日本郵便に調べてもらったところ、7月14日配達完了となっておりました。にもかかわらず届いていない場合は2つのケースが考えられます。確率が低い方は、フランクフルトの税関から地方税関に転送になったケース。この場合は、関税通知書が届くはずですが届いていないならば2つ目のケース。誤配送が考えられます。google mapで調べたら、お届けの通りは商業街でしょうか?パン屋や税理士事務所等、複数の店舗が密集しているようでした。そのどこかに誤って配送されている可能性があります。
According to Japan Post's investigation, the delivery was complete on July 14.There are two possibilities despite the fact:The one with lower probability is the case where it was transferred from the customs in Frankfurt to the local customs.In this scenario, a customs notification should be sent to you, or the second case otherwise. It could be a wrong delivery. As I confirmed on Google Map, is the street of the registered address located in a commercial area? If the spot is congested with a bakery, an office of a certified tax accountant, and several stores, it could possibly be delivered to one of them by mistake.
By the way, are there any items either produced or which mold is held at your end which might be selling? I would prefer those without competitors though.Currently the package is under production. May I have it manufactured for additional few more months' and ship them to you?Regarding the package being produced right now, it is thinner with less strength than I expected. Would you be able to produce one at your end with a similar design?I will place an order with 8000 pieces next month. The breakdown would be 3000 pieces shipped by FedEx and 5000 pieces by sea.
親愛なるMichael H Kodamaへ連絡ありがとうございます。商品は到着したんですね。まずは中身を確認してください。梱包には細心の注意を払い行いましたが、破損の際は画像を添付し連絡ください。対応させていただきます。お忙しい中お手数おかけしますがよろしくお願いいたします。まずは連絡お待ちしています。
Dear Mr. Michael H. Kodama, Thank you for your contact.So you received the merchandise.Please confirm the content first.Although I paid extra attention to pack the item, in the event of damage, please attach the image and let me know.I will duly handle the situation.Thank you for sparing your moment to take care of this matter.I look forward to hearing from you first.
I have taken a break for a month since last month, and now I am preparing to purchase lots from your shop again. I see new items are in your stock! I look forward to the continuing business relationship with you.
I would like to continue a business transaction with your company.There is no problem if you live in China.I purchase items from Chinese websites.Also, I purchase once items are sold.Would you please answer the following questions?- How many days does it take to get it shipped for Japan? (with a tracking number and the cheapest shipping cost as requirements)- In the case of no inventory, would you be able to notify the information immediately?- I would like to take a look at the entire products you deal with. Do you have a website?- Any other people in Japan who purchase from you?
Thank you for your continued support.I will be back in the office from the business trip Monday next week.The order confirmation will be returned to you with my sign, so please proceed with the product with the details provided on the attachment you sent.I am sorry for my belated contact.Regarding the spring/summer order, since it is very difficult to purchase an expensive material price per unit, the order quantity is somewhat decent, but I will send it to you so please kindly confirm.I think it would be highly appreciated in Japan if there are any materials new customers could have a look.
I still cannot log in.When would I be able to place an order as normally?I would like to order ASAP.This time, I will be paying via PayPal, so please send me the invoice directly.Please find my order details as per below.Please apply the wholesale price for my order, thank you.
UPS is very expensive. What other options are there? DHL? Send the table by sea?Please give me the dimension of the box with the table. I will also check with SF Express (a Hong Kong company).I assume there is no problem with EMS sending the 2 chairs.The shop emailed me today that the table comes in 2 boxes: top (140Wx140Lx12H) and legs (15Wx15Dx65H). Is that correct?I have just called DHL (HK), and for 140x140x12cm, they charge 47 kg, and the cost about half that of UPS. But I need to open an account right away and pay in Hong Kong.The other option is SF Express, a Hong Kong/China company. The office said they cannot quote in HK. To check, the hotline in Japan is 0120 123456.
UPSは非常に高額です。他にどのような選択肢がありますか?DHL?船便でテーブルを送る?テーブルの入った箱の寸法を教えてください。SF Express(香港企業)もチェックしてみます。椅子二脚をEMSで送るのは問題ないかと思います。本日店からメールがきて、テーブルは箱2つに分けられてくるとのこと。上部(140Wx140Lx12H) と脚部 (15Wx15Dx65H)、これでよかったですか?香港のDHLに今電話をしまして、140x140x12cmですと47kgで課金されるのでコストとしてはUPSの半額ほどになります。しかし今すぐ口座を解説し香港で決済せねばなりません。もう一方の選択肢は香港/中国企業であるSF Expressです。その企業が言うには香港での見積もりは不可とのこと。日本でホットラインをチェックする場合は0120 123456です。
弊社でOfficial Letterを作成する方向で調整しております。ただ、Letterの提出は今週金曜までお待ちいただきたく存じます。(承認者が不在のため。)BARCODEについてですが、確認が漏れておりました。対応の可否含めて至急確認しますので、もう少々お待ち下さい。Aについてですが、仕様書から添付の図面のような製品を検討しています。(他社向けに実績のある製品です。)添付図面のような形でいかがでしょうか?
For now we are coordinating to create the official letter at our end.However, please wait for the letter submission until Friday this week (due to the absence of the approver).Regarding BARCODE, confirmation was missed out.We will confirm to see if we can handle it or not ASAP, so please wait a little longer.Regarding A, we are examining the product in the attached diagram retrieved from the specification (this product has a business result with other companies).Would it be okay with the attached diagram?
配達先の住所変更につきまして、当社はebayとPayPalに登録された住所宛にだけ発送が可能です。(ebayとPayPal両方の登録住所が同じであること)。販売ページのShipping Durationにも記載しております。ご購入後の配送先の変更はお受けできません。申し訳ありませんが、一度ご注文をキャンセルしていただき、ebayとPayPalの登録住所を正しい配達先の住所へ変更後に、再度ご注文をお願い出来ますでしょうか?トラブル防止のためにご理解とご協力をお願い致します。
Regarding the ship-to address change, we can ship to the address registered on eBay and PayPal only (and the registered address must be the same for both eBay and PayPal). This information is listed on the Shipping Duration on the sales page, too. We cannot accept the change of ship-to address after order placement. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but please cancel your order first followed by updating the ship-to address registered on eBay and PayPal, then place the order again. This is for avoiding trouble and thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation.
今日は久しぶりの良い天気ですね!昨日は早く寝たので朝から散歩へ行きました。空が綺麗な景色の写真を撮ることができました。今年の夏はまだ何も計画していません。ホームステイプログラムが終わり、とても良い出会いと思い出ができ、そしてホッとしているところです。お盆休みに少し遠出をして日常から離れる事が出来れば良いなぁ。kevin の今年の夏のプランは?
This is the first day with a fine weather in a while! As I went to bed early, I took a walk in the morning. I was able to take a picture of the landscape with beautiful sky. I have not set up any plan for the summer as of yet. The home stay program is coming to an end, and I feel relieved with a very good memory. Hopefully, I want to escape from reality by going away during the obon break. What's your plan for the summer, Kevin?
Performance Moisture Wicking Polyester, Chill Pal Ultimate Mesh Cooling Towel
日本は梅雨の季節を迎えました。貴国、英国はバラが美しく咲き誇り、素晴らしい時候と存じ居ります。 先生に於かれましては、娘より御静養中の事と御伺い致しております。その後、御体の具合は如何でございましょうか。 私共がロンドンを訪問させて戴きましてから早くも2年となります。その節は大変ご親切に、先生の美しい故郷の様々な名所を、直々に御案内賜りまして、誠に筆舌に尽くし難く感謝致して居ります。また、娘が日本の大学では考えることが出来ない程の御高配を賜りまして、厚く御礼申し上げます。
The rainy season has come to Japan.I believe England is filled with beautiful roses in a fantastic climate.My daughter told me that you have been taking some rest. How have you been doing?It's been almost two years since our last visit to London.I cannot thank you enough for your kindness taking us to the various beautiful sightseeing spots in your hometown.Also, thank you so much for your kind support for my daughter, which she could not have gotten in a Japanese university.
I respect that. Although 2 things to be clear on . We do not wish to start promotion of any kind before the payment is made. The distribution agreement will be effective only after the payment. Second 17th seems like a bit unreasonable for our CEO , I have rejected many leads because of the confidence I have in you and your groupI will leave this coming Tuesday for 2weeks . I was hoping to close the deal with you so i could remotely put all my effort in Japan market and working with you.
I am considering to place an order of Su-Lin, but prior to that there two dolls I would like to request for rooting and repainting a small spot.Please have a look at the picture. For the first one, I would like you to re-root this Su-Lin with mohair. The hairstyle is short. Please repaint the fingertip to cover the dirt.The other one is a mini silicone baby. I would like to root a short mohair.How about $400 including the express shipping cost after completion?
We are sorry, but the payment will be made after the holidays I guess.It will be in the fourth week of July.
great , Also please keep me posted on the xxx payment , would like to start arranging for PR and content creation with you soon, and talking for price point and retail price , for both a and b
お世話になっております。ご注文の品が全部揃いましたので、本日あなた宛に発送いたしました。追跡番号は です。到着まで少々お待ちください。すぐに商品が届くように祈っております。この他にも、日本のものでご興味のあるものがございましたらご遠慮なくお知らせください。またあなたとお取り引きができるのを楽しみにしております。どうぞよろしくお願いします。
Thank you for your continued support.Please be informed that your order is fully prepared and shipped to you as of today.The tracking number is xxx.We appreciate your patience until the merchandise is delivered to you.We hope the merchandise will be delivered to you at the earliest.If you have any other items of your interest beside this, please don't hesitate to ask.We look forward to having a future business transaction with you.Thank you.
How lovely! I Love the 7 Samurai, the original and best. Without Kurosawa we have none of the great spaghetti (macaroni, I love this, very sweet!) westerns inspired by his movies, A Fistful of Dollars, The Magnificent Seven and the list I am sure of inspired movies is a long one, we owe so much to this great man! I also adore his quote, "The role of the artist is to not look away….", I repeat this many times! :) Thank you very much for the kind words, I hope we get to cross paths some day in your country
なんてすてきなんでしょう!7人の侍はオリジナリティがあって最高なので大好きです。黒沢監督がいなかったら彼の映画に影響を受けた偉大なマカロニウェスタン(とてもスイートなので大好きです。(1960年代から1970年代前半に作られたイタリア製西部劇のこと))が作られることはなかったでしょう。荒野の用心棒、7人の偉人、そして影響を受けた一連の映画は息の長い作品であることは私も確信していて、この偉大な人物に我々は本当に大きな借りがあるのです!「芸術家の役割は目をそらさないこと…」という彼の格言も崇拝しています。私はこれを何度も繰り返しています! :)暖かいお言葉本当にありがとうございます。あなたの国を訪れることがあったら、またお目にかかることができるとうれしいです。
Thank you for proceeding with the sample creation.It is okay without the sample B perfume.Rather, there were two things that bothered me while I was looking at the picture.1. Are these three sets of no flagrance stick made of the same ingredients?2. Are these the same as those white sticks included with the sample you sent me before?I informed you my favorite type in the email sent on May 21.If I were to choose, I would prefer brown non-flagrance stick rather than the white non-fragrance one, so I am a bit worried.I hope this is just my imaginary fear.