nakayama_naomi 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
nakayama_naomi 英語 → 日本語

7. Direct Communication—Ability to communicate effectively during coaching sessions, and to use language that has the greatest positive impact on the client
a. Is clear, articulate and direct in sharing and providing feedback
b. Reframes and articulates to help the client understand from another perspective what he/she wants or is uncertain about
c. Clearly states coaching objectives, meeting agenda, purpose of techniques or exercises
d. Uses language appropriate and respectful to the client (e.g., non-sexist, non-racist, non-technical, non-jargon)
e. Uses metaphor and analogy to help to illustrate a point or paint a verbal picture



a. 考えを共有したり、フィードバックをする際、明瞭で、歯切れ良く、率直であること
b. クライアントが必要とするものや確信がないものについて別の観点から理解するのを助ける為に、解釈し直したり、組織化すること
c. コーチングの目標やミーティング日程、表現手法や課題の目的を明確に述べること
d. クライアントに対して礼儀をわきまえた適切な言葉遣いをすること(例 性差別なし、人種差別なし、技術用語なし、専門/業界用語なし)
e. 要点を描写したり口頭で表現するのを助ける為に、比喩や類推を使うこと

nakayama_naomi 英語 → 日本語

2. Establishing the Coaching Agreement—Ability to understand what is required in the specific coaching interaction and to come to agreement with the prospective and new client about the coaching process and relationship
a. Understands and effectively discusses with the client the guidelines and specific parameters of the coaching relationship (e.g., logistics, fees, scheduling, inclusion of others if appropriate)
b. Reaches agreement about what is appropriate in the relationship and what is not, what is and is not being offered, and about the client's and coach's responsibilities
c. Determines whether there is an effective match between his/her coaching method and the needs of the prospective client


2. コーチング合意を確立することー個々のコーチング相互作用(対話)において必要とされていることを理解し、コーチングの手順と関係について将来の新たなクライアントと合意に達する能力



c. (それぞれのコーチの)コーチング法と将来のクライアントとの間に効果的な釣り合いが取れているかどうかを裁定する

nakayama_naomi 英語 → 日本語

The document's structure will provide those seeking a credential an understanding regarding what assessors evaluate in relation to each competency, the minimum level of skill necessary to successfully demonstrate an ACC level of competency, and also help them understand what non-coaching behaviors might prevent successful completion of the ACC exam process. We hope the document helps each individual coach answer the following queries: What does it mean to be an ACC coach? What do the ICF assessors listen for when they are evaluating an ACC coach? As I progress on my coaching journey, what are my strengths and what are the skill set areas that I need to grow to pass the ACC exam?


