We were supposed to receive 657 pairs this afternoon, however we won't be able to receive them today, because there were some mistakes on the sticker of the country of origin, and the custom clearance cannot be done without proper stickers. We are now arranging the schedule to replace the sticker with proper one. The delivery schedule for this item will depend on how long it takes to fix the problem, but we assume the goods can be send to you within the next week. We will let know the development soon. Regards,
クックパッドの運営するレシピ投稿サイトcookpad.comは、2008年のリニューアルでRuby on Railsを採用しました。以来、日本最大のRailsサイトとして月間989万人のユーザーから生み出される4.6億PVを支え、なおも拡大を続けています。テスト駆動開発やスクラムといったAgile技術の導入や、Hadoopなどの分散処理技術やクラウドを使いこなすことによって、これまで不可能だったスピードと規模でユーザーの毎日の生活に価値を提供し、クックパッドのミッションである「毎日の料理を楽しみにすることで心からの笑顔を増やす」ことに挑戦し続けています。8月29日(日)12:00~13:30@RubyKaigi2010にて、「●●」というセッションを予定しております。生活を豊かにする技術やRubyでのものづくりに興味がある方は、ぜひご参加ください。
Cookpad’s recipe-sharing site, called cookpad.com, is a website where people can post their recipe, and Cookpad introduced Ruby on Rails, an open source web application framework, for its site renewal in 2008. Since then, cookpad.com, the largest Rails site in Japan, has been supporting 460 million page view visited with 9.89 million users per month, and it is still expanding. The site boost the values of users’ everyday life with a speed and scale never been possible, by developing test-drives, introducing Agile technique like Scrum, and making full use of cloud computing and distributed processing methods including Hadoop. Cookpad continues to fullfil its mission, “To provide people with services which offer a enjoyable time for cooking and draw more and more heart-felt smiles. We are planning to held a session called (●●) on August 29th (Sun), from 12:00 to 13:30, at RubyKaigi2010. Please take part in this meeting, if you are interested in any creation with Ruby or technologies which enrich your lifestyle.
I received your email. Thank you for the details. I appreciate it.
複数工場からAへ直送のためBが管理出来ていない。AIRの出荷は問題ないが、COURIERの出荷についてはNEW SEASONのサンプルデリバリーが始まる前に毎回INVOICEとAWBの発行についてインストラクションを送っているにも関わらずSAMPLEをUNDER VALUEにて出荷、また大半の工場がASIA圏の為Bがデリバリーの情報を得てcorrect valueのINVOICEを送る前に通関が終ってしまいINVOICEの差し替えが出来ない。
Since samples are directly sent to (A) from several manufacturer, (B) does not grasp the whole situation. There is no trouble when samples are sent by Air shipment, however as for Courier shipments, the manufactures send out samples with their under valued invoice, although we give them the instructions on Invoice and Air Way Bill before the sample delivery for new season starts. Moreover, since most of those manufacturers are located in Asian countries, custom clearances in Japan usually are done before (B) receive delivery information from manufacturers and provide us proper invoices with correct value. Therefore we are not able to replace with proper invoice.
基本的にNEW SEASONのラインシート作成が遅い。特に画像付きのラインシートは,中々送られてこないため毎シーズンAからプッシュを受ける。10SSは,ラインシートが送られる前に品番名すら記載のないSAMPLEだけが大量に入荷、工場からAへ直送だったためこちらで品番の把握が出来ず重複して送られて来たSAMPLEや後にCANCELとなった品番のSAMPLEもAから大量に返品リクエストを受けた。10FWにおいてはラインシートが届いてからSAMPLEのデリバリーが始まり改善が見られたが、NEW SEASONでまた同じ事の繰り返しにならない様注意が必要。
The production of line sheets for new season is always late. Line sheets with pictures are especially late, therefore we receive complaints from (A) every season. As for 10SS, a great number of samples without item numbers had been sent directly from a manufacturer to (A) before the line sheet were sent out. It was impossible for us to identify the samples. Therefore, (A) requested to return a good volume of sample goods, including samples received twice and samples for items which were cancelled later on.As for 10FW, there was a good sign of improvement that the delivery of samples started after the line sheet arrived, however attention still needs to be paid to avoid repeating the same trouble in the next season.
The problem is that (B) does not have much knowledge about export business to Japan. It seems like that we are not be able to gain (B)'s understanding on this matter in spite of our effort of repeated explanations. In order to improve the current situation, everything should be sent to (C) instead of sending directly to (A), and samples are sent from (C) to (A), if any, after confirmation on samples. As for delivery of samples only, we will get delivery information directly from people who are in charge of delivery at manufacturers in order to save time for a smooth custom clearance, since there are much time differences within Asian countries and if we contact (B) for information, it would time more time. There are some improvements on item number from 10SS to 10FW, since the number of these items have decreased. However there are some sample that are not on the books from last year, therefore we have not been able to send the invoice to (A) or to make the payment to (B) either.
ORDER CONFIRMATIONの発行が遅い上にCANCELされる品番が多い。CANCELの連絡も遅いためAから毎シーズンクレームを受ける。 Aには昨シーズン、ミニマム数量と、それに満たないオーダーはCNACELされる可能性があること伝えているがAもミニマムを無視、オーダーは増えなかった。結果今期も大量CANCELが発生した。次シーズンはBに1品番ごとに生産を確実に進行できるミニマム数を報告させ、オーダー前にAに伝える。CにはCANCEL品番の連絡を早めること、CONFIRMATIONを早く発行する様契約時に取り決めが必要(ORDERから何日以内にCONFIRMATIONを発行等)。
Order confirmations have never been issued on time and there are many items get refused by the supplier. Because of delayed notice on unacceptable items from the supplier, we receive complaints from (A) every year. Last year, we discussed with (A) of minimum order quantity and told that the manufacturer will refuse to accept the order for the items under minimum order quantity. (A), however, ignored the minimum quantity, therefore order quantity did not increase. As for the next season, we ask (B) to provide us with lists of minimum order quantity for each item in order to make sure that the manufacturer will produce our orders, and we will provide the list to (A) before they place an order. At the same time, we request (C) to let us know immediately if there is any unacceptable order items. We need to have an agreement with (C) that (C) will issue their order confirmation without delay, such as adding a clause in our purchase order that (C) have to issue their order confirmation within ( ) days after receiving our order.
Energy Literacy Platformは家庭内において電気がどのくらい消費されているかを知ることができるツールです。節電は環境の面でもお金の面でも重要ですが、身の回りのそれぞれの機器がどのくらい電力を消費していているのか、こまめにスイッチを切ることがどの程度節電になっているのか本当に理解している人はどのくらいいるでしょうか。普段私たちは電力会社から請求書が届いて初めてどのくらいの電力をつかったということを理解します。しかしながら送られてきた請求書では、冷蔵庫がどのくらいの、掃除機がどのくらいの電力をつかったといったことまではわかりません。私たちの提案するEnergy Literacy Platformでは、ユーザーがこの製品を利用し、自分たちが日常的に使っている電気の消費量を感覚的に学習して家庭内電力に関するリテラシーを高めていくことで、無駄な電力消費を抑え、家庭内におけるエネルギーの利用効率化が促進されることを目的としています。
Energy Literacy Platform is a tool that help us learn how much electricity is used at home. Power saving is economically and environmentally important, however how many people do know how much electricity is used for individual home appliances, and how much electricity can be saved by turing off domestic electric devices? In our daily life, we do not realize how much electricity we use until we receive bills. The bills, however, does not show how much electricity is consumed for your refrigerator or vacuum clear respectively. Our Energy Literacy Platform is designed for users to to curb unnecessary power consumption and ultimately to promote electricity usage efficiency at home by learning visually how much electricity is being used for the devices we use everyday in order to deepen the knowledge on domestic power usage.
Energy Literacy Platformはコンセントと各家電製品の間に接続するELPモジュール、モジュールからの情報をパソコンで受信するELPレシーバ、エネルギーの使用量を確認するためのELPウェブサイトで構成されます。ELPウェブサイトでは各モジュールに上限としたい電気量(もしくは金額)を設定できます。設定したELPモジュールを電化製品に接続し使用していく中でユーザーが設定した上限に近づくたびにモジュールの色が白から黄色、そして赤へと変化していきす。モジュールから送られてくる各電気機器の消費電力量はELPウェブサイト上でわかりやすく視覚化され、今までの履歴を見ることができます。また、これらの電気量を自転車をこぐことで自家発電するとどのくらいの時間がかかるかといった、身近なものに置き換えることにより、消費電力と生活の関係を理解しやすくします。身近な電気機器の電力消費を理解することで、電力に対するリテラシーを身につけ家庭におけるエネルギーの節約に貢献します。
Energy Literacy Platform consists of a ELP module that is to be installed between individual home appliance and an electric outlet, a ELP receiver that sends data to a computer, and ELP website that shows users the amount of power consumption. Users can set the upper limit of the amount of power (or money) they desire on each module. While electric devices are being used, lights on individual module change from white to yellow and to red, as the power consumption amount increases and reaches the upper limit that users have set. The data of power consumption amount sent from each module is visualized on the ELP website for users to grasp easily, and users can also refer to the past consumption amount on the website. Moreover, in order for users to have a real sense of how much power they need to run devices, the website provide easy-to-understand information. For example, the website shows users how long it takes to generate the consumed amount of power by an in-house bicycle power generator. By using our Energy Literacy Platform, users can understand power consumption of home appliances and deepen their knowledge about power usage. Therefore our Energy Literacy Platform can contribute to domestic power saving.
To whom it may concern,Mr./Ms. Ashizawa will give a lecture on marketing at this week's meeting. It is a very important lecture, so I would like you all to attend this meeting. Thank you.訳注:芦沢さんが男性なのか女性なのか分かりませんでしたので、(Mr./Ms.)にしております。適切な方をお使い下さい。
私は、今月11日に現金5万円を日本の郵便局のATMから引き出しました。しかし、未だにCard Accountsに記載されていません。何故なのですか?カードの残高が分からないと、大変不便で困ります。就きましては、今後ATMからの現金引き出しや残高が記録されるよう至急対処してください。お願いいたします。
I withdrew J¥50,000.- from an ATM of a Japanese Postal Bank on June 16th.However, the transaction has not been recorded in my card account. I wonder why it has not been recorded yet. Without the latest transaction records, it is difficult to know how much money I have in my account. Therefore please kindly do something about this matter to reflect any transaction activities into card account without delay. Your kind attention on the matter would be highly appreciated.Regards,
Special week-long release promotionSave now! It costs you only J¥115 instead of its standard price of J¥350.Knock off your enemies with blitz!Clean up a swarm of bastards!It’s easy to play.Keep on touching to store power and release for firing.You can change the direction of firing by touching or dragging when firing.The more power you store, the longer you can fire. Keep it up!It is compatible with OpenFeint. Keep fighting and unlock achievements!
No ironing or starching is necessary. This frame is specially made for these cotton towels, so towels can be glued to this frame only by using water.
There is a selection of designs for the cotton towels. The designs include not only Kabuki patterns, but also Ukiyoe patterns by Hokusai and Hiroshige Utagawa, and many contemporary art designs as well.
Cotton towels traditionally have a variety of usage. This particular product line of cotton towels come with beautiful designs, therefore they can be hung on the wall as ornament.
Dear ,The goods which we dispatched on May 25 have been returned back to us. The reason of the return was due to the expiration of the shipping company's storage period at your side. We are afraid that we do not resend the goods, therefore we would like to refund your money to your PayPal account. Your kind understanding on this matter would be appreciated. Best regards,
How is your morning? Did you wake up easily? I hope you have a great time with your brother. I will stay at home all day today, since the weather here is not good.
These cotton towel are made one by one by Japanese craftsmen. To see the production process, click here.ホームページ用かなと推定し、最後、Click here としました。
・・・銀行 御中この度、初めて口座を開設いたしました。今後、貴社への預金増額の為にも、是非貴銀行のパンフレット等を郵送ください。尚、郵送先等は、下記記載の通りです。又、パスポートをメール添付いたします。尚、先日のメールでの「ATM」使用開始はまだでしょうか?利用開始可能時は、メールをいただけますよね?
To: ( ) BankDear Sir/Madam,I have just opened my first account with your bank.Would you please arrange to send brochures of your bank for my future saving plans. My mailing address is shown below.I also attached the copy of my passport for your reference along with this message. Meanwhile, when do I expect to sart using your ATM service?Please kindly let me know once your ATM service starts.Best regards,
Please read this carefully before bidding.This is a special offer only for those who bid within 48 hours from the starting time of auction. There is a chance to get a special discount for everybody who bid within 48 hours.A successful bidder, who bid within 48 hours from the starting time of auction for this item, will get a 10 % discount from a contract price. It is very inexpensive and it comes with a special money-saving offer.Don’t miss it!