Tearz (tearz) 翻訳実績

4.9 232 件のレビュー
英語 (ネイティブ) 日本語 フランス語 スペイン語(ラテンアメリカ)
サイエンス 医療 法務 文化 IT 技術
84 時間 / 週
tearz 英語 → 日本語

Good day, I understand that you want us to charge the buyer $269.99 because the tracking now shows delivery confirmation, on October 26, 2020.

I reviewed the transaction details, I see that the buyer did file a claim for the coin(283974282299) it was decided on September 25, 2020 after the estimated delivery date has expired. We truly appreciate the business you have done with us. I believe that you do not deserve to be in this situation. To avoid this issue in the future, use a more reliable shipping method and have the item delivered by the estimated delivery date.

The best way to go about this and what we strongly recommend is for you to contact the buyer to make arrangements with the refund.



取引詳細を確認したところ、バイヤーは そのコインに関するクレームを申請しており(283974282299)、2020年9月25日に配送予定日が執行したということになりました。弊社とのお取引をいただき誠に感謝しています。私はあなたがこのような状況に置かれるべきではないと考えております。今後このような問題を回避するためにも、より信頼性の高い配送方法を用いて、配送予定日までに届くようにしてください。


tearz 英語 → 日本語

We’ve seen this happen before with some of our members and we’ve seen success in resolving transaction issues when buyers and sellers communicate. Our buyers are also encouraged and expected to be responsive at all times, as well as, empowered to offer satisfactory resolution to their sellers.

Although you may feel that you did everything to take care of your buyer, we have to maintain our original decision. When eBay makes a decision on a case, we can only use the information available at that time; the original decision was correct based on that information, so the case is not eligible for an appeal. Please note that this decision is final and cannot be changed or escalated.


