Two Fire King Restaurant Ware Mugs one is a Jadeite Xtra Heavy and the other is a White Restaurant Ware C Handle Mug. The Jadeite Mug is Marked "Oven Fire King Ware" The White Mug is marked "Oven Fire King Ware Made in the US" Both Mugs are free of chips cracks, flea bites and in excellent condition.
ファイヤー レストランウェアののマグが2点。ジェダイ レストランウェア エキストラへビー とホワイト レストランウェアのCハンドルのマグ。ジェダイのマグは”オーブン ファイヤー キングウェア”と書かれてます。白いマグは、”オーブン ファイヤー キングウェア アメリカ製”と書かれてます。マグは2点とも割れ・欠けもなく、しいて言えばノミがかじった程度の跡があるくらいで、最高の状態です。
Chris Dixon: Hunch, Skype, MiloDixon is the co-founder of Hunch and also invests through his founder collective fund. He has made investments in companies like Skype and Milo, and in 2010 was named by Businessweek as the number-one investor in tech. Dixon almost exclusively invests in seed stage deals and looks for high-tech startups, but also invests in industries outside high tech to diversify the risk. When he looks at a company he is not only looking at the technology, but also at the team involved. He will ask people who know the founders what they think of them to get “Social Proof” before making an investment.
Chris Dixon: HunchそしてSkype、Milo。Hunchの共同創立者のDixonは、自身の創設者共同資金から投資も行う。彼はSkypeやMiloにも投資をしており、2010には、ハイテク業界に一番投資した人物として、Businessweekに取り上げられた。Dixonは大抵、創設期のハイテクベンチャーに絞って投資をするが、リスクを分散させるため、ハイテク以外の分野にも投資をする。彼は投資先の企業を調査する際、その企業の技術力だけではなく、企業体としての一体感をも見ている。Dixonは投資をする前に、創設者を知る人達から彼らの事を聞き、社会的証明を入手するのだ。
“That is the most important aspect to the investment,” says Dixon, “The environment changes, you discover flaws in your original concept, and good entrepreneurs adapt and change. The only way you would’ve seen it is if you’d understood the passion and guts of the people involved.” Peter Thiel: Facebook, LinkedIn, Friendster, YelpThiel is one of the co-founders of Paypal and was the CEO of the company before it was acquired by eBay. His most famous and successful investment to date was a $500,000 investment in Facebook for 10% of the company. He has also made investments in LinkedIn, Friendster and Yelp.
その部分を把握することが投資では一番重要だ。とDixon,は言う。状況は変わるし、当初の構想に間違いがあったりもする。その場合、優秀な起業家は適応力があり、変化していくことができる。それを見極める唯一の方法は、情熱ややる気のある人達がどれだけ会社に関わっているかを理解することだ。とも述べた。Peter Thiel: Facebook、LinkedIn、FriendsterそしてYelpThielはPaypalの共同創立者の一人で、eBayに吸収される前の会社のCEOだった。彼の今までで一番有名で成功した投資は、Facebookの10%にあたる$500,000の投資だ。彼は、LinkedIn、Friendster そして Yelpにも投資をしている。
Does this software support Japanese?
The price increase was just 10 dollars per unit which is 40 dollars in total.The 80 dollars is shipping on all 4 units.That is what you have been paying.If you buy 12 units I will keep the price of the ●● at $440 each.Based on what I said before The total for the 12 units would be $4815.The other issue that I have to deal with is paypal charges me 3.9% on each payment you make so there is just not enough margin in these ●● to make it work. Hope this will work for you.
Can I get the full refund if I send the item back?
It’s hard to accept the markup.Could you give me a 10% discount from the total price if I buy 8units of A and 4units of B?We are discussing about extending the sales channel, but if the price for A jumps up by $80, we just need to change our plan.
I always end up buying clothes at Shibuya. I focus on the design when selecting clothes, but never forget to double check my budget.
You have placed a lot of items on eBay but, it looks like you can sell only at $409.99 for the item you can ship right away.Is my understanding correct?
Right now I am paying 250 on the SFs, as the price drops I can do better. That’s also included the free international shipping which is usually about 50 bucks my cost. If you took 20 or more Superfasts I could get them for 250 each.
私からあなたにAmazon.comのセラーページのURLを連絡※セラーの出品点数は100点から数千点と様々です。Amazon.comとの2つの画面を開いてください※ログインは不要Google Documentの画面を開いてくださいAmazon.comのセラーページは複数ページあります。さっそく1ページずつ検証しましょうヒント:タブブラウザーで1ページ毎にすべての商品を開くと便利
I will send you the URL of the seller page for*The items carried by the sellers differ from 100 to several thousands.Please open both and screen.*No need to loginPlease open the Google Document screen.There are several seller pages in’s go over each page.Hint: It is easier if you view all items per page, by a tab browser.
I would like to express my appreciation for your courteous consideration. I must apologize for being a stranger for a long time, but I hope that things are going well for you. By the way, our company has been achieving a steady growth and development even under this difficult situation, owing to your guidance and support.In addition, Satake has also returned from the Shanghai office recently, engaged in the global related task in the HQ. And in exchange, Miura, and Naito are now working at the Shanghai office. I would like to ask for your continuous support in the years to come.Thank you and Best Regards.
I would like you to send me the following chainsaw again.4 sets of Type A with an 18 inch bar each.And, I would like to know the total amount including the shipping fee for4 sets of Type B with a 16 inch bar each.By the way, do you carry steel chain saw?One of my client is asking for a genuine chain for his large-size steel chain saw.Please let me know if it is available or not, at your earliest convenience.
Hi,Regarding the shipping status of the item I purchased, I am not able to trace the item by the tracking number yet.When was the ship date?If you know the current status, such as the estimated date of arrival, please let me know.Thank you in advance.
Thank you so much. It was very kind of you to send us your message.Please mark the value lower than the actual price.
細見せコーディネイトで着やせテクを教えて! 【魔法のオシャレ講座】自分で出来るパーティー ヘアアレンジを教えて
Tell me how the right clothing coordination help me look thinner!【Fabulous Hair Designing and Styling Course】 Tell me how to style my hair for a party by myself.
We have got your payment today. I will send the goods out today.Pls let me know whether you need us to declear the real value or lower value for you.
お客様の入金が本日確認されました。 本日商品を出荷します。実際の価格で申告するか、低めで申告するかお知らせください。
I am planning to purchase a Maya down jacket.Color: black / Size: 56.I want it shipped to Japan, however, the order sheet only accepts the shipping address in Italy. How can I change the shipping address from Italy to Japan?I've been sending e-mail several times. Please let me know in detail, the way I can recieve this item in Japan. I have no clue at this moment.Thank you in advance.
Hello,Do you want me to mark low value so you have less custom fee's?right now im paying 273usd shipping' plus 30 USD insuranceyou paid 170. for 10 items then doubled to 20 items.What would you like?
First of all, I am concerned about the outline of the story, which was to legally receive organ donations from the death-row inmate in Indonesia, has changed to a story finding a donor without involving a doctor but Mr. Yan.From my experience, this means that accepting a donor from people living in an impoverished countryside. If this is the case, are you planning to prepare documents to follow the law?