,000 downloads, out of which 60% were active users.

These figures certainly indicate an impressive growth rate for the app, which more than doubled in downloads after just 5 months. According to Edward Lee, co-founder of Between, the app has managed to convert 80% of downloads into users, while maintaining its 60% active user rate. That would mean the app has about 840k monthly active users — giving Between reason to be optimistic.



カップルのためのモバイル・プライベート・ソーシャルネットワークBetweenがダウンロード数175万を記録した。私達が最後にこの韓国のスタートアップについて聞いたのは「Echelon 2012」でのことで、同スタートアップはその時、ダウンロード数が70万で、そのうち60%がアクティブユーザーだと発表していた。

この数字は確かに同アプリの素晴らしい成長率を示しており、その後わずか5か月でダウンロード数を倍以上に伸ばしている。Betweenの共同設立者Edward Lee氏は、同アプリがダウンロードの80%をユーザーに変え、アクティブユーザー率60%を維持することができていると言う。つまり、同アプリには約84万人のアクティブユーザーがいることになり、Betweenが楽観的になるのも分かる。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

The company beta launched their service on November 22, 2011. It is available on iOS and Android.

Beyond this milestone, Edward also told SGE through email that they are exploring ways to monetize, starting with the launch of in-app purchases in early December. Users will be able to purchase virtual sticker sets — essentially animated emoticons — through a store. The startup will release some of these emoticons to users for free from this week.

In-app purchases are also being explored by LoveByte, a similar service developed in Singapore. On that app, users can download an entire set of emotions for SGD1.28.



