zhizi 翻訳実績

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On one hand, it provides a glimmer of hope that crowdfunding is gaining mindshare in Asia and that there is enough local talent with marketing savvy. While the region’s film industry isn’t quite at the level of the United States, there is certainly room for much growth.

On the other hand, it proves that local platforms have a lot of work to do. Unlike Indiegogo, they can’t provide local fundraisers access to a wide user base in the United States, which makes the task of attracting fundraisers tougher.

Perhaps featuring highly localized projects with strong domestic appeal might be the ticket.



もう一方では、国内のプラットフォームには取り組むべきことがたくさんあることを証明している。国内のサービスは Indiegogoとは異なり、地元の資金調達者にアメリカの幅広いユーザーにアクセスさせることができず、それが原因で資金調達者を集めることがより困難になっている。


zhizi 日本語 → 英語

進行役を務めた高見牧人参事官はMICE強化を プロダクト・プライス・プレイス・プロモーションというマーケティングの4つのPの観点で日本MICEの課題を提起。



Counselor Makito Takami, who moderated the subcommittee, brought up Japan’s challenges in strengthening its MICE business by pointing out the 4Ps marketing paradigm - product, price, place and promotion. Mr. Takami made proposals on financial effort to overcome the country’s weak point of high cost of hosting exhibitions. He also mentioned the need for MICE-focused branding, and suggested participants to actively use the overseas media.

On the other hand, the participants pointed out that the other Asian countries - Japan’s competitors - receive subsidies from their governments. And, they suggested the Japanese government should take a good control of its administrative systems, such as building a mechanism which enable each Japanese city to cooperate with the government as the hub and a spoke, instead of simply competing against the competitors with the amount of subsidy that it offers.

zhizi 日本語 → 英語





UFI set up South-American Chapter, and partnered with AFIDA

The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, UFI, announced on February 6th its creation of a South-American office as a new chapter after opening its chapters in Europe, the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa. The chapter is founded with the aim of improving the South American’s influence on both the global economy and the International exhibition industry.

Mr. Xianjin Chen, UFI President, signed a memorandum of understanding with Mr. Andrés López Valderrama, the president of the Asociación Internacional de Ferias de America (AFIDA).
The two organizations agreed to work together for the continuous expansion and growth of the exhibition industry in the South American region and for a further effort to promote and support its members of the organizations.

zhizi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Another problem on cost with Dangdang is content licensing fees publishers ask are high and not based on the book content but kind of on how eager they want to make one-time money. Publishers would ask a price for several hundred titles no matter what books they are.

Duokan, an e-book platform that was acquired by Xiaomi last year, hasn’t turned a profit after having invested 30 – 40 million Yuan in formatting and helping publishers promote digital titles in its two-year history, disclosed by Hu Xiaodong, its vice president. Not only would it do the formatting and layout for every book, but also do marketing for third-party books on its own platform or through other marketing channels like social media.



Xiomiによって昨年買収されたeブックプラットフォームDuokanは、創業して2年経つが、eブックのフォーマットに3000~4000万元を投資し、出版社を助けてeブックを促進しているが、未だに収益を上げることができないと、DuokanバイスプレジデントのHu Xiaodong氏は述べた。同サービスは、各本のフォーマットやレイアウトを行うだけでなく、同プラットフォームもしくはソーシャルメディアなどのその他のマーケティングチャネルを活用してサードパーティーの本を販売促進している。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

As early as the beginning of 2012 we heard that Sina was developing such a system, having verified accounts to carry ads and sharing advertising revenues with them. Micro-task, a similar system launched later in September, was taken as the result. (So did I.)It turned out it wasn’t what Sina was meant to make sense-making money with. It echos what Charles Chao, CEO of Sina, said on the latest earnings conference call that they didn’t expect to earn much money from Micro-task.

Having verified accounts in a revenue-sharing ad program is a sense-making move. There has been creative content marketing on Weibo platform, in the same way with Micro-task, operated by third parties.


2012年始めには、Sinaがこのようなシステムを開発中で、広告を掲載するための認証済みアカウントを持ち、それらのアカウントと広告収益を分ちあうと聞いていた。その後9月にローンチされた同様のシステムMicro-taskが、その噂されていたシステムだと思われた。(私もそう思った。)だが、Micro-taskはSinaがセンスメーキングの収益を得ようと思って開発したシステムではないことが分かった。Sinaの最高経営責任者Charles Chao氏が最新の業績発表カンフェランスコールで、同社がMicro-taskからはあまり収益が得られるとは思っていないと言ったことと一致している。
