My commodity should have arrived your place, but it seems that it is not relected to the inbox. Could you please tell me what is going on?
How do you do! I am Sato of ABC company. Thank you for contacting us about the required amount of BBD products. We will arrange the delivery soon so that they will arrive your school in January. It is really a matter of joy that Japanese culture spreads from your school. We also hope to assist you as much as possible. After the delivery is arranged, we will contact you again. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in the future.
The price in the bill of A is 355 dollars. However, actually it should be 335 dollars, shouldn't it?
As soon as that that one, A and B are delivered, please imform me.
We paid 90 dollars to the bank account of your company.It is thought that the confirmation of remittance will take 5 to 10 days.Because the bank of our company refused to send the money to Iraq,the payment to you was delayed.I am very sorry that it took much time.
We can use contents from each other mutually to flatten out the site at the first step. And we can provide high-quality Japanese cosmetic products on your sites at the second step.In the same way, you can use our articles. In this case, please inform us that you have used our articles and give us the URL link.
There are many comments on the internet that this horn is made in China.You said it is made in America. Could you prove it?Please provide offical articles and informatiion.
Could you please see the welcome page? Hand treatment is a kind of communication that builds relationship of mutual trust by hand touching hand. We have introduced it to many peaple. After that, we have received many messages such as that I have made good friends more than before after I regard hand treatment as my husband. Hand treatment is not a difficult craft, and it can be easily done. We will introduce simple way of hand treatment with animation. Please view the animation.
The lister of the commodity A sent me a message. A label for returning is attached in th mail, but I cannot understand it well. Is the way of returning different from that of commodity B? I attached it as it was. Could you please confirm it?
I think that the general centimeter display in Japan caused the misunderstanding.
First, I am really sorry that your children are disappointed.The size of the commodity is the same as the desciption.Considering the price of the commodity and delivery charge, I didn't mke any inappropriate request.However, if your requirement is not met, I will return all the amount.And it is not necessary to send back the commodity.
I am afraid that you are intended to buy the commodity of BBB, not AAA.These are also difficult to abtain in Japan. The price on eBay is a little lower than 400 dollars, but it is abtainable.If there is anything I can do, Please let me know.
I want to buy several pieces of your items.If I buy several pieces of your items, can the delivery charge be cheaper because the items are packaged together?
Thank you for you quick response to my contact.I can shop at ease hereafter.Thank you very much.
The goods has not yet arrived. The order No. is #1105-5286561160.I also reported to Paypal.If you delivered the goods, please tell me the tracking No., and I will cancel the disbute on Paypal.I am looking forward to your reply.
ひとりで悩まずご相談ください。がんに対する治療方法は時代とともに目覚しい進展を遂げ、新しい手術方法、新しい治療装置、新しい薬が次々と開発され、登場しています。 そんな様々ながん治療法がある中、現在「究極のがん治療」と呼ばれているのが「陽子線治療」です。 その特長はなんといっても、メスを入れることなく切らずにがん病巣だけを狙い打ちにするので、正常な組織への損傷が少なく、放射線の影響を受けやすい臓器近くのがん細胞にも照射することが可能なところにあります。
1. The commodities already listed are exluded.Search for thre product number from the following sheet to check that there is no duplication.2. Copy only the Description to new template.3. Set the listing price the same as the lowest of the TRS listed on eBay.4. Delivery charge is also the same as the above seller.However, the lowest is 20 dollars.5. Use the picturesin the folder.If there is anything un clear, Please contact me.
陽子線治療 陽子線治療は、従来の放射線治療では困難な疾患にも、すぐれた効果を発揮します。陽子線治療の有効性が確認されている代表的な疾患は、前立腺がん・肝がん・頭蓋内病変・頭頚部腫瘍(副鼻腔がんなど)および眼腫瘍(ぶどう膜メラノーマなど)です。これらの多くは、外科手術や従来の放射線では治療が難しかったものです。これまでなかなか効果があがらなかったがんに対して、陽子線治療は優れた治療成績を示すことが明らかになりつつあります。がんの悩みがんの悩みにお答えします。
质子线治疗 质子线治疗对以前放射线治疗较困难的疾病也有良好的疗效。已确认质子线治疗有疗效的典型疾病有前列腺癌、肝癌、头盖内病变、头颈部臃肿(副鼻腔癌等)及眼肿(葡萄膜恶性黑色素瘤等)。这些疾病的大多数通过外科手术或以前的放射线治疗很困难。对这些一直到现在都没有什么好办法的癌症,质子线治疗不断显示其良好的治疗成绩。癌症的烦恼解决您的癌症烦恼
また、仕事を続けながら外来での治療が可能であり、身体への負担が少ないため高齢者にも優しい治療法でもあります。それらのことから、陽子線治療が「究極のがん治療」と呼ばれる所以なのかもしれません。 現在、陽子線治療に向いていると考えられるがんは、頭頚部(鼻腔や副鼻腔、唾液腺・頭蓋底など)、肺、肝臓、前立腺、膀胱などの原発性がんに加え、直腸がん術後の骨盤内再発や単発性の転移性腫瘍(肝転移、肺転移)などがあります。