yoppo (yoppo1026) 翻訳実績

5.0 151 件のレビュー
13年以上前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
医療 ビジネス エレクトロニクス 契約書 食べ物・レシピ・メニュー 旅行・観光 ジャーナリズム 漫画 文学 マニュアル
20 時間 / 週
yoppo1026 英語 → 日本語

Five or six years ago when I just started following the sector, the Chinese internet companies had to be making profit before they got listed. Actually, all of them, Baidu, Tencent, Netease, Shanda and so on, made healthy profit and had fast growth. And that was what supporting their share price.

Today, that is still true for some of them, such as Baidu and Tencent. But not so much for the others, especially, some of the recently listed. Last October, ChinaCache, which provides Internet content and application delivery services to businesses and government agencies in China got listed when it was still in red. Its share went up 95% on the first day of trading.


5、6年前に私が初めてその部門を調べ始めた頃、中国のインターネット企業は上場するためには利益を生み出さなければならなかった。実際、それらの全て―Baidu(バイドゥ), Tencent(テンセント), Netease(ネットイーズ), Shanda(シャンダ)などは健全な利益を得、急成長していた。そして彼らの株価を支えてるのが利益だったのである。


yoppo1026 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Wang explains “No colleagues knew my mission, and some of them froze there in seeing me approach. Some were even screaming for being scared.”

To get a better look at how his coworkers reacted to Wang’s awesome suit, check out the video below (here’s a Youku alternative for viewers in China). I’ve also included a second video that Wang made showing a time-lapse of him putting on the entire costume.

Wang Says on his website that he is working on building a MK3 model (that’s the more recognizable red and yellow suit) so be sure to stay tuned to see what he comes up with!



