Yumiko.C (yumichan) 翻訳実績

14年弱前 女性 30代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
yumichan 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 111-1
But according to Hamel, in future companies don’t need leaders with big ideas. The next phase is to move to non-linear strategies’, he says ‘strategies that represent a quantum leap. They will not be created by the guys at the top of the company.’

‘Yesterday’s visionary is today’s straightjacket’, he says. ‘Look at how Microsoft responded to the Internet. Bill Gates was the last person in the company to get it.’

What companies need, he says, is to hear new voices. In many organizations the conversations about the future are the same people having the same conversations. Over time you get a lack of genetic diversity.





yumichan 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Select "Prepaid MasterCard" from the left-hand menu
Click the ‘Find out more and apply’ button
This sits underneath the EcoCard Prepaid Debit MasterCard header.

Click ‘Apply now’
Check and confirm your details
Please check the details we have for you are correct. It is particularly important your home address is correct, as we will be sending your debit card to your registered address. If any of the details (aside from your mobile number) are incorrect, please contact customer services before continuing your application.

Add or update your mobile number (if applicable)
If your mobile number is incomplete or incorrect you can change it by clicking ‘Change your mobile number now’.


まず、左のメニューから"Prepaid MasterCard"を選択してください。
次に、EcoCard Prepaid Debit MasterCardという見出し部分のすぐ下にある‘Find out more and apply’ボタンを押してください。

‘Apply now’をクリックしてください。

もしあなたの携帯電話番号が間違っていたり入力が未完了ならば、‘Change your mobile number now’をクリックして訂正することができます。

yumichan 英語 → 日本語

In January 2010 CNBS created a new Division for the Protection of the User of Financial Services and immediately launched a campaign to inform the public about its services.With effect from 1 March 2010 Vilma became president of the CNBS.
In a new fiscal package approved by the National Congress on 28 March 2010 the government reintroduced a withholding tax on insurance, bonding and reinsurance premiums paid to non-resident individuals or companies, at the rate of 10%. Withholding tax for some years had been at the rate of 15%.

In November 2009 the Superintendency of Insurance announced that it would be creating a Risk Centre based on information to be provided by insurers.




yumichan 英語 → 日本語

The purpose of the centre is to provide centralised information regarding policyholders who fail to pay premiums and/or have a high or recurrent level of losses.
The insurance of goods, persons or interests may be carried out only with Honduran insurance companies or with foreign insurers legally established in the country. Insurers may cede risks to reinsurers overseas without restriction but the CNBS maintains a register of foreign reinsurers and reinsurance
brokers and insurers may place business only with registered reinsurers or brokers.
Brokers are estimated to control at least 60% of life and non-life business together, but just 40% of life business.



yumichan 英語 → 日本語

Philadelphia bought Phoenix Life and Reassurance Co. of New York, a company that had no actual business on its books when it was sold, but allows Philadelphia Financial to market and sell its products in New York.
Philadelphia itself was formed in 1996, sold to the Phoenix in two parts until the Hartford-based insurer owned all of it in 2003, said Philadelphia Financial CEO and President John Hillman. On June 23, the company became independent with capital from its new majority owner, Tiptree Financial Partners, a diversified financial services holding company that is mostly owned by major financial institutions, including J.P.


Philadelphia Financial(社名、以下Philadelphia)はPhoenix Life and Reassurance Company of New Yorkを買収するに至った。その時両社間では何の取引関係もなかったものの、これによりPhiladelphiaはニューヨークでのマーケット展開、また自社の製品を売る権利を得た。
Philadelphiaは1966年に誕生したが、その後Phoenix(*Phoenix Life and Reassurance Company of New Yorkとは異なる)に2つの部門に分けて売り渡され、最終的には2003年にHartford(社)に拠点を置く保険会社にそのすべてを買収されることとなったと、PhiladelphiaのCEO兼代表取締役であるJohn Hillmanは言う。6月23日、Philadelphiaは新しく過半数株式所有者になったTiptree Financial Partners(社)から資本的に独立した。Tiptree Financial Partnersは多様な金融サービスを持ち、J.P.(社)を含む主要な金融機関に大部分を所有されている。

yumichan 英語 → 日本語

Philadelphia has $3.5 billion in assets under management. It focuses on ultra-high-net-worth individuals -- typically someone who has between $50 million and $100 million of investable net worth, Hillman said. The company offers those investors private placement of money into insurance products.
The sale of Phoenix and Reassurance was part of the deal to make Philadelphia independent. New York regulators recently finalized the sale.
Phoenix also announced this week a new partnership with The AltiSure , which designs and distributes annuities and life insurance.
The two companies this week announced the launch of a co-developed "secure lifestyle annuity series" for retirees and people planning for retirement.


Phoenix and Reassuranceの売り渡しは、Philadelphiaを独立させるための取引の一部にすぎない。
Phoenixは、さらに今週、The AltiSureという年金保険と生命保険の設計と流通を行う会社との新たな提携を発表した。

yumichan 英語 → 日本語

As exprressed by the Tenth to the Costitution, states'rights were defined as all rights and powers not specifically granted to the federal govenment, nor prohibited by federal law ore Constitution. The constructionists used the rallying cry of states'rights to pass the Kentucky and Virginia to response to the violently unpopular Alien and Sedition Acts enacted by the federal government. The summary message of the two sets of amendments was this if the states perceive that the federal government has gone too far with a particular piece of legislation, the states have the right to pass their own laws nullifying the federal legislation.

