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Incumbents traditionally engage in an audience of validation, allowing them to prove they are right. While most of the modern disruptors look to invalidate assumptions amongst early adopter markets, thus quickly ruling out adoption risks. This gives disruptors a clear advantage, as they gain greater clarity on the future mainstream behaviours, preferences and choices of consumers. Such analysis and testing is done using one of Kotler‘s tools, the Black Box Model. A “black box” is a construct in psychology used to explain the unexplained. We can observe certain aspects of the process, but not the actual thought process and how it leads to action.



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If you want to create the future of a market, look to the early adopters. They are usually the individuals that play around with stuff even if it’s not very good, giving you valuable feedback into the viability of your product or service. Enabling the accelerated maturity, and eventual user traction and growth. Essentially, you’re looking for the minimum set of features needed to learn from your early adopters because you want to learn early what users want and don’t want. Limiting time and energy spent on products that no one really wants.

This post was originally published on scottebales.com as “Consumer Behavior: Creating The Future“



この記事はもともと「Consumer Behavior: Creating The Future(消費者行動:将来を築く)」というタイトルでScottebales.comで発表された。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Firefox open-sourced system is also moving towards smartphones. This operating system is developed using HTML 5 technology. To encourage developers to create applications on their platform, they have designed an app store called Firefox Marketplace.

3. Say goodbye to car keys

Hyundai is working to develop an embedded NFC tag that allows you to open your car, start the engine and link up to the touchscreen with a simple swipe. With this new technology, you don’t have to worry about forgetting where you put your car key. How interesting is that? Nevertheless, this technology will not be available this year. It is predicted to be launched in 2015.


オープンソースシステムのFirefoxもスマートフォン参入に動いている。同OSはHTML5テクノロジーを活用して開発されている。Firefoxは、デベロッパーに同社のプラットフォームでのアプリ開発を促進するために、Firefox Marketplaceというアプリストアも作っている。



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What Asian entrepreneurs can learn from Silicon Valley

e27′s writer, Jacky Yap, shares his takeaway from the Bay Area: Different market size, differences in views towards competition and metrics, starting straight out of college, and on entrepreneurship.

Silicon Valley is undoubtedly the number one startup ecosystem in the world. Over past one month, I had the chance to meet with some of the best minds and hottest tech startups based in the Bay Area.

Now that I am back, what did I take away from the Bay Area? Being in the Singapore tech community over the last one year taught me a lot of things, and the trip to Silicon Valley provided me with a broader and different perspective of the two startup ecosystems.



異なる市場規模、競争や統計への異なる考え方、新卒でスタートアップを始めること、そしてアントレプレナーシップ(起業家精神)について、e27のライターJacky Yap氏がシリコンバレー・ベイエリアで学んだことを語る。



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Market Size

One thing which Singaporean startups complain is the small market size. While we all do concur that the market is small, a recent interaction with a Silicon Valley based founder gave me a really interesting perspective of looking at market size. Before I dive deeper to that, lets talk about market size. In Singapore, a mobile app that is doing reasonably well has about 20,000 downloads. Case to note: LoveByte. Assuming LoveByte has managed to capture 20 percent of the early adopters in Singapore, the total size of Singapore’s early adopters market is about 100,000 people (there will be a separate post about this so keep a lookout for that).


