zhizi 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 中国語(簡体字)
zhizi 日本語 → 英語

売れ筋状況を見ても、依然としてシャツへの比重が高いと感じます。シャツは細身でパターンが良く安定感があると感じます。しかし、シャツだけではオーダー増加にも限界があり、これに続く売れ筋アイテムの開発が必要です。シャツ以外の売れ筋としてはパロディプリントのTシャツが良かった。売れ筋アイテムの幅を広げるためにも 麻の生地を使ったアイテムを生産すべきであったと感じています。コートは素材が重いことに加えて、キャンセルによりスタイルの選択肢が少なくなってしまったことで顧客の反応が悪かった。


When we looked at our sales status for the best-selling items, shirts still account for a large proportion of our sales. We think our shirts fit tightly, have good pattern, and are well-balanced. However, when shirts are the only driving force for our sales, there will be a limited sales growth, and we need to develop other best-selling items like the shirts. We thought that, other than shirts, T-shirts with parody print were a good idea for the next best-selling item. We think we should have produced items using linen fabric in order to expand the range of popular items. As to coats, we did not receive good reaction from our customers, because, in addition to its heavy material, there was not much choice for styles due to the cancellation.

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

As per Article 1 of the new law, an insurer constituted under the laws of another country may be represented in Costa Rica through branch office(s) in accordance with Article 2. However such an office is not authorised to offer nor transact insurance.
Law states that insurers may be authorised to transact general insurance, personal insurances, or both.
The regulation applying to Law 8,653 was published in the official gazette.Article 2 of the regulation states that it applies to non-life, life and mixed insurers and to reinsurers. PA and health are considered to be life (pesonal) insurances.The law and regulation appear to be silent on the question of inwards reinsurance.



zhizi 英語 → 日本語

The solvency margin is described in the new law as the capital requirement, which goes on to say that the capital must be sufficient to cover at least the technical risk, the credit risk, the market risk and the operational risk faced by the insurer.
In order to make the necessary calculation the regulation will consider the current value of assets and liabilities and the insurer's cession of risks.
Article 13 of the new law states that insurers must constitute and maintain at all times technical reserves sufficient to guarantee the performance of their insurance and reinsurance obligations. They may set up and maintain reserves sufficient to deal with other risks which may affect development of the business.



zhizi 英語 → 日本語

In addition to whatever CONASSIF may require, insurers may only establish provisions and specific reserves as authorised by the superintendency.

Investment requirements are laid down in Articles 14. The ruling principles are that insurers and reinsurers must administer their investments in a secure and prudent manner, identifying, measuring, controlling and managing the risks. Investments must be made in securities on public offer and in securities issued by financial organisations supervised by the GSS and CBCR. Investments may also be made in similar securities in other jurisdictions in accordance with the relevant regulation. Insurers may
also participate directly in securities issued by the CBand.




zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Level term policies are available to provide family protection. Such policies may be one year renewable, or for longer periods. Such policies can be used to cover debt, but decreasing term policies are sold in conjunction with mortgage loans and as a credit life product when short-term lending is involved; the sum assured decreases as the loan is repaid.
One insurer stated that it has a pure protection product selling successfully to cover personal credit, mainly in USD.Key man policies are also sold.
Term premiums must be paid promptly and it is only possible to reinstate such a policy two or three times following delays in premium payment.


定期保険は家族を守るために販売されている保険です。定期保険は1年更新又はそれ以上の長期更新のものがあります。これらの保険は、債務対策に使用することもできますが、逓減定期保険は、短期的債務がある場合、 住宅ローンに関連して、信用生命保険として販売されています。すなわち、保険額はローンが返済されるにつれて低くなります。

zhizi 日本語 → 英語





“Jozen-Mizunogotoshi”, a Japanese sake produced with crystal-clear water of snowy Echigo-Yuzawa, Niigata.
“Jozen Mizuno Gotoshi Skin Care” is a natural cosmetic series which is developed with Japanese sake brewing techniques.
This “Jozen-Mizunogotoshi” sake was developed with one of ideologies established by a chinese philosopher, Laozi, more than 2,000 years ago, which says, “The highest goodness is like water.”
Since it appeared on the market in 1990, it has been admired among female customers.

Carefully selected sake rice, soft and crystal-clear water of snowy Echigo-Yuzawa, crisp and clear air, and professional skills are the important ingredients and elements to make this sake supreme.
“Jozen-Mizunogotoshi” can be produced only by Shirataki Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.