キャンセル分のサンプルについてですが、あなたの要望の60%ディスカウントで商品をすべて引き取ります。こちらの要望としては、次回からはキャンセル分のサンプルはすべて返却したいです。ダメージ製品ですが、来週 あなたのアトリエに返却手配をします。また、下記内容について何度か工場に確認していますが返信がありません。お願いですからあなたから工場に連絡を取っていただけませんか。
Regarding the cancelled samples, as you requested, we would like to agree to buy them at a 60% discount this time. However we would like to return all of cancelled samples from the next time, if ever happens. As to the damaged products, we will arrange to ship them back to your atelier next week. In the meantime, we have been contacting the manufacture about the following matter, however we have not received any reply from them. Would you please contact them for us?
混率の各20%の狼、狐、ウサギの毛は、何処に使っていますか。 このインボイスは、間違っていると思います。なぜなら、黒い毛と茶の毛は写真でもわかるように明らかに違います。たぶん、黒い毛が狐の毛で茶の毛が狼の毛だと思います。あなたの会社は、毛皮専門の会社で有名で信頼のある会社です。お願いですからインボイスに記載されている各商品の正しい毛表記を教えてください。
Please kindly let us know where are those 20% of each wolf, fox and rabbit fur used in the products? I am afraid that your invoice is incorrect, because the colors of black and brown look obviously different even in the picture. We assume that fox fur is black and wolf fur is brown. We believe that your company is an established and trusted fur specialist. So please do let us have the correct detailed information about the furs for each product listed in the Invoice.
About stencil printing: Stencil printing is applied to various kinds of materials, and famous examples are the Yuzen, Komon, Kijaku, Bin patterns which are used for long-sleeved kimonos, formal visiting kimonos and wrapping cloth, or the Chusen pattern used for dyeing towels. Kyo-Uzen (Stencil Uzen), Edo-Komon, Okinawa’s Bin pattern, and Yukata (Chusen) are often-heard names. Something unexpected is that the method is also applied for painting for ceramics and obscure glass. The standard method for stencil printing is first to put paper pattern on a cloth to be printed and apply glue from the top of it to cover the areas where should not get dyed by other colors.
So the glue is left on the part has the same shape as the one from the pattern and let the glue dry. When it is washed away after the other parts are dyed, the parts still remain uncolored. What is special about this paper pattern is that it can be repeatedly used for the same pattern of design for both standard design style or just a part of the design. Since one paper pattern have to be prepared for one color, there are some designs using many colors require more than 100 paper patterns. In the case of long-sleeve kimonos, there are some designs requiring more than 700 to 800 paper patterns to complet the whole printing. About Edo-Komon and Ise paper pattern: Among stencil printing, small patterns are called Komon, and big pattern are called Daimon.
また中ぶりのものを中形と呼ばれ、後に浴衣の別称となりました。小紋は、最初は武士の裃の文様として発展してきましたが、次第に各藩固有の小紋が定着しました。(たとえば、将軍家→御召十、加賀前田家→菊菱、鍋島家→胡麻 など)そして武家の独占であった小紋柄は元禄の頃から次第に庶民の間に広がり、それによって自由で生き生きとした様々な柄が生み出されました。この頃が江戸小紋の最盛期で、彫りと染めの技術が高い完成度を見ることになったのでした。
The middle size pattern is called Chugata, which later became another name for Yukata. Komon was originally developed as a design pattern for warrior’s standard dress, but warriors gradually started having their own dress using a different design pattern for each province. (Ex. Omeshiju for the Shogunate family of Tokugawa, Kikubishi for the Maeda family in Kaga (Currently in Ishikawa prefecture), Goma (sesami) for the Nabejima family, etc).And Komon pattern which had once been the symbol of warriors gradually spread to ordinary families from the Genroku era (1688-1704), and since then many more liberal and vivid patterns were created. That time was the best time for Edo-Komon design, and that led to the highest accomplishment for both carving for paper patterns and dyeing techniques.
About paper patterns for dyeing (Ise paper patterns): The ground paper for Ise paper patterns, also called as Shibugami (tannin paper), is made with handmade paper, which is strengthened with persimmon tannin juice and dried under the sun. These paper is carved by pattern craft people with their remarkable skills and considerable time to be completed as meticulously designed Ise paper patterns. The paper pattern in this picture is reinforced by a method called “Shabari” with silk gauge and lacquer for dyeing.
Edo-Komon*, which uses tannin paper for dyeing, is also said to need a high skills, but a beautiful fine design can be achieved only when remarkable skills are reflected on paper patterns. Not to mention about the beauty of fabrics dyed with such a delicately-made paper pattern, the pattern itself can be (or was) considered as a magnificent work which was cultivated with full of great materials and high skills handed down from the ancient time in Japan. Edo-Komon is the art of dyeing in fine patterns prevalent in the Edo period.
These folding fans and round fans (small fans) are designed with hand-carved original Ise paper patterns, and made by an fan maker with solid skills. These fans designed with hand-carved Ise paper pattern of traditional craft work, which was originally used for dyeing Kimono, are very unique, valuable and meticulous piece of art. They are ideal as an ornament for interior decoration or as a gift regardless of season. It is a poplar gift item to send for people abroad. Each fan with a bamboo fan stand is packed in a gift paper box.
“Ise paper pattern” is one of the paper patterns to use for dyeing kimono or other fabrics in certain patterns or designs. In recent rears, the artistry of the patterns and designs have been acclaimed highly, and Ise paper patterns have been used for objects for fine art and furniture other than simply used for dyeing. The patterns are produced mainly in Suzuka city of Mie prefecture, and more than 90% of the current distribution are made in this district. In 1955, the craft technique of “Ise paper pattern” is recognized as an important intangible cultural heritage under the Cultural Assets Preservation of Japan, and six craft men are individually designated as the technique holders of the heritage, so called Living National Treasure.
1993年には伊勢型紙技術保存会が重要無形文化財「伊勢型紙」の保持団体に認定されている。また1983年には通産省の伝統的工芸品の指定を受けている。人の手の素晴らしい可能性を私達は忘れかけているのではないだろうか。額のサイズには規格があり、ガラス部分のサイズで表示されます。このため、各作品のサイズも ガラスサイズで表示しておりますが、全体のサイズについては、お問い合わせください。作品に組み合わせる額は変更する場合があります。
In 1993, the assembly of preserving techniques for Ise paper pattern is appointed as the preservation group for the important intangible cultural heritage of “Ise paper pattern”. It was also certified as a traditional crafts by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan in 1983. Are we forgetting that we can actually make such beautiful crafts by using our own hands? There are standards for frames, and they are shown by the sizes of framing glasses. Therefore, the size of a craft is also displayed by the size of framing glass. Please contact for the overall size. Please note that the designs of frames may be different from the posted.
インボイスの商品には、コヨーテ、フォックス、ラビットの3つの毛品質表示に明記が有ります。どの部分に各毛を使用されているか教えてください。品番の名前と洗濯表示タグからの推測ですが、ライナー部分がラビット 衿部分の黒がFOXでベージュ系はコヨーテだと思います。表示確認できないと販売することができないので今日中にご連絡ください。また、あなたのお店で好評のモデルの状況を随時教えて下さい。
The invoice indicates three kinds of furs of coyote, fox and rabbit. Please kindly let us know where these furs are used in the product. Our guess from the product name and its washing label is that rabbit fur is used for the liner part, and that fox fur is used for the black color of the sleeves and coyote fur for the beige color. Please let us have your reply on this matter within today, since we cannot sell the goods until we confirm the indication. In the meantime, please also let us know from time to time about how your popular models sell at your shop.
メン ズ 同 様 、 連絡 を しっ か りと 取 り な が ら あ な た の セー ル ス の 動 向 を 教えて欲 し い 。 例 え ば 、 「 こ の モ デ ル は あ と どれ く ら い で 生 産 が 可 能 」 と い う よ う な 情 報 があ れ ば キャ ン セ ル 回 避 に 繋 が る 。 今 回 同 様 に 、 展示会スタート前にコ レ ク ショ ン 傾 向 やセー ル ス ポ イ ン ト の 資 料 が 必 要。
In a similar way for men’s clothes, we would like you to inform us of your sales situation by constantly contacting each other. For example, we could avoid further cancellation, if you could tell us how much longer it takes to produce a certain model. In addition, as we did for this time, we need to prepare materials for trends of collections and selling points before an exhibition starts.
How about a tea produced by a grandpa? The tea farm is in a quiet mountain area that is covered with morning mist in the mornings, and there is a river close by, named Miyagawa which runs through to the famous Ise shrine in Mie prefecture, Japan. This Sencha green tea is made meticulously by a grandpa using the cristal-clear ground water of Miyagawa. He does not rush to pick tea leaves even after tea-picking season starts, rather he waits until his tea tree are ready for picking. He knows from his long experience when is the best time to pick them to produce tea leaves with the best flavor and taste. He makes tea leaves only because he wants to hear, “Granpa’s tea tastes delicious.” Cool hot water down Pour hot water to tea cup(s) to let it cool. Cool it down to 70 ℃ for sweeter flavor, and use hot water without cooling for bitter flavor. 2. Put tea leaves into a teapot: Use about 10 grams of tea leaves for five people, and three grams for a person.
One teaspoonful of tea leaves serves about for 2 - 3 people. 3. Pour hot water into a tea pot: Pour the hot water in the tea cup(s) into a tea pot. Let it steep for a while. Let it steep for 50 - 60 seconds for Sencha green tea, and 30 seconds for deeply steamed tea. 4. Serve tea: Do not fill up the cup(s) one by one, but serve tea evenly little by little into each cup, continue serving the tea until each cup is filled up. (You will probably make a couple of rounds to fill up all the cups.) It is important to pour the tea out of the pot at the end. Make sure there is no tea left in the pot. This is a tip to have the second serving deliciously.
メンズで も定 評 の あ る シャ ツ コ レ ク ショ ンをレディースに も 取 り 入 れ て 欲 し い 。今 回 、パ ン ツ が 評 価 を 得 て お り 、 先 シー ズ ン も 要 望し て い た ス カー ト のデザインの強 化 をして欲しい。 雑 貨 は 非 常 に 重 要 な ア イテ ム で す 。 秋冬か ら の 導 入 を 期 待 し ま す 。レディースに つ い て はバッ グ の コ レ ク ショ ンを 加 え て 下 さ い 。
We would like you to add men’s established shirt designs into ladies shirt collection. This time, pants are highly appreciated, and we would like you to further work out designs for skirts as we requested last season. Various items other than clothes are also important. We hope we can introduce them from the Autumn/Winter collection. Please add a collection of bags for ladies.
The number of items with wide collection of designs has increased, even the models that have been cancelled are included. It is effective to change fabrics of old models, however we also have to be careful not to repeat so many times, because people get tired of same models. While the reaction for pants are good, the reaction for skirts are not so good. We think that we need to work out more for the collection of bottoms as the collection of tops becomes good and large. We wanted you to include men’s popular T-shirts with parody print in the ladies collection. The number of items made with silk has decreased a bit, but still there are many of them. Items made with cotton are necessary for every season.
Regarding the Spring/Summer collection, there were many buyers who gave us critical opinions about prices. Pants were welcomed since they have a good balance between their designs and prices, and we think that has contributed to sales. For other items, especially for one-piece dresses, we thought that their prices are high since they are made with silk. In order to make them easier to sell, we would like you to consider using cotton fabric for the item. Our target prices for Autumn/Winter collection is shown below. We would like to keep this price range for 30% of the whole collection. The minimum quantities of models that we want are also shown below, and that does not include the models made with different fabrics.
For the designs of coats and blousons for ladies, there were many designs taken from that of men’s. Since there are new proposals for blouses, dresses and pants, we once again realized the high quality of designing. Items for daily use receives good reaction every season. In addition, we need to add items that have impact such as dress. Our order volume is about same as the last time, and that is because our customers hesitated to place an order with us due to the cancellation for some items. We think we need to make more effort each other in order to avoid further cancellation.
The quality of Hoji-tea, or roasted tea, is significantly affected by the weather and humidity of the day of roasting process. We continue to put our efforts into providing tasty and reliable roasted tea to customers by adjusting the heat, roasting time and the rotational frequency of our machines to weather conditions each day. The tradition to make tea at home seems to be disappearing. There seem to be some people who even heat up bottled tea to drink hot tea. We hope for the tradition, under which people who grew up drinking delicious tea in their childhood make delicious tea for their children, to be handed down for generations to come.
Japanese tea has beneficial elements to your body, and has no additives that are usually contained in bottled tea. Tips for making delicious tea: 1. Use a little bit more tea leaves compared to the amount used for ordinary green tea. 2. Pour preferably very hot water. The temperature of hot water makes a huge difference in aroma. Just follow these two tips to enjoy your delicious tea.