ORDER CONFIRMATIONの発行が遅い上にCANCELされる品番が多い。CANCELの連絡も遅いためAから毎シーズンクレームを受ける。 Aには昨シーズン、ミニマム数量と、それに満たないオーダーはCNACELされる可能性があること伝えているがAもミニマムを無視、オーダーは増えなかった。結果今期も大量CANCELが発生した。次シーズンはBに1品番ごとに生産を確実に進行できるミニマム数を報告させ、オーダー前にAに伝える。CにはCANCEL品番の連絡を早めること、CONFIRMATIONを早く発行する様契約時に取り決めが必要(ORDERから何日以内にCONFIRMATIONを発行等)。
Order confirmations have never been issued on time and there are many items get refused by the supplier. Because of delayed notice on unacceptable items from the supplier, we receive complaints from (A) every year. Last year, we discussed with (A) of minimum order quantity and told that the manufacturer will refuse to accept the order for the items under minimum order quantity. (A), however, ignored the minimum quantity, therefore order quantity did not increase. As for the next season, we ask (B) to provide us with lists of minimum order quantity for each item in order to make sure that the manufacturer will produce our orders, and we will provide the list to (A) before they place an order. At the same time, we request (C) to let us know immediately if there is any unacceptable order items. We need to have an agreement with (C) that (C) will issue their order confirmation without delay, such as adding a clause in our purchase order that (C) have to issue their order confirmation within ( ) days after receiving our order.
Energy Literacy Platformは家庭内において電気がどのくらい消費されているかを知ることができるツールです。節電は環境の面でもお金の面でも重要ですが、身の回りのそれぞれの機器がどのくらい電力を消費していているのか、こまめにスイッチを切ることがどの程度節電になっているのか本当に理解している人はどのくらいいるでしょうか。普段私たちは電力会社から請求書が届いて初めてどのくらいの電力をつかったということを理解します。しかしながら送られてきた請求書では、冷蔵庫がどのくらいの、掃除機がどのくらいの電力をつかったといったことまではわかりません。私たちの提案するEnergy Literacy Platformでは、ユーザーがこの製品を利用し、自分たちが日常的に使っている電気の消費量を感覚的に学習して家庭内電力に関するリテラシーを高めていくことで、無駄な電力消費を抑え、家庭内におけるエネルギーの利用効率化が促進されることを目的としています。
Energy Literacy Platform is a tool that help us learn how much electricity is used at home. Power saving is economically and environmentally important, however how many people do know how much electricity is used for individual home appliances, and how much electricity can be saved by turing off domestic electric devices? In our daily life, we do not realize how much electricity we use until we receive bills. The bills, however, does not show how much electricity is consumed for your refrigerator or vacuum clear respectively. Our Energy Literacy Platform is designed for users to to curb unnecessary power consumption and ultimately to promote electricity usage efficiency at home by learning visually how much electricity is being used for the devices we use everyday in order to deepen the knowledge on domestic power usage.
Energy Literacy Platformはコンセントと各家電製品の間に接続するELPモジュール、モジュールからの情報をパソコンで受信するELPレシーバ、エネルギーの使用量を確認するためのELPウェブサイトで構成されます。ELPウェブサイトでは各モジュールに上限としたい電気量(もしくは金額)を設定できます。設定したELPモジュールを電化製品に接続し使用していく中でユーザーが設定した上限に近づくたびにモジュールの色が白から黄色、そして赤へと変化していきす。モジュールから送られてくる各電気機器の消費電力量はELPウェブサイト上でわかりやすく視覚化され、今までの履歴を見ることができます。また、これらの電気量を自転車をこぐことで自家発電するとどのくらいの時間がかかるかといった、身近なものに置き換えることにより、消費電力と生活の関係を理解しやすくします。身近な電気機器の電力消費を理解することで、電力に対するリテラシーを身につけ家庭におけるエネルギーの節約に貢献します。
Energy Literacy Platform consists of a ELP module that is to be installed between individual home appliance and an electric outlet, a ELP receiver that sends data to a computer, and ELP website that shows users the amount of power consumption. Users can set the upper limit of the amount of power (or money) they desire on each module. While electric devices are being used, lights on individual module change from white to yellow and to red, as the power consumption amount increases and reaches the upper limit that users have set. The data of power consumption amount sent from each module is visualized on the ELP website for users to grasp easily, and users can also refer to the past consumption amount on the website. Moreover, in order for users to have a real sense of how much power they need to run devices, the website provide easy-to-understand information. For example, the website shows users how long it takes to generate the consumed amount of power by an in-house bicycle power generator. By using our Energy Literacy Platform, users can understand power consumption of home appliances and deepen their knowledge about power usage. Therefore our Energy Literacy Platform can contribute to domestic power saving.
Dear Bさん,いつもお世話になっております。ミンです。御社にお応募させていた私は、三次面接まで行きましたが、不採用ありました。選ばれなかった理由はCさんに聞いて頂きましたところで、Aさんの決定だと分かりました。面接では、モチベーション欠如だと思もわれたかもしれないのですが、実は正反対です。御社の今回のXXXポジションのポテンシャルや魅力を感じていおり、応募させて頂きました。自分のキャリヤの中でその仕事はとても進展敵です。以前の経験で身に付けた技術力とグローバル力を活かし、御社に貢献させて頂きたいと思います。最初は苦労するかもしれませんが、勉強せざるを得ないという状況が逆にモチベーションになり、頑張っていて、最後まで諦めなく、問題を乗り越えたいと思います。だからこそ、Aさんに私のことをもう一度考えさせて痛きただくというお願いを申し上げます。ご連絡を待ちしております。よろしくお願いいたします。
The abstract needs to be dense with information but also readablc, well organized,brief,and self-contained.Also,embedding many key words in your abstract will enhance the user's ability to find it.
To whom it may concern,Mr./Ms. Ashizawa will give a lecture on marketing at this week's meeting. It is a very important lecture, so I would like you all to attend this meeting. Thank you.訳注:芦沢さんが男性なのか女性なのか分かりませんでしたので、(Mr./Ms.)にしております。適切な方をお使い下さい。
European insurers including Axa SA and Prudential Plc are seeking to free up capital reserves used to back policies in slower-growing markets like the U.K. to fund growth in Asia, where margins are wider.
A sale of the U.K. life unit is “unlikely” because the reported price is lower than what the management would probably be willing to sell it for, said Thomas Nagtegaal, an Amsterdam- based analyst at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc with a “hold” recommendation on Aegon. There is also a lack of potential buyers, Nagtegaal said.
「イギリスの保険会社の売却は実現しそうにない、というのは、提示された価格が同社がおそらく売却したいという価格よりも低いからだ。」とアムステルダムに拠点を置き、ロイヤル・バンク・オブ・スコットランドのアナリストを務めるトーマス・ナグティガール(Thomas Nagtegaal)氏は言う。同氏は、イーゴン社に対しては、「中立」の姿勢を示している。また、同氏によれば、買収しそうな買い手も不足しているとのこと。
Joe W - Japan was amazing. Getting to be surrounded by a new culture whilegetting to play music for new fans was a dream come true. I just want tothank Masa and all of the Kick Rock crew for putting our trip together andof course to all of the fans for always supporting us. I’m ready to comeback and see my new Japanese friends and to make even more. Arigato!!!
ジョー・W:日本はすばらしいよ。初めて経験する文化に囲まれて、新しいファンの前で演奏するとは夢がかなったようだよ。マサをはじめ、このKick Rockのスタッフ全員がこのツアーの実現に向けて頑張ってくれたことに感謝するよ。この新しいファンに会いにまた戻ってくるよ。そしてもっと僕たちのファンをつくりたいよ。ありがとう!
Maika - Beyond The Blue 2010 was our 2nd annual trip to Japan. It was muchmore enjoyable this time around, since we got the shock factor of being inanother country playing music on the previous visit. We could pay much moreattention to detail and really take time to admire Japanese culture and theway our fans react over there.
マイカ(Maika): このBeyond The Blue 2010で日本へツアーに行くのは2度目だった。前回は、異国で演奏することに動揺していたから、今回は前回よりもずっと楽しめたよ。今回は、細かい所にまで気を配ることができた。日本の文化や日本のファンがどういう反応を示すのかを知って楽しむには時間がかかるね。
We are developing a strong following ofdedicated and passionate music lovers called JapanForTomorrow. These people and everyone KickRockInvasion are gonna be the reason we keep returning for years to come. Until next time, sayonara!
Jay - What I enjoyed most about the B[t]B tour 2010 was getting to enjoyJapanese culture and Japanese music fans for the second time. They are boththings I look forward to most when going over there.
ジェイ(Jay): 今回のBeyond The Blue 2010のツアーで、僕が一番楽しんだのは、また日本の文化や日本の音楽を楽しめたってことかな。これが、僕が日本に行く時に楽しみにしていることなんだよ。
"A lot of young people just think about money. The sea is something they see every day and take for granted. We have to renew an appreciation among them about what a wonderful natural asset we all have."
However, Karadake, just north of Shiraho village, is the site of three bat caves, as well as being home to the crested serpent eagle, a protected species. The other issue is the disappearing cultural heritage of the local people and their centuries-old way of life beside the reef, enjoying its treasures and protection. Takashi Kobayashi of WWF worries that in the push toward modern consumer culture, such precious ecosystems won't be appreciated until they are gone.
私は、今月11日に現金5万円を日本の郵便局のATMから引き出しました。しかし、未だにCard Accountsに記載されていません。何故なのですか?カードの残高が分からないと、大変不便で困ります。就きましては、今後ATMからの現金引き出しや残高が記録されるよう至急対処してください。お願いいたします。
I withdrew J¥50,000.- from an ATM of a Japanese Postal Bank on June 16th.However, the transaction has not been recorded in my card account. I wonder why it has not been recorded yet. Without the latest transaction records, it is difficult to know how much money I have in my account. Therefore please kindly do something about this matter to reflect any transaction activities into card account without delay. Your kind attention on the matter would be highly appreciated.Regards,
The initial 1979 nationally financed proposal to build directly on th reef was opposed by local residents; the debate later attracted wider attracted wider sttention, and th International Union for Conservation of Nature and Nature Resources attempted to have the reef listed as a World Heritage Site. The airport project stalled, only to be recently restarted in the changed political climate and with the proposal of an alternate site on land.
"This year was especially bad: the summer was hot, and there was a lot of heavy rain." She is referring to the akatsuchi runoff, red tropical woil that washes off farms and construction sites and ends up in the sea, cutting off the coral's necessary oxygen and light. Furthermore, the biggest shadow hanging over the reef's future is Okinawa's three-decade-old plan to build a new airport at Shiraho village.
「 今年は特に悪い。夏は暑かったし、激しい雨も多かった。」と、オオイ氏は、農地や建設現場に流れ込んだ赤い熱帯の土が、最終的には海に流れ込み、珊瑚が必要とする酸素や光を遮ってしまう赤土の流出について触れた。さらに、珊瑚礁の未来に一番大きな影を投じているのは、沖縄が過去30年に渡って計画しているしらほ村の空港建設である。
For example, there are classes of marine life there that have not yet been studied at all, and growth rings on the blue coral can be examined to measure environmental changes in the last millennium. But in many places, the coral has lost its color. White "bleached" coral is either dying, or is already dead. "It's not normal," says Rie Oi, a marine ecologist and instructor at Ishigaki Resort Polytechnical College.
Among the most varied ecosystems on Earth, coral reefs support an amazing variety of marine life, and are as valuable underwater as the tropical rain forest is on land. A snorkeling trip into the reef, where the blue coral has grown to 2 or 3 meters high in places, may be a dreamlike experience, but the ecosystem also has tremendous scientific importance.
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