Today is Sunday in Japan.I will remit immediately tomorrow morning for the rest of items.Therefore, please prepare to ship them immediately.Please ship them as soon as possible when you confirm the remittance from us.Also, we want you to make the invoice cheaper each time so that we can lower the customs each time.I would like you to request $300 for 300 items.Is it too cheap for you?If so, I'd like you to request $1,500 for 300 items at most expensive.
I understand about the resale price.It helped me a lot. I will consider it for a while.I also need the translation of the instructions.I don't have it though there are Japanese instructions somewhere in the market.In order to expand the new version of the item in Japan, I want the Japanese instruction for it.By the way, when is the release date of the new version?Please let me know the quantity of the previous versions' stocks and the reduced price immediately after you get the information.I'd like to buy it because I already run out of stocks.
彼女の魅力は「歌声」と「ギャップ」です!彼女の歌う「Never say never」には、アイドルになるためにどんな試練にも負けない、トップアイドルに必ずなる、という熱い思いが込められています!私もカラオケで度々歌うのですが、とてもいい歌です!爽やかな雰囲気と、熱い思いが一緒になった曲なので、是非一度聞いてみてください…!そんな熱いハートを持った彼女です。が、意外にもクールな外見に反して、年相応の女の子らしい、ピュアなハートも持っています!
Some of her attractive feature are her singing voice and a gap.You will see the passion in her song "Never say never" that she will never give up to become a top idol.It's a very good song, and I often sing that song at Karaoke. Please listen this refreshing and heart-warming song one time!She is such a passionate girl; at the same time, in spite of her grown-up looking, she has also a pure girlish aspect of her age.
i want the free postcard from that storeThat store offer member postcard which is LIf you found one with L postcard do tell me
I'm working on pricing and availability for you. My understanding is that you want a total of 30 pairs of shoes within the sizing and color confines that you mentioned in your email. Is that correct?Thanks for your interest,CD
Your listing(s) may be eligible for relisting through My eBay. If your listing is eligible, you will see the listing in your Unsold Items page within My eBay. Listings that are not eligible for relisting will not be visible in the Unsold Items page.To relist your item, sign in to eBay, go to My eBay to your Unsold items, and select the item that was canceled -- it's highlighted with a yellow banner. Before relisting, please make any changes necessary to ensure that your revised listing is in compliance with the law and eBay policies. You might want to check your other listings for similar violations as well.
"My eBay" からいくつかのリスティングは再掲載出来るかもしれません。もしあなたのリスティングが有効であると認められたら、”My eBay”の中にある”Unsold Items”のページ内にリスティングが表示されます。再掲載に有効ではないと判断されたリスティングは”Unsold Items”のページ内には表示されません。再掲載するためには、eBayにサイン・インし、そして”My eBay”から”Unsold Items”へと行き、キャンセルされたアイテムを選びます。(黄色のバナーでハイライトされています)再掲載の前に、訂正したリスティングがeBayの規定や法にしたがっている事をもう一度よく確認し、変更が必要な点は修正して下さい。このリスティングの他にも同じような規定違反が無いか他のリスティングも確かめてみたほうがいいかもしれません。
皆さんお久しぶりです、Hanakoですヾ( ゚∀゚)ノ゙!私は先日、STEINS;GATEの劇場版を見てきました!アニメの1年後のお話なんですが、とても素敵なラブストーリでした。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。びっくりする展開がたくさんあったのですが、中でも特に驚いたのがクライマックス直前に一緒に見に行っていた上司(30歳男性)が、静かに泣いていた事です。この会社には真のOtakuしかいませんでした。本当にありがとうございます。
Hello, everyone! It's been awhile! It's Hanakoヾ( ゚∀゚)ノ゙!On the other day, I went to the theater to watch "STEINS;GATE the movie"!It was a story about a year later from the animation, it was a wonderful love story.。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。There are many surprises in the movie, but the most surprising thing was that my boss (male, age30) who went to the theater together was crying silently just before its climax.What my company has was the "real OTAKU" Very well!!
さて、一ヵ月間のFree shippingは、いかがでしたでしょうか?このメールを見てくださっている方は、一度は利用して下さったのではないでしょうか?何故なら…この一ヵ月間、信じられないくらいたくさんの方が購入して下さったからです!とてもびっくりするくらいの数でした!Σヽ(゚Д゚; )ノ本当にありがとうございます!!Free shippingにしたその日から、たくさんのご利用を頂いたのです!皆さん、このFree shippingを待っていたのですね…私は実感しました。
Well, did you like the one-month free shipping promotion?I bet all of you who read this message have enjoyed the free shipping at least once because I received unbelievable numbers of orders for that period!!It was a really amazing numbers of orders! Σヽ(゚Д゚; )ノ I really appreciate you!I received numerous orders just right after we started the free shipping. Then I thought "everybody was waiting for this day."
上司も快諾してくれたので、改めてお知らせいたします!期間限定のFree shippingでしたが…これからは、もうしばらくの間に送料無料になりました!更にもう一つ、いままで$80以上のご購入でFree Priority Shippingだったのが、今度から$60以上のご購入でFree Priority Shippingになり、より早く、安全にお届けする事が出来ました!
With the permission from my boss, I have an announcement! It was a limited promotion though we decided to extend it for awhile!In addition to it, we changed our shipping policy that you can choose Free Priority Shipping with the total purchase of over $60 not $80. Therefore, now we can ship it to you much faster and securely.
最近はDoujinshiだけではなく、Featured ItemsやCharacter Itemsから商品をまとめて買って下さるお客様も増えたので、是非ご利用ください(*>ω<)!★久しぶりに「Our Shop」に来て下さる方へ!★最近、New Arrivalsという新しいページを作りました!このページで、最近の商品をまとめてチェックできます!色んなジャンルの新商品を探せるので、今日はここから見てみませんか(・∀<)?
These days, we are having more customers who buy not only Doujinshi but also other Featured Items and Character Items, so please check them out (*>ω<)!★For people who haven't been to "Our Shop" lately!★Recently, we set up the "New Arrival" section in our website!You can check the all of new arrivals just in one page!You will find the variety of items from many genres, so would you like to start it from here, today (・∀<)?
R1 V2 Headはあなた以外購入していません。ebayのItem numberは、290878983777です。このまま使用継続するとまた前回と同じく大きく破損する可能性が高いです。今回はfaceから少し距離があり、通常ではボールと全く接する箇所でない部分の破損のためやはり前回の破損と同一の原因にて破損が起きていると思われます。ヘッド自体に多大な使用履歴が無いことはヘッドをご覧いただければご判断いただけると思いますし、明らかに設計や製造においての不具合があると思われます。
I purchased R1 V2 Head only from you.Ebay's Item number is 290878983777.If I continued to use it, there is a high possibility that it will break again as it happened the last time.This time, the damaged part is little further from face where you don't hit a ball for a normal use; therefore, I believe that the damage is cased by the same reason as the last time.You can see that there is no major used marks in its head by just looking at it, so it is clear that there is a problem in its design and production processes.
It happened because of that I registered the letter I received from Carol as B.It is my mistake and I apologize for it. It is OK as it is done.I think C is correct, so please take a look at it carefully one more time.Even though I redid the cell of D for my mistake, it seems like I colored the cell of E.
I'd like you to ship the items except A and B immediately.Please ship A and B as soon as it arrives.I agree the contents of your reply.Please let me know your address and the bank account information for wire transfer.I have a favor for you.I will pay for 40% of the total amount when the order is confirmed.However, there is a delay about 2-5 days for your bank account to show up.Since I need the items immediately, please process the official order date as the date I emailed you.Also, in case of you confirm the order on 5/30, I'd like you to deliver it by 7/15
Thank you for your reply.Those are the answers for your questions.1.We are very glad to talk about marketing your great products in Japan.2.We've never purchased your products at Amazon U.S. That would be other Japanese buyers for now the products are imported as a basis of parallel import in Japan.3.In order to sell it in Japan, you will need to clear a law. Specifically, you will need to pass the inspection of bluetooth.
The fee for the inspection would be around 2200-2700 in US dollars. It is not a tough inspection but to be prepared for it, we need your cooperation.Since the inspection institution is in Japan, we will handle the procedures. By being approved by Japanese law, you can do the press release to increase the customers as well as wholesaling and that will help your business successful in Japan.4.We confirmed the detail of the products and the terms and conditions. Your products have good reputation from the users in Japan, so please consider doing your business with us.
返信してくれてありがとう!!わたしは日本のBANDAIのPower Rangersの商品をもっと多く販売して行きたいと考えています。あなたは他にもPower Rangersの欲しい商品はありますか?また、あなたの友達に日本のPower Rangersのファンはいますか??わたしは多くの商品を販売出来るので紹介してくれたら、あなただけの特別価格で販売することが出来ます。あなたと友達になりたいです。あなたはfacebookやチャットワーク等を利用していますか??
Thank you for your reply.I'd like to sell more Power Rangers' products from Bandai Japan.Do you want any other Power Rangers' products?Also, do you have any friend who is a fan of Japanese Power Rangers? Since I deal in many merchandises I can offer you a special price if you can introduce it to them.I want to be your friend.Do you use facebook or chatwork?
In my time of using E-Bay, I have had only one package arrive damaged. However, the contents were undamaged. It got here in one piece, and looks magnificent.Right now, I am looking for Abarenoh, Pachysaurzord (Cephalozord Bachyceloknuckle), Dimetrozord (Dimenoko), and Parasaurzord.When I finish with this series, I am not quite sure which one I will work on next. Probably Gaoranger.
私がE-bayを使っていたとき、一度ダメージがある荷物を受け取ったことがあります。しかし中身はは無事でした。只今Abarenoh、Pachysaurzord(Cephalozord Bachyceloknuckle), Dimetrozord (Dimenoko), それと Parasaurzorを探しています。このシリーズが終わった後は次にどの作品にするのかはまだ決めていません。もしかしするとガオレンジャーかも知れません。
In order to open more opportunities for their fans and to combat ticket scalping, Paramore have stopped their paid membership club, Paramore Fan Club, and opened free registration on their website.The fan club membership was $30 a year and offered perks such as chances to win a meet & greets, early entry to venues, limited merch, exclusive photos, videos and special presale ticket deals.The band put up this statement on their website and Facebook explaining why their decision:"Earlier this year we let you know that we were making some changes to our website and announced that we wanted to offer a different experience to our fans.
もっと多くのファンたちに機会を与えるためとチケットの買占めをなくす為にParamoreは 有料会員クラブParamore Fan Clubを廃止し、新たな無料会員を彼らのウェブサイトで設けました。会員費は一年間で30ドルで彼らに会えるチャンスや、会場に早く入れたり、限定商品や独占写真やビデオや特別前売りチケットなどの特典つきでした。バンドはこの知らせを彼らのウェブサイトとフェイスブックにのせています”今年度はじめに私たちはちがった経験をファンにおくるためいくつかの変更をしていく
Hopefully you all are loving the new layout of the website and how mobile friendly it is.Today we would like to let you know that we are no longer going to have a paid fan club like we did with the Paramore Fan Club.We feel like it limited many of you who still wanted access to the content, community, meet n greets and pre-sale tickets but who were not members of PFC.We want to open up these opportunities to more fans so starting today, all you need to do is make sure you’re a member of Paramore.net!As an official member of Paramore.net, you will get the chance to participate in special presales, early entry to venues, meet n greets, limited merch items and new content.
この新たしいレイアウトとモバイル使用のウェブサイトを気に入ってくれるといいと思います。今日ここで私たちはもう有料のParamore Fan Clubを続けていかないことをお知らせします。有料である為に沢山のファン達にウェブのコンテンツやコミュニティー、前売りチケットや私たちバンドに会える機会を制限していたと思います。今日から私たちはこの制限をなくし、すべてのParamore.netの会員にこれらの機会を与えます!Paramore.netの正規会員になることで特別前売りや会場への早い入場、メンバーに会える機会、限定商品や新しいコンテンツへの機会を得られます。
So make sure you sign up no matter what part of the world you live in.We really want to give as many of you as possible a chance to enjoy these perks and we want to say a special thank you to all the PFC members who joined throughout the years.We just announced more dates in September and we are going to give all Paramore.net members the first chance to buy tickets early starting tomorrow.We will also offer some new ticketing options to help get tickets in your hands and not the ticket brokers.We saw way too many of you complaining about this when our last dates went on sale and we are doing our best to minimize that.