yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

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音楽 文化 ファッション IT Arts 漫画 マニュアル 旅行・観光 ソフトウェア
yakuok 英語 → 日本語

There are some obvious parallels between Nightfall and Indonesia’s much hyped DreadOut from Digital Happiness. Abenaza says that the games may seem similar since the Philippines and Indonesia have mythological creatures in common, but that the Nightfall experience will be “entirely different.”

“[It’s] because of the mystery of the haunted house, kind [of] like ‘Resident Evil mansion’ but of course dealing with Philippine folklore like the well-known ‘Aswang’ in Hollywood,” he explains. Abenaza adds that there will also be a “tragic love story” that will allow players to discover connections to mythological creatures, as well as some links to historical Filipino events.


Nightfallとインドネシアの期待がかかるDigital HappinessによるDreadOutにはいくつかの類似点がある。Abenaza氏は、フィリピンとインドネシアには同類の神話上の生き物の話があり、これらのゲームは類似している部分はあるものの、Nightfall体験は全く違った体験になる、と述べている。


yakuok 英語 → 日本語

The milestone means that Xiaomi has matched the progress of Motorola, which also sold one million smartphones in India in the space of its first five months. Motorola’s online-only sales strategy in India, targeting young and ecommerce-savvy customers, paved the way for Xiaomi to do the same thing later in the year.

But it’s not all been plain sailing for the Chinese startup in its second-largest market. Earlier this month, a patent dispute with Ericsson led a Delhi High Court judge to issue a ban on Xiaomi sales in India. That was partially lifted a week later, but Xiaomi still hasn’t fully resolved its legal tussle in India.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Unique pain points
Once an ecommerce site is live in Indonesia, the biggest challenge for brands new to the market is convincing the consumer that their online store is trustworthy, according to SingPost. On top of this, Indonesians remain hesitant about online payments. The most current data from Vela Indonesia shows that bank transfers are the most popular way to pay for online transactions, followed by cash on delivery, and finally credit cards. Less than five percent of Indonesia’s population own credit cards, and credit card payments still account for less than 10 percent of all online transactions in the archipelago.


SingPostによると、eコマースサイトがインドネシアに展開した後、そのサイトが該当の市場で新しいブランドの場合対面する最も大きな壁は、彼らのオンラインストアが信頼できるストアであると消費者に納得してもらうことだ。その上、インドネシア人はオンラインペイメントに対していまだ消極的だ。Vela indonesiaの最新のデータによると、オンライン決済で最も利用されている決済方法は銀行送金で、郵送時の代金引換、そしてクレジットカードの順となっている。インドネシア人でクレジットカードを所有している人は全体の5%以下で、クレジットカード決済は同国のオンライン上の全決済のうちいまだ10%に満たない。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Several local players are creatively addressing the epayments space, including Doku, Veritrans, iPaymu, and Indomog.

Increased traffic congestion and rising internet penetration drives people to shop online. The growing demand for more sophisticated logistics solutions for ecommerce businesses will lead to further investments into global and regional logistics players in the archipelago.

SingPost’s report sums up the situation in Indonesia by saying that for any business looking to venture into the nation’s ecommerce space, it’s of the utmost importance to consider localization and multiple payment and delivery options so as to best gel with Indonesia as one of Asia’s future economic powerhouses.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Jalan Tikus is a website that features three main download categories: apps for desktop PC and Android, games, and readable app-related content. All downloadable content are licensed as freeware, open source, and shareware. It is all legal and free for download. Tech in Asia’s most recent data shows that since its inception in June 2012, Jalan Tikus has facilitated over 10 million downloads to more than six million unique users. The site gets more than 1.3 million monthly pageviews and already has between 500,000 to one million monthly active users, according to founder Weihan Liew.


JalanTikusは、3つの主要ダウンロードカテゴリから成るウェブサイトだ。デスクトップPC向けアプリ、Android向けゲーム、そしてアプリ関連のリーダブルコンテンツだ。全てのダウンロードコンテンツはフリーウェア、オープンソース、そしてシェアウェアとしてライセンスが適用されている。これらコンテンツは全て合法であり、ダウンロードは無料だ。Tech in Asiaの最新のデータによると、JalanTikusは2012年6月のローンチから現在までに既に1000万以上のダウンロード数をはじき出しており、600万以上のユニークユーザ数を誇るという。同サイトの月次ペ ージビューは130万で、既に50万から100万人もの月次アクティブユーザを獲得している、と創始者のWeihan Liew氏は述べている。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

i´m looking for a Kiribako for a Kamisori, do you also sell a single Box?
If yes, what would be the Price and shipping?
Are they only available in one Size? My Kamisori is just 137mm


Thanks for getting back to me. I understand what you're saying about the stones. I'm just learning the complexities of these stones and how they compliment certain blades more than others. This is relatively new to me so excuse me for asking what might appear to be stupid questions. Do the Professional Knife Grinders have many stones that they will choose from when honing different razors? I know I can't have many stones so I have to pick only one?





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

58.com is one of China’s biggest online classifieds sites, rivaled only by Ganji. It IPO’ed in October of last year, then sold a 19.9 percent stake to Tencent in June for US$736 million. Tencent’s cut increased to 24 percent in September after it bought another US$100 million worth of shares. 58.com listings will eventually be integrated into WeChat somehow, but we’ve yet to see that happen.

Tencent and JD led Picooc’s series B round worth US$21 million. The hardware startup is perhaps best known for its smart body scales. It’s also planning more gadgets to launch soon, including a fitness wristband and blood pressure monitor.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Edaixi is an O2O laundry pickup app run by Chinese laundromat chain Rongchang. China’s Uber of laundry raised a US$3.2 million seed round from Tencent in July, then another US$20 million in November. Besides the native app, users can also order a pickup via the company’s official WeChat account.

Scaled Interface
Founded by two ex-Googlers, Scaled Interface is building a cloud-based artificial intelligence and machine learning tool for third parties developers to run their apps and services. Tencent participated in the startup’s US$5 million seed round. Scaled Interface then went on to raise another US$8 million from Khosla Ventures in November.



Scaled Interface
元Google社員2名にとって設立されたScaled Interfaceは、サードパーティーデベロッパー向けに彼らのアプリとサービスを機能させることができるクラウドを基盤とした人工知能と機械学習ツールを現在作成壴中である。Tencentはこのスタートアップの500万米ドルのシードラウンドに参加している。Scaled Interfaceはその後11月に、さらに800万米ドルもの資金をKhosla Venturesから調達している。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

China’s biggest state-owned oil company turned over its sales and marketing arm to Tencent and 24 other investors in a deal worth RMB 107.1 billion (US$17.44 billion). Each company can own up to a 2.8 percent stake, though Tencent’s exact contribution was not disclosed. Sinopec’s attempt at privatization will include working with Tencent on mobile payments, big data, and navigation.

Red Dot
Red Dot is an internet radio startup that lets anyone create their own broadcasts for others to listen to. The startup secured a US$3 million series A round from Tencent in September. It now sports both a native app and a WeChat account app, which should be a big boost to an amateur DJ’s virality.



Red Dot
Red Dotはインターネットラジオスタートップで、視聴者に聞いてもらうための自分の放送番組を誰でも制作することができる。同スタートアップは、9月にシリーズA投資ラウンドでTencentから300万米ドルの資金を受け取っている。ネイティブアプリとWeChatアカウントアプリの両方があり、これらによって素人DJのバイラリティは後押しされるだろう。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Not that Tencent didn’t get its fair share of eye-popping deals. Tencent participated in nearly three dozen funding rounds this year alone, about half of which were seed, series A, or series B rounds. That’s an average of three investments per month. Here they are, in roughly chronological order according to ITJuzi‘s database and our own archives:

This fintech startup makes real-time trading apps for stock market investors, a financial news site, and forums for financial experts. Futu received a vague “tens of millions of RMB” from Tencent in January.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Linktech Navi
Tencent acquired Linktech Navi around the same time Alibaba offered to buy a majority stake in Autonavi. The online mapping and navigation firm was purchased by Tencent for an undisclosed sum in January.

Mob Arts
QQ and WeChat might be the more prominent social products in Tencent’s portfolio, but it has a legacy as China’s biggest gaming company as well. Tencent invested “tens of millions of RMB” into Mob Arts in January, then the game studio was acquired by Qunxing Toys in July for RMB 1.44 billion (US$232 million). It has three titles in its mobile game portfolio, with another in development.


Linktech Navi
AlibabaがAutonaviの株式の大部分を買い入れたほぼ同時期に、TencentはLinktech Naviを買収している。このオンラインマップ&ナビ企業は、1月未公開金額でTencentに買収された。

Mob Arts
QQとWeChatは、Tencentのポートフォリオ上のソーシャルプロダクトとしてより知られているが、Mob Artsは中国の最大のゲーム企業としての強みがある。TencentはMob Artsに対して1月、「数千万人民元」の資金投資を行っており、その後1月にこのゲーム企業はQunxing Toysによって14億4000万人民元(2億3200万米ドル)で買収された。同企業は現在、モバイルゲームポートフォリオ上で3つのゲームを保有しており、また新たに1つが開発されている。