■今回のメイクはどうですかびっくりです私じゃないみたい誰?って感じです凄く新鮮だし、違う自分になれた気がして嬉しいです■ダンスどうですか今まで女のダンスをやってきて自分も女だし普通に踊れていたんですが今回は男のダンスだから筋肉の使う所が違うので動きも全然違うし腰の入れ方とか手の入れ方とか全然違うので難しいんですけどリハーサルの時 皆で研究したしやれる限りの事をやろうと思います今回このポジションを貰えて嬉しいです頑張りがいがあるしやってやる!って気持ちが湧いてきます
How's the make-up this time?I'm so surprised.I'm not myself.It's like, who is this?It's such a new experience, and I'm happy because I feel like I'm somebody else.How's the dance?Until now, I've been dancing a girl's dance, and I was able to dance it normally because I'm a girl,but this time it's a boy's dance, so the part of muscle you use is different, the movement is different, and the way you bring in your hip or your hands are different, so it's quite hard, but we studied it thouroughly at the rehearsal, so I will do my best.I'm happy that I got this position.It's worth the challenge, and I feel like I really want ot make it!
How's my make-up today?I'm so nervous because people look at me so much.But I've made up my mind.I felt as though I'm really a man.The dance is difficult, but how is it?The girl's dance that I dance normally is difficult for me, and I feel like I'm more good at boy's dance.It's easier to dance.I like cool dance better.I'm not so good at smooth movements.The real stage is near, but what's your goal?I want to really become a man, to such a degree that a stranger will at first mistake me as a man, and become surprised when knowing I'm a woman afterwards.
Thank you for your contact.I am very happy.I would lika a funnel, so please ship it to me.I prefer it to be handled as given here.Please ship it to the address where the lantern was shipped previously.I am sorry for the trouble, but I appreciate your cooperation.
mo105408[職人醤油]たまごかけご飯に合う醤油5本セットのページです。小田急百貨店が厳選したギフト・食品・お酒・リビングなど旬な商品が通販で購入できる、小田急百貨店が運営する公式オンライン通販ショップです。「温泉たまご」は自分でつくることもできます卵の実験 温泉卵の作り方 [毎日のお助けレシピ]温泉卵の作り方・レシピをご紹介。しかも、ご飯を保温してる間のジャーを利用して簡単に作れます!(他にもいろいろな温泉たまご作りに挑戦しました!)
mo105408[Artisan Soy Sauce] This page describes the 5 soy sauce pack that suits the rice with raw eggs. This is the official online shop that is run by the Odakyu department store, where you can purchase seasonal gifts/food/liquor/living goods carefully selected by the Odakyu department store.You can make [hot spring eggs] by yourselves.Experiment on eggs How to make hot spring eggs [recipe that will help you on daily basis]We will introduce you how to make hot spring eggs and its recipe. Moreover, you can easily make them with a rice cooker while warming the rice! (We challenged other various ways of making hot spring eggs)
mo105407福萬醤油 (ふくまんしょうゆ) - 天神/和食(その他) [食べログ]福萬醤油/ふくまんしょうゆ (天神/和食(その他))の店舗情報は食べログでチェック!口コミや評価、写真など、ユーザーによるリアルな情報が満載です!地図や料理メニューなどの詳細情報も充実。たまごかけご飯に合う醤油5本セット(通信販売)たまごかけごはんに最適な醤油を5本厳選して詰め合わせたセット。醤油によって変化する、たまごかけごはんの味の違いを楽しむことができます。
mo105407Fukuman Soy Sauce- Tenjin/ Japanese food (others) [Food Log]Check the store information of Fukuman Soy Sauce- Tenjin/ Japanese food (others) at Food Log! Lots of real infromations from the users including the word of mouth, reviews, and photos! The detail information about maps and menus are also abundant.5 Soy Sauce Set that matches the rice with raw eggsThis is a set of 5 soy sauces carefully selected to suit the rice with raw eggs.You can enjoy the taste of rice with raw eggs that varys with the kinds of soy sauce you add.
mo105406見かけはポーチドエッグ丼、味は「たまごかけごはん」そのものです温泉たまごかけごはん黄身も白身も半熟トロトロ。卵黄の色の濃さは新鮮な卵である証拠です。たまごかけごはんの調味料は醤油が一番人気です。肉そぼろをかければスキヤキの味。そして、数多くの「たまごかけごはん専用醤油」がつくられました醤油のテイスティングもできる醤油専門店「バル 福萬醤油」200種類以上の醤油をそろえた醤油専門店。醤油のテイスティングもでき、自分の好みに合った醤油を購入できます。
mo105406Looks like porched egg and rice, but tastes like "tamagokakegohan (rice with raw eggs)" itself.Rice with hot spring eggsThe yolk and the white is half-raw, and are slurry.The deepness of the yolk is the proof for its freshness.The most popular seasoning for the rice with raw eggs, is the soy sauce.If you add seasoned ground meat, it becomes the taste of sukiyaki.Moreover, many "soy sauce especially for rice with raw eggs" were made."Bar Fukuman Soy Sauce Store", the soy sauce specialized shop where you can actually taste the soy sauce.A soy sauce specialized shop where more than 200 kinds of soy sauce are sold.You can acutally taste the soy sauce, and purchase the soy sauce of your liking.
mo105403Eggs in Japan is distributed under such strict control, so raw eggs can be eaten safely if its is within the freshness date.The short period of freshness and storing it in the fridge is the key point.How the eggs are being washedHow the freshness date is printedIt is important to indicate it clearly.It varys with seasons or producers, but mostly the freshenss date is about 2 weeks (14 days) after packing throughout the year.◎This is the standard "tamagokakegohan (rice with raw eggs)" of Japan.Tamagokakegohan (rice with raw eggs)Do you like porched eggs or eggs benedict?
mo105402『なぜ日本人だけが喜んで生卵を食べるのか』 伊丹 由宇 (著)どうして日本では卵を生で食べることができるのでしょうか?それは、卵殻を徹底的に洗浄し、短い賞味期限と低い保存温度を定めることで、食中毒の原因であるサルモネラ菌の増殖を防いでいるからです。卵には、「賞味期限」「保存方法(10℃以下で冷蔵保存)」「使用方法」の表示が法律によって義務づけられています。
mo105402"Why do only Japanese eat raw eggs happily?" By Yuu ItamiWhy are raw eggs edible in Japan?It is because by washing the egg shell thouroughly, and setting short freshness date and low storage temperature, the propagation of the salmonella, the reason of food poisoning, is prevented.For eggs, the indication of "freshness date" "Way of Storage (store in fridge under 10℃)" and "Usage" are obligated by law.
mo105401日本の生卵文化に挑戦 ~ 温泉たまごを食べてみよう日本には卵を生で食べる文化が根付いています。 また、お米が主食であることも日本の食文化のひとつです。 この2つの文化を合わせた和食、白米のご飯に生の卵をかけて食べる「たまごかけごはん」が近年の日本でブームとなっています。 生卵が無理でも、一種独特な日本の卵料理である「温泉たまご」を使って「たまごかけごはん」に挑戦してみませんか?生で卵を食べるのは世界中で日本だけです
mo105401Challenge the raw egg culture in Japan~Let's eat the hot spring eggsIn Japan, there is a culture that people eat raw eggs. In addition, rice being the principal diet is also one of the Japanese food culture. Recently, "tamagokakegohan (rice with raw egg poured on it)", which is a blend of the two cultures, is a trend in Japan. If raw eggs are impossible, why don't you try the "tamagokakegohan (rice with raw egg poured on it)", with the "hot spring egg", a distinctive Japanese egg dish?Japan is the only country that raw eggs are eaten commonly.
mo105101黒髪を美しく保つために日本人がしていること日本人の髪の色は黒です。 昨今、髪の毛を元と違う色に染めている人々も目立ちますが、近年は自然な黒髪の魅力が見直されてきています。 黒髪を美しく保つための日本人の秘訣は何でしょう。◎昔から伝わる日本伝統の技・ヘアオイルに「椿油」ツバキ(椿)の種子から採った天然成分100%のヘアオイル髪のうるおいを保ちハリとコシを与え、しっとりなめらかな輝く髪に整えます。日本原産の常緑樹で花が美しく利用価値も高い
mo105101Things Japanese do to keep their black hair beautiful.The Japanese have black hair. Nowadays, people who dye and change their hair colors stand out, but recently the beauty of black hair is being reconsidered. What is the secret Japanese keep for maintaining their black hair beautiful? ◎Traditional techinique from the old"Camellia oil" for hair oil.Hair oil made from 100% natural ingredients, extracted from the seeds of Camellia.Keeps and tones the hair moist and lustrous, smooth and shining.It is a evergreen tree originated in Japan, and their flowers are beautiful and have high potential for usage.
fr104705Things like the Tokyo Tower and the skyscrapers of Shinjuku look small.When Sumidagawa river fire festival is held, it is said that the fireworks can be seen under you.Moreover, in rainy days you have a mysterious feeling that you're standing above the clouds . There are so many ways to enjoy.This is the end point of the midair passage.You can see the starting point right beneath you.The height difference is about 5m.I recommend you to experience the sensation by reaching the top on foot.The blending of tradition and high technology! What is the newest measures against earthquakes?With a tower so high as this, everyone must be afraid of the earthquake?
fr104502What pops up before you is the transparancy that doesn't look like a river.A different world which is unique to Yakushima spreads around you.The river water of Yakushima is so clean that you can drink it.You might want to let your body float it the cool river in summer.Enjoy the majestic scenery at Senbiro falls!Senbiro falls is one of the three major waterfalls in Yakushima.Its falling depth is 60m, and its source is the Tainogawa river which originates in central Yakushima.The fall faces a giant granitic rock, with the size of 250m×300m.
fr103502The next time we can see it will be in March, 2020.The bridge to the retro district.The Bluewing Moji, which is about 5 minutes walk from Mojiminato station, is one of the major drawbridge in Japan, restricted only to pedestrians.To go to the retro district, we strongly recommend you to walk over this drawbridge .(Drawn only when ships are crossing)It's a superb location where you can see the Mojiminato's old fashioned town scenery on your right, and the Kammon Strait on your left.Enjoy the old fashioned Mojiminato.In the retro area, old fashioned buildings from the Taisho and Showa era still remain.
I want to ask you a question, for Mr. C is on vacation.I was checking the document given to me by Mr. C the other day, and found that the description of “A”, the reason for the denial of certification from the counsel, was not corrected.The document I received from Mr. C includes the description “A”, and that will mean that “we will declare in front of the counsel”, and thus might result in the denial of the application from the counsel, similar to the last time.Could you check the attached file, and see if it needs further correction?
mo89909【The scenario of Momotaro legend】When the old lady was washing her clothes at the river, a peach came flowing by from the upstream.When she brought the peach to her home, a little boy was born from the peach, and the old couple named the boy Momotaro and brought him up.After growing up, Momotaro had the old lady make kibidango (balls of millet), and he goes to the Onigashima island to fight off the oni (demon).Along the way, he met a dog, a monkey, and Japanese pheasant, and he gave each of them the kibidango, and as a result they became Momotaro's retainer.Momotaro defeated the demons cooperating with the retainers, and went home to his old parents with many treasures that he won.
no89602蔵王温泉は東北一と言って良い規模と歴史を持つ温泉地です。樹氷見物で凍えた後の温泉は至福の時を与えてくれるでしょう。 小野川温泉(山形県・米沢市) 小野川温泉は最上川の源流・大樽川のほとりにある小野小町ゆかりの温泉です。どこか懐かしい日本の原風景ともいえる風景にこころがほぐされるでしょう。 奥鬼怒温泉郷(栃木県・日光市)奥鬼怒温泉は鬼怒川の源流部近くにあり4軒の温泉宿があります。温泉郷には天然記念物の湯沢噴泉塔や自噴している野湯が多数あります。
no89602Zao hot spring has the largest scale and the longest history in Northeastern Japan. The hot spring will bring you warmth and the extreme happiness after the bitter cold sightseeing of the soft rimes.Onogawa hot spring (Yonezawa city, Yamagata prefecture)Onogawa hot spring is a land of OnonoKomachi situated at the riverside of Otarugawa river, and is the headstream of Mogamigawa river. You wil become relaxed from the scenery which seems like it has not changed from the old days of Japan.Okukinu hot spring area (Nikko city, Tochigi prefecture)Okukinu hot spring is situated at the headstream of Kinugawa river, and there are four hotels. Yuzawafunsentou , which is a natural monument, is in this area, and there also are many wild hot springs.
no89601冬に日本に行くならここ!美しい雪景色を見ることが出来る日本の温泉地8撰冬になれば雪景色が見たくなります。温泉につかりながらのんびりと雪景色を堪能しましょう。登別温泉には地獄谷、熊牧場などの観光施設のほかに、泉源公園イルミネーションが冬季に開催されています。温泉で温まる前の雪の中の観光も楽しいでしょう。 乳頭温泉(秋田県・仙北市)乳頭温泉は樹海の中にお宿があり、「湯巡り帳」で各宿の雪見湯比べをするのも楽しいでしょう。蔵王温泉(山形県・山形市)
no89601These places are strongly recommended if you're visiting Japan in winter! 8 selected hot springs of Japan, where you can view the beautiful snow landscape.When winter comes, you want to see the snow landscape. Take your time to enjoy the snow landscape, while taking a bath in the hot spring.At Noboribetu hot spring, the Sengen park becomes illuminated in the winter time, along with tourist spots like bear farm. Sightseeing in the snow before getting warm in the hot spring might also be enjoyable.Nyuto hot spring (Senhoku city, Akita prefecture)In the Nyuto hot springs, the hotels are situated in the forest of trees. It might also be fun to compare each hotel's hot spring, and its view of the snow.Zao hot spring (Yamagata city, Yamagata prefecture)
fr89205Yakushima might be the only place where you can easily enjoy the jungle cruise of the subtropics.Moreover, people say that a spirit called Kimujina which brings happiness lives in the banyan tree.It might be a little understandable that you feel like you're lost in another world when you're wrapped in the forest of banyan trees.
fr89203トローキの滝までは、最寄りの鯛ノ川バス停までバスで行って、少し歩いて見に行く事も出来るのですが、やはり海から間近に見るのがオススメ。海から見ると屋久島のまた違った景色を楽しむことが出来るのです。亜熱帯のジャングルクルーズ!猿川のガジュマル 県道77号から少し入った所にある駐車場に車を止めたら、そこからはもうほとんど獣道。微かな人の踏み跡を15分程たどると、ガジュマルの群生地にたどり着きます。目印はこの小さな看板だけ。見落とさないように気をつけて!
To the fall of Toroki, you can go to the nearby Tainogawa bus stop by bus, and take a little walk from there, but seeing it from the ocean from close by is recommended.From the ocean, you can enjoy the different view of Yakushima.The jungle cruise of subtropics! The banyan tree of Sarukawa river.If you park your car at the parking lot near route 77, then from there you walk into a trail which is mostly an animal trail.After a 15 minutes walk following the vague footsteps, then you reach the spot where the banyan trees grow in colonies!The only landmark is this little sign.Be careful not to miss it!
fr89202雨が多い屋久島では、霧に煙る姿も珍しくなく、その神秘さがいっそう際立ちます。ちなみにモッチョムとは屋久島の言葉で女性器のこと。直接山の名前にしてしまうなんて、とっても大胆ですよね。 そして、その奥に見えるのがトローキの滝。落差はおよそ6m。干潮時には8mほどになるそうです。それほど大きな滝ではありませんが、直接海に注ぐ滝というには全国でも珍しいものです。
fr89202In Yakushima it rains a lot, and frequently becomes foggy, and at those times the mysterious atmosphere stands out.By the way, the word "Mocchom" means female genitalia in Yakushima's local language.Aren't they so audacious to directly make it a name of a mountain!And, the waterfall which can be seen in the back is the fall of Toroki.Its falling depth is about 6m. It becomes about 8m at low tides.It is not that large for a waterfall, but it is rare that it flows directly into the ocean, even in Japan.