Thank your checking the availability.In that case, I would like to purchase the watch below.Please send this to Japan as usual.By the way, I would like ■ to be sent to my address in the U.S.I will first sell it in the U.S. and I hope to order more depending on how well it sells.Also, when I received the item last time, I was billed for very expensive tax because the invoice was not attached.For this shipment, would it be possible to have a simple invoice attached on the package as shown below?I appreciate your cooperation.
其れでしたら双方合意の上キャンセル、”Report an Unpaid Item”でお願い出来ますか?キャンセル後、FVF(落札手数料)は変換されると思います、
In that case, can we process as a mutually agreed cancellation, "Report an Unpaid Item"?FVF (final value fee) should be refunded after cancellation.
ご連絡ありがとう!では最終的なお見積もりをお願い致します。PETZL E02P2を50個Petzl E78 を5個RXP2 E87P2を10個です。支払いは4月1日です。請求書はこのメールアドレスに送ってください。ではご連絡まってます!ありがとう!!
Thank you for your reply!Then, please give me a final quote for the order below.50 units of PETZL E02P25 units of Petzl E7810 units of RXP2 E87P2The payment will be made on April 1.Please send the bill to this e-mail address.I am looking forward to your reply!Thank you!!
I am glad about your proposal.However, I plan to continue ordering this product regularly.I assume the $500 price is for this time only?If the regular price is $600, another seller has proposed $7.5.I would like to keep purchasing from you so could you tell me your price for the future?By the way, I do have a paypal account so please be assured.
There is currently a product in my account which has not been approved for shipping to Japan.I have had this product sent from your storage to Japan many times in the past.Please process it for approval so that the product can be sent to Japan.Kind Regards,
Thank you for contacting me!The list looks great! It is very easy to understand.I usually purchase my stock on the 1st and 16th of every month, so I will contact you when I need the list.I will be purchasing next on the 16th so I will make a list and send it to Pullman soon.Also, I sent a request via Skype so please check.Can I pay through PayPal?And how long does it take to arrive at Florida?
We received your return request. Therefore, please send the product back to our Japan office. We will verify the refund request as soon as the product arrives. We ask that you pay for the return shipping.Reminder:In case of a return, please send the product back to our Japan office. Returns due to the customer's circumstances (e.g. product not needed anymore) are only accepted for unopened brand new items. If the product becomes unnecessary prior to delivery, you can have the package returned to our office without shipping cost by "refusing" to receive the product. Please keep this in mind.
I recently received the products.However, unlike before, the packing this time was really terrible.More than half of the outer boxes of the products were damaged, and two of the attached pumps were broken.It is not surprising to find these damages when you just squeeze them into a small card box without any cushioning material.Please pack more carefully in the future.The outer boxes of the products are also valuable, so please pack them carefully to avoid any damage.
商品のタイトルが誤解を生んだとしたら大変申し訳無い。この商品はアマゾンの商品画像からもわかるように金属製ではありません。また、タイトルのMetal Fusionは金属製という意味ではなく、ベイブレードの金属がぶつかり合うスタジアムという意味になります。もし、商品に納得がいかない場合には、いっしょに解決策を検討させてください。
I apologize if the product title caused a misunderstanding.As you can see from the product image on Amazon, they are not made of metal.Also, the title Metal Fusion does not mean that it is made of metal but it means the stadium where the metals on Beyblades clash against each other.If you are not satisfied with the product, please let us figure out a good solution together.
Nike社は『eBay』で1,500足のAir Magのオークションを実施しましたが、その時の商品ですか?商品の状態も教えて下さい。以上よろしくお願いします。
Nike sold 1,500 pairs of Air Mags through an eBay auction, are they from this auction?Please tell me about their condition as well.Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.
当ショップは、オーナーが子育てしながら、ホームページの作成からお客様への配送手配まですべて一人で運営しております。オープンしたてで試行錯誤しながらの運営となりますため、至らない点も多々あるかと思いますが、 少しでも多くのママとお子様に笑顔と素敵な商品をお届けできるように、 日々改善していきたいと思いますので、今後とも何とぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。店名のLilyとAllyは、二人の女の子の名前です。ひとりがお転婆、もうひとりがおしとやかな性格です。
This shop is operated by the owner who is doing everything from building the website to arranging for shipping to customers while raising her children.The shop just opened recently so there will be some trial-and-error and we may encounter some problems along the way, but I will work hard to improve my business one day at a time to bring smiles and wonderful products to as many moms and kids, so I wish you will help make this shop a better place.The name of the shop Lily and Ally are the names of two girls.One is spirited and active, and the other is quiet and ladylike.
I think A is a very good product. However, the price is too high compared to the other models. Moreover, my competitor is selling the same product at a low price, so I can't sell many at the current price. I am not sure if I will order this product again.
客「シャワーが壊れているようなんですが・蛇口をひねってもお湯が出なくって」 フロント「申し訳ございません。すぐに修理に伺います。お部屋は何号室ですか?」
Customer "It looks like the shower isn't working. No hot water even when I turn the faucet."Front desk "I am sorry. I will have someone come over to repair it immediately. What is your room number?"
I am interested in hearing more details toward a contract.I would like to speak with someone from your support department who can speak Japanese.If possible, can we discuss over the phone or Skype?E-mail discussion in Japanese works as well.
返事をありがとう。私は英語ができないことを伝えておきます。この文章も翻訳家に頼んで作成しています。あなたが送ってきた商品の画像を撮ったので見てください。(画像)これはSuomy Excel Capirossi Replica(XS)です。私が注文したのはSuomy SPEC Extreme Capirossi(XS)です。
Thank you for your reply.I want to tell you that I cannot read/write English.This mail is prepared by a translator.I took a picture of the item that you sent to me so please take a look. (image).This isSuomy Excel Capirossi Replica(XS)What I ordered isSuomy SPEC Extreme Capirossi(XS)
私はあなたに提案したい。Suomy SPEC Extreme Capirossi(XS)を早急に送ってください。私はお客さんを待たせています。送られてきたSuomy Excel Capirossi Replica(XS)は私が買い取りましょう。しかし、長い間在庫を抱えてしまうので50ユーロ割引してください。インボイスを送ってください。すぐに払います。今後も私はあなたからたくさん商品を買いたい。あなたのお店は魅力的です。継続的に気持ちのいい関係が続くことを望んでいます。よろしく
I propose as follows.Please send Suomy SPEC Extreme Capirossi(XS) as soon as possible.I am keeping my customer waiting for this.The item that was sent to me by mistake:Suomy Excel Capirossi Replica(XS)I can buy this. However, since I have to keep it in stock for a long time, please give me 50 euro discount.I can pay immediately if you send me an invoice.I would like to continue buying many products from you. Your store is attractive. I wish to continue having a good relationship with you.Best Regards,
I am very happy to be able to buy the item.Thank you.One request I have is to pack the item very securely.I have had many sad experiences due to accidents during delivery.I want to carefully handle the wonderful product that I luckily bought from you.If there is any dust or stains on the item, please clean it before shipping.I will definitely give you a positive feed back.I appreciate your kindness.Thank you.
The product will be shipped out tomorrow, March 8.We tried to send it through Japan Post earlier but we were told that a problem with the packaging may cause it to be rejected and sent back to Japan at the custom in a国.Please be assured that we will remedy the problem and ship it out tomorrow.
Oxford Journal オンラインオーダー担当者様Nucleic Acid ResearchをSingle Issueで注文したいと思っております。しかしながら、http://... で”Add to Basket”ボタンを押した後、次の画面で”Proceed to Checkout”ボタンを押してもSYSTEM ERRORというページが表示されるだけでオーダーを進めることができません。この場合どのようにすればよろしいでしょうか。以上対応をよろしくお願いいたします。
Dear Customer Support for Oxford Journal Online Orders,I would like to order a single issue of Nucleic Acid Research.I pushed "Add to Basket" button at http://...and in the following page, I pushed "Proceed to Checkout" button, but it returns a page that says "SYSTEM ERROR" and I cannot complete the order. What can I do to in this situation?Please advise what I can do.
I know this is a tough request, but would you consider it?