ザクロ:「………顔色が、あまり良くないようだが」 同じことを考えていたのか、ザクロが無理やり話を切り出す。 先ほどとまるで関係ない話題ではあったが、ミズキは有難いと思って「そう?」と返した。ミズキ:「最近あんまり寝てないからさ。今朝、ネムにも言われたよ」ザクロ:「下男の朝が早いのは初日でわかっただろう。夜更かしをしてどうする」ミズキ:「色々あって、ちょっと大変だったから。昨日はフウが大変だったし」
Zakuro: '... You don't look too well.'Zakuro must have been thinking the same thing, he started making some small talk.It had nothing to do with what they had been talking about earlier, but Mizuki was grateful for this and replied, 'Oh yeah?'Mizuki: 'I haven't been sleeping very much. Nemu just said the same thing to me earlier this morning.'Zakuro: 'You knew footmen start early from your first day, why are you staying up late?'Mizuki: 'There were a lot of things going on, Fu was in a pickle yesterday.'
そう返して、眠そうなナツメと一緒に下男の住居へ戻る。ネム:「おう。どうしたんだナツメ。フラフラしてるぞ」フウ:「寝不足かい?」ミズキ:「俺がメイド長に廊下の窓を今日中に拭いてこいって言われてたんだよ。そしたら手伝ってくれて」ハギ:「おいおい、二人とも徹夜かよ?!」ナツメ:「僕は非番だから平気。でもミズキくんが………」フウ:「今日は休んだほうがいいんじゃない? 顔色もあんまり良くないし………」ネム:「でもまぁ、慣れてるだろ?」
Saying that, he returned to footman's quarters with a sleepy Natsume.Nemu: 'Hey, what's wrong Natusme? You look a little dizzy.'Fuu: 'Are you sleep deprived?'Mizuki: 'The head nurse told me to clean all the hallway windows within the day, and she helped me out.'Hagi: 'My god, both of you pulled an all-nighter then?'Natsume: 'I'm off today so I'm fine. But Mizuki...'Fuu: 'Maybe you should take today off too, you don't look too well...'Nemu: 'Yeah, but you're used to it right?'
ミズキ:「うん。慣れてる」 貧民街出身のネムはわかってくれたようで、心配する素振りは見せなかった。ネム:「ま、寒い夜を切り抜けたら昼に眠れる貧民街とはワケが違うけどな。無理はすんなよ」ミズキ:「わかってる。メイド長に『勝った』って思われるのが嫌で、つい」ハギ:「ああ、そりゃわかる」 「慣れていても無理はしないように」と釘を深々刺されてから、朝食をとった。
Mizuki: 'Yeah, I'm used to it.'Nemu, who was from the ghetto, seemed to understand what it was like and didn't show any sympathy.Nemu: 'Well, I guess it's different from being able to sleep during the day once you make it through the freezing nights like in the ghetto. Don't kill yourself.'Mizuki: 'I know. I just didn't want the head maid to feel like she won.'Hagi: 'Yeah, I totally understand.'After being told one final time to not push himself too far, Mizuki ate breakfast.
目玉焼きにベーコン、サラダにミルクにパンと質素な内容ではあったが、王宮御用達の料理人が作っているのもあって味には文句のつけようがなかった。 これから動くための朝食としてはちょうどいい。フウ:「そうだ、ミズキくん。今日の仕事はまず午前中に買い出しをお願いね」ミズキ:「買い出し?」ハギ:「厨房が作ってくれるのは朝飯だけなんだ。俺たちの昼飯と晩飯の賄いは一人一日五百エリクって決まってんだよ」ミズキ:「一人につき五百エリクもあれば十分だと思うけど………」
It was a simple breakfast – sunny-side up, bacon, salad, milk, and toast – but food prepared by the cooks of the royal purvey team left no room for complaint.It was the perfect meal for somebody about to start work.Fuu: 'Oh yeah, Mizuki, for work today please go out for some shopping.'Mizuki: 'Shopping?'Hagi: 'The kitchen only prepares breakfast. Our lunches and dinners are fixed at 500 Erics per person a day.'Mizuki: '500 Erics seems more than enough for one person...'
I have already bought and shipped this item – has it not arrived yet?I checked with UPS, and they said the delivery has been complete.Please send it as soon as you receive it!
「Pedal Power 2+ 」ですが購入から1ヶ月以上経ちますが、未だに届いていません。前回のメールでもお伝えしましたが、10月31日と11月1日に2点購入した内、1点は11月12日に届いていますので、これ以上待っても届くようには思えません。すぐに返金をお願い致します。
It's been over a month since I ordered my "Power Pedal 2+", and I still haven't received it.As I said in my previous message to you, out of the 2 products I ordered on 10/31 and 11/01, I received one of them on 11/12, so it seems unlikely the other one will be coming.Please give me a refund as soon as possible. Thank you.
Thank you for your help. Below is my address. Please contact me once you find out the shipping rate. Thank you.
私は急いでいますので、すぐに出荷出来ないのでしたらこの取引はキャンセルして下さい。あなたの出品ページには「Will usually ship within 1 business day of receiving cleared payment.」の記載がありました。そして「Pre-sale listing」の記載はありませんでした。だから私はこのアイテムを購入したのです。すぐに出荷ができないのでしたらキャンセルして下さい。
I am in a hurry, so if you are unable to ship immediately please cancel my order. On your products display page you wrote, 'Will usually ship within 1 business day of receiving cleared payment', and mentioned nothing about a 'Pre-sale listing' – this was the reason I purchased the item.Again, if you are unable to ship the product immediately, please cancel my order. Thank you.
The product you have for sale is something I've been looking for since a while back, and I would really like to place a bid. However, I've only had a few transactions on eBay, and paypal has yet to authenticate my address. Other than some damage during shipping, I've never had any trouble with with any transactions. Would you please allow me to place my bid?
It took over one month for the product to arrive. It was sent to the wrong address. Because of that, I had to pay an extra $200. Out of the 6 that I bought, 4 of them won't start up even when I recharge them.
I received 8 chainsaws – when will I get the remaining 8?Please tell me their tracking numbers.
Pete and AlleyP: Hello! Excuse me!P: I got lost, do you know where this is?A: (stare)A: I'll take you.P: Thanks, sorry for the hassle.P: The other day, I met a very kind rabbit!B: Save it for later Pete, we're at work.Y: Here's your tea.
Thank you for your son's product request.Unfortunately because the product is a non-Japanese model, it will be a little pricy to order from Japan.These are some of the models you can get in Japan.This one is a light-weight model, and is $1 including shipping and handling.On the other hand, this model weighs 1.7kg and is more of the real deal, and costs $9.
It is your heart who decides whether you're happy or not.
I received the product yesterday, thank you for your quick response.I still haven't closely inspected the product, but it looks like it's in very good condition.I will contact you again about the development of the mold another day.Thank you very much.
Thank you for your purchase of X.We currently only have X up for sale, so there are no other products to list.However, we do plan on expanding our inventory, so if there are any products you would be interested in purchasing please let us know and I think we may be able to help.
今回は応募してくれてありがとう。あなたの作品も見せて頂きました。何点か質問させてください。過去2回のプロジェクトで低い評価を受けている理由は何ですか?Upfront手数料無しで採用したいのですが、可能ですか?Amazon APIの仕様には詳しいですか?各カテゴリーについてトップ10以上の100位までをリサーチすることはできますか?サブカテゴリーが28種類を大きく上回るようですが、対応可能ですか?また、システムの利用に際し回数制限や利用期限はありますか?
Thank you for your submission.I looked at your work, and I just have a few questions.What is the reason for the low rating on the past 2 projects?I would like to employ you without any money upfront, but is that possible?Are you knowledgeable in the use of Amazon API?Are you able to research from the top 10 to 100th ranking in each category?It seems that the subcategories number well over 28, but will you be able to handle it?Lastly, is there a limit to the number of times you have use the system?
I was just informed that, in this particular case, you can just keep those games and we’ll have Amazon refund you in full. Does this sound like a reasonable solution to you? Awaiting your response,
Hello,Can I please get the tracking number for the shipped order?Thank you.