sakura_1984 (sakura_1984) 翻訳実績

4.9 26 件のレビュー
10年弱前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
サイエンス 生物 医療・ヘルスケア
sakura_1984 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

①Ok we will agree £50 this time as a gesture of goodwill but this order is actually heavier. I need to refund £70.50 for the two quilts that are not available so can take the £50 from this if that is ok and refund £20.50

②We will split the cost with you and do this for £50 extra as a final offer as a gesture of goodwill. We did not get any payment from you on the last order. we would need to know what colour to change the frontline hammock to as MC is sold out now until at least December

③Do you wish to proceed with the order without the frontline MC hammock ? with the extra postage




③フロントラインMCハンモックを除いてのご注文でのお手続きをご希望でしょうか? 別途送料がかかります。

sakura_1984 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

+More importantly they will pay tax on your behalf, and pass the charges back to you.+

I contacted our shipping company, they have operations in Mexico. They contacted their mexican office, and responded back with the RFC ID in Mexico.

If you call FEDEX and UPS they can give you their numbers. +Bear in mind if you put the companies RFC number, they will be asked to pay your taxes for you… so if (for example) you would find an RFC number on the web and use it without permission, its a near certainty that your products would wind up stuck on the other side of border.+
If this helps… click yes below and/or reply and say thanks!



私たちの発送会社に連絡しましたところ、彼らはメキシコで業務を行っています。彼らがメキシコのオフィスに連絡を取り、メキシコでのRFC IDを折り返し連絡してもらいます。
