I'm sorry that I couldn't contact to you.Because of a sudden low exchange rate of the yen I'm thinking about my order.It will take more time to sell with the current price.I'd like to order them a lot but I can't order it if it results in a deficit loss.Do you have any idea?Also do you have something that you can recommend to us?I don't mind if it's new or used if it's an unique one.About the lamp, I want a 2004/05 model not an old one(1998)Let's helping each other.
Wow! How wonderful!It's far and takes time to go to Hiroshima from Tokyo.I have one thing that I need to tell you.Because of my mistake, I forgot to send you a Sago base warranty and a hexagonal wrench yesterday.I apologize for that.I will send them together with a hard case.Thank you.
ご返信いただきありがとうございます。Logitech R800でしたら提示金額次第ですが30~50個ぐらいは購入したいと考えています。その他に関しましてはご提案頂いたのですが購入は難しいです。申し訳ございません。以上、よろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you for your reply.I'd like to purchase Logitech R800 30-50 depending on the price.I'm not planing to buy other items that you presented to me.I apologize for that.Thank you.
Hi, nice to meet you, since i have a watch shop in macau, i want ti ask for the wholsale price of your watches. Thank you for you cooperation .
こんにちは はじめましてマカウで時計屋をやっているのですがあなたのところの時計の卸売り価格を教えてもらえますか?どうぞよろしくお願いします。
Can you divide the invoice of an attached file into two? It's because I want to pay by both credit and cash.About the price, can we buy the larger sizes at the wholesale price of the factory?We could order size L for men's but size M for women's. US size S is equal to Japanese size M. It satisfies the minimum orders. Please sort the items according to the orders from the costumers before ship it from the warehouse.
■Thank you for your email. Please contact me next time you buy it.I lowered the price after I heard your opinion, and if you would buy it from me next time, I will offer you an additional discount.Please contact me without any hesitation.■It comes with warranty so please don't worry about it. The warranty only covers defective items. I'm sorry to tell you but I can't give you any further discount to you. Since the fee for ebay is very expensive and I don't charge shipping fee, I can't sell it at $900. $1150 is the lowest price I can offer you.Please consider it.
I'm sorry to email you late.I would like to purchase three data of following URL.Please consider it.Also, is it possible to use item pictures manipulated?I'll wait for your answer.I will contact you when I re-order.
Greetings from Amazon. We appreciate the information you have provided. However, a review of your account indicates some of your buyers have not received their orders.Before we can consider reinstatement of your selling privileges, you must provide us with a detailed account of the steps you will take to prevent non-receipt complaints in the future. We will then review your plan and determine whether to reinstate your selling privileges. For information on creating and submitting your plan, search on “Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” in seller Help. We look forward to hearing from you.Regards, Amazon Services
アマゾンよりこんにちは情報を送ってくださってありがとうございます。しかしあなたのアカウントはいくつかの買い手の方から商品が届いていないという事を示しています。あなたの売り手アカウントを復活させる前に、今後、買い手の方から商品の受け取りがなかったという苦情を防ぐ為のアカウントの詳細な手順の提出をお願いします。プランの作成、提出につきましては売り手のHelpページで“Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” (売り手特権の削除の請願)を検索してください。お返事をお待ちしております。よろしくお願いします。アマゾンサービス
What I brought was a new OOI've told them about it and re-sending the missing items.
そちらの製品「Hollywood Strings Diamond」を1月に買ったんですが、間違えてMac用を買ってしまいインストーラーが開けません。手持ちのMacでライブラリは手に入るので、Windows用のインストーラーだけダウンロード出来る方法はありませんか?出来たらメールで送って下さい。よろしくお願いします。
I bought your product Hollywood Strings Diamond in January but since I bought a Mac ver. I couldn't open an installer.I can get a library with my Mac so is there a way to download a Windows installer?If it's possible, please send it via email.Thank you.
------------- Begin message ------------- Hello, We've been contacted by a customer regarding the order identified below. -------------------- Order#: Item: Reason: Where's My Stuff ? Details: The item has not arrived as scheduled. Please send a status update to the customer. Good Day Seller, the items as it seems to be shipped via Mexico to UK and then returned to Mexico, is this items being returned to you, customer is concerned about that, could you please investigate this and send the items to customer as they would really like the items -------------------
ーーメッセージ 初めーーーこんにちは下記の注文についてお客様から質問がありました。ーーーーーオーダーナンバーアイテム理由 私の注文したものはどこにありますか?詳細 スケジュールどおりに品物が届いていません。お客様に最新の状況を送ってください。 こんにちは、品物はメキシコ経由でUKへ行きそしてメキシコへ返送されているようです。あなたのところへ返送されていませんか。お客様はその事を気にされています。この件について調査していただけますか?彼らはこの品をとても気に入っていますので送ってください。
ph79603消極タイプは、なんだかんだ言いながらも嫌がらず仕事をし、他のみんなからも慕われている場合が多い。▼怒って!叱って!委員長!!※【】内が登場作品となります。羽川翼 【物語シリーズ】 洞木ヒカリ 【新世紀エヴァンゲリオン】 鮎沢美咲 【会長はメイド様】 朝倉涼子 【涼宮ハルヒの消失】 丹生谷森夏 【中二病でも恋がしたい】 白梅梅 【ベン・トー】 真鍋和 【けいおん!】▼その名も〝委員長〟!委員長 【瀬戸の花嫁】※キャラクター名が委員長です。
Most of the time, the introverted characters are willing to do their jobs with many speaking and liked by others.Be angry! Scold! Incho!!() shows the tiles.Hikari Horaki (Neon Genesis Evangelion)Misaki Ayusawa (Maid Sama!)Ryoko Asakura(The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya)Shinka Kobutani (Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions)Ume Shiraume (BEN-TO)Nodoka Manabe (K-ON!)The name is Incho!Incho (My Bride is a Mermaid)Incho is a name of character.
ph79602アニメや漫画においては萌え要素・属性として扱われる。「いいんちょ」とも言う。 或いは、いかにも委員長っぽい仕切りたがり、まとめ役のキャラクターもそう呼ばれる。 真面目なイメージのためか、眼鏡・おでこと相性が良いと言われる。(中略)積極タイプは、真面目で秀才、優等生なキャラクターが多い。 好き勝手に行動するクラスの仲間をまとめようとするので怒りっぽくなるなど、 嫌われ役、損な役回りになりがちである。
In anime or manga, it appears as a one of the Moe characters.It's also called "INCHO" Along with it, the characters who likes to manage things are also called "INCHO". Since the image of those characters are very serious and honest, usually they are compatible with eyeglasses and forehead.(Omitted) The active and extroverted characters are usually depicted as serious and smart honor students. They are most of the time disliked by other classmates because they are choleric tempered as they need to manage the rest of classmates who do whatever they like to do.
ph76003▼ザクカレーだと?シャア専用ザク 【機動戦士ガンダム】 ▼エヴェ三人娘!マリ、綾波、アスカ 【ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:Q】 ▼写楽までー!!大谷鬼次の江戸兵衛 【東洲斎写楽作の浮世絵】 ▼おわりに……いったいどのくらいの時間をかけているのだろうと思って調べたのですが、個人差はあれどだいたい一時間が平均のようです。それにしてもこの緻密さには驚きますね。しかも結局は食べるのですから、執着なくあっさりとしたものです。日本人の器用さを垣間見られるまとめでした。
Zaku Curry?MS-06S Zaku (MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM)Three girls from Eva!Mari, Ayanami, Asuka (Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo)Even Sharaku!!Actor Otani Oniji 3rd as the yakko Edobei (Sharaku's Japanese Print)In the end...I wonder how much they spent a time for it so I researched and found out that the average was about one hour.(there was an individual variation though) Well, the details are amazing. However, since they are edible it seems very simple without obsessions. It was a summary that I could explore the skillfulness of Japanese.
mo105401日本の生卵文化に挑戦 ~ 温泉たまごを食べてみよう日本には卵を生で食べる文化が根付いています。 また、お米が主食であることも日本の食文化のひとつです。 この2つの文化を合わせた和食、白米のご飯に生の卵をかけて食べる「たまごかけごはん」が近年の日本でブームとなっています。 生卵が無理でも、一種独特な日本の卵料理である「温泉たまご」を使って「たまごかけごはん」に挑戦してみませんか?生で卵を食べるのは世界中で日本だけです
Let's try Japanese raw egg eating culture, let's have Onsen TamagoIn Japan, it's a cultural habit to eat raw eggs. Also the rice as staple food is a culture in Japan. The combination of two (raw eggs over the cooked rice) is now getting popular in Japan and is called "Tamago kake Gohan" If you can't accept eating eggs in raw form then would you like to try Tamago kake gohan by using Onsen tamago (cooked in hot-springs)instead of raw eggs?Japan is the only country eat raw eggs in the world.
mer104806『世界コスプレサミット』の会場へ行ってみようオアシス21 施設都心にきらめく水と緑の宝箱「オアシス21」は大人からこどもまで楽しめる都心のオアシス!緑いっぱいの潤い空間で、四季を感じながらごゆっくりお過ごしください!「オアシス21」は名古屋の中心部にあります。次回の『世界コスプレサミット』について次回の『世界コスプレサミット』は、2014年7月下旬~8月上旬頃に開催されます(予定)。
Go visit to the place where the World Cosplay Summit is held.Oasis21 FacilityLike a city's treasure chest of sparking water and greens, Oasis21 is a oasis for children to adults! Relax in the refreshing atmosphere filled with greens and feel the changing seasons!Oasis 21 is located in the center of Nagoya city.About the coming World Cosplay SummitIt will be scheduled on during the end of July to the beginning of August.
mo89903当初の「オタク」なる人々が持っていたイメージも良い方向に変わってきており、こだわりの知識人を「○○オタク」と呼んで称賛する向きもあるようです。市長が岡山市を『桃太郎市』にすると発言この度、岡山市は「桃太郎市」に改名いたします。岡山市について日本三名園のひとつ「後楽園」や「岡山城」があり、『晴れの国おかやま』がキャッチフレーズ。 日本の西側にある中国地方の中心都市で、高級フルーツや、もちろん「桃太郎伝説」も有名です。桃太郎とは?桃から生まれたので「桃太郎」
The initial image of Otaku has been changed into somewhat positive recently, and Otaku is now often used for an intellectual person of specific subject.The Mayor of Okayama city spoke that they will change the name of city to Momotaro city.About OkayamaThere is Korakuen that is one of three famous gardens in Japan. Also there's Okatama castle and city's catchphrase is "Sunny empire, Okayama"It's a regional center of Chugoku region( western part of Honshu island) and famous for very expensive fruits and the legend of Momotaro.What is Momotaro?He named after Momo(Peach) because he was born from peach.
返信が遅れてすみません。内容を確認しました。ドラフト版の契約文書は、特に問題はないと思います。1点だけ、私の販売テリトリーにぜひ台湾を加えて下さい。当方のビジネスパートナーに台湾でビジネスを展開している方がおり、この方のチャネルを通じて台湾での販売するメドが立ったためです。台湾では、日本製品に高い人気があり、日本で流行っているという事がそのまま台湾でも流行る傾向にあります。幸い、この製品はMade in Japanですから、是非一緒に手掛けさせて下さい。宜しくお願いします。
I'm sorry to write you late.I have confirmed it.I think there is nothing wrong with a drafted ver. of the contraction.However, there is one request that I want you to add my sales territory to Taiwan.I have a business partner in Taiwan and this time I got a chance to sell it through the partner's channel.Japanese goods are popular in Taiwan and have a tendency to get popular if it's get popular in Japan. This goods is "Made in Japan" so I'd like to do it as well.Thank you.
Speaking of Japan, It's cherry blossoms. Our recommended cherry blossoms' place of Japan(from southern to northern)Cherry blossoms are the symbol of spring in Japan for you can see it anywhere in Japan during that time. Many Japanese feel the beginning of spring by cherry blossoms and enjoy it by holding a parties under the trees.I introduce famous cheery blossoms' place from the southern part of Japan.The Kumamoto Castle.(Kumamoto, Kumamoto city)The castle is also know as one of the three famous castles in Japan. You can see beautiful blossoms from the end of March to the beginning of April.Kintaikyo Bridge(Yamaguchi, Iwakuni city)Kintaikyo where you see cherry blossoms along with Nishiki River is a very famous place that sometimes the pictures of it are used for calenders. The best season is around the beginning of April.
Speaking of Kumamoto, "Kumamon" is the most famous one nowadays, but Mt. Aso is also a must-visit place as well as Kumamoto Castle.At the Caldera of Mt. Aso, you can discover the braveness and beauty of its nature through the seasons.