Thank you for the massage. I understood the situation and I will give you refund if the item hasn't been arrived.Thank you, and I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for the massage.Has the tracking number shown on the shipping information? I will confirm the number on my end.I apologize for the inconvenience. I will let you know after I find out your tracking number.Thank you for the massage.Unfortunately, the item has returned to us as address unknown. I have shipped out the item again.Following is the tracking number for the package.
①Watabe・Sasaki・Kimata・Tejimahttp://studio.ameba.jp/user/premiumBroadcast?cast_id=1459②Mikaiyama・Sawaki・Nakayama・Yamaguchihttp://studio.ameba.jp/user/premiumBroadcast?cast_id=2320※You are required to have Amesta points in order to watch our program. Here is the link for how to watch the show:http://ameblo.jp/ameba-studio-staff/entry-11772014816.html#main
Thank you for the message. Your item has been shipped as follows:Thanks. Have you been contacted the customs?
This product was clearly listed on amazon as in stock at the time of order.It is listed elsewhere as not yet released.You charge 100$ more than others and I ordered it based on availability. I am happy to wait , so long as you drop the price to the same as shoppinginjapan.net and you ship the product for free by way of compensation for your misleading sale information on Amazon.If you are not able to do this, please cancel the order and I will get the watch cheaper elsewhere.Thanks Nikki Goode
Amazonストアにて商品を購入した時は確かに在庫ありと表示されてありました。ちなみに他のサイトでは、同商品は今現在未入荷となっておりました。他サイトの同商品よりも100ドル高く値段が表示されておりましたが、在庫ありとの事だったので購入しました。もし貴社が今回の商品をshoppinginjapan.netで提示されている値段まで値下げしていただき、さらに在庫ありと間違ってAmazonに表示し顧客を混乱させた代償として送料を無料にしてただけるなら、喜んで商品が入荷されるまで待つつもりでいます。もし私の条件をのんで頂く事が出来ないのならば、他サイトで購入を検討したいのでどうか今回のオーダーはキャンセルさせて頂きたいと思います。よろしくお願いNikki Goode
Thank you for the massage.Your product will be shipped soon. I will let you know once your product is shipped out.Thank you for the massage.I am afraid I am not very familiar with the systems in EU, but I am sure the product will be returned to us if it wasn able to pass the custom; otherwise, you will receive the product.Thank you for the massage.I truly apologize for the nconvenience. The price was wrong, and we cancelled the order. We also have gave you an additional credit of $3 to show our apology.
I have confirmed regarding a hard case to S manufacturer.Our price will be $** to CA including shipping.It will take approximately a month to be shipped as we needed to custom order this product in order to fit the shape of OVE4.You could make a payment via PAYPAL after the product is arrived.I am able to offer you either a Type M BR or SL strap.Please let me know which one you would lke as we will include one of your favorite colors on free of charge.This strap looks very luxurious yet durable.
I havnt gotten anything!
Do you know Ai Tanaka as known as "the goddess of smooth skin" who is a professional beauty master from Aormori?This lady with a beautiful smile is an aesthetician who owns a popular beauty salon, Binare.She drew attention and became well known after her appearance of a Japanese TV program called "Majotachi no 22ji" when she was introduced as "the goddess of smooth skin".After that TV show, she has appeared in leading Japanese beauty magazines, such as "Biteki". She has introduced an easy facial massage technique called "gankin taiso" and streamed a video Yahoo! JAPAN. This video hit more than 2 million views, and Ai Tanaka has become one of the most featured aestheticians in the industry.
Hello, I have the game Kaite Oboeru: Dora-Gana the Japan Import. When a maru is involved, regardless of if its got the gray lining or if I did the correct stroke order, it counts it wrong. When I write the maru in my anpanman games, it says it is correct. Is there something specific I have to do with the maru. I also have this problem when I am trying to write the circle that represents a "period". Please help me, I love this game. But without knowing how to do the "maru" and the circle that represents a period, I'm stuck at a standstill.
こんにちは私は日本製のゲームソフト、「かいておぼえる ドラがな」を所有しています。ゲーム上でグレーの線上になぞっても、正しい書き順であっても、正解の「まる」が正しくカウントされません。アンパンマンゲームで正しい回答を書いたはちゃんと正解と表示されます。正解を出すために何か特別な方法を使い必要があるのでしょうか?また、読点の「。」を書こうとする時も同じ問題がおきます。このゲームはとても気に入っているので是非助けて下さい。どうやって”正解”を出せばよいのか、そして読点の「。」の書き方が分かるまで行き詰まったまま先に進めません。
I am writing to inform you that we do not have enough copies of Diablo III to fulfill your order at this time. We do have 10 available and we have the rest at an ETA of 5/30/12. We can either split your order, or we can ship the whole order once we get the remaining copies in. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
今回お客様にオーダーしていただいたDiable IIIにつきましてのお詫びなのですが、残念ながら現時点で当方に十分な在庫がございません。ただ今ある在庫数は10個で、新たな在庫は5月30日に入荷予定です。今回のオーダーに関しましては、配送を二度に分けさせて頂く又は、全てのオーダー個数が確保出来た時点で商品を配送させていただくという2つの方法がございます。ご迷惑をおかけし、大変申し訳ございません。お客様が希望される手続き方法をどうかご連絡下さい。
・Dear sigeharu ○○ name...(mail №...) has issued a refund for 4.59 GBP of your original payment. See Refund Details below for more information. Message from merchant: Part Postage refund as items will be sent together International Signed for.・* Refund Amount: ○ GBP* Refund Transaction ID: ○ PayPal accepts payments from buyers on behalf of sellers. Sellers agree that once PayPal accepts payments from buyers, buyers are discharged from any further liability for the amount of the payments. Sincerely,・Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
しげはる様へ,,,,(メール番号,,,)からお客様のお支払いから4.59 GBPの返金をいたしました。詳しくは下記の返金明細をお確かめ下さい。返金額 00GBP明細番号ID: 0PayPalは売り手にかわって、書いてから代金を受け取ります。PayPalが代金を買い手から受け取った時点で、買い手は支払われた代金に関する責任から免除される事となります。よろしくお願い致します。*このEメールに返信はどうかなさらないで下さい。ここのメールボックスにメールをされた場合、返信はされませんことをご了承下さい。ご質問がある場合は、まずPayPalのアカウントにログインし、webページの右上にあるヘルプリンクをクリックして下さい。
HelloMy name is Masaki Sato.I sell products online in Japan.I am writing in regards to our product called oo that is quite popular in Japan, and hoping to build to a long-term buisiness relationship with you offering a great whole sale price.Please see the data of the product for the last month when we sold as a trial.You can review the number of pageviews, number of products ordered, and product sales.I thank you in advance for your consideration.
You should have more respect towards my person. I did everything to help you with the situation and you still complain. First of all, I sent a good unit. We test all the items we sell on eBay We sold over 20 of these already. So I don't know what happened to it.It was working fine here. Do not assume I sent you a defective unit because I did not. Please send that one for replacement if you wish, no problem. Please make sure the unit was not open/unscrewed if you wish to return it for replacement and please make sure to send the same unit you received.
Hello. Thank you for your business with me all the time.I have something to tell you.Unfortunately, one of the ten items I purchased from you was damaged, and I got a complaint from our customer.I would like to ask you if you could give me a refund for the damaged item. I am willing to pay the shipping cost for the item.Please let me know the return adress if it is ok with you so that I could return the item.I would like to get a refund by paypal.I hope to keep a good business relationship with you.Thank you
こんにちは。再度インボイスを送ってくださってありがとうございました。でも又問題が発生しました。送って下さったインボイスに支払いをしようと操作をしていましたら、ebayからペイパルの画面に変わった時に、最初のインボイスに提示してくださったカルフォルニアの送料分($10.85)が反映されず、合計金額が$179.10 になります。原因は、shipping画面でカルフォルニアの住所から日本の住所に変更して操作を進めたからだと思います。
Hello,Thank you for sending the invoice again, but now I got another problem.I was trying to make a payment for the invoice you have sent me, but when the screen switches from ebay to paypal, the shipping cost to california ($10.85) does not show up on the screen, and the todal cost is $179.10.I think it is because when I selected the shipping method, I tried changing the address to the Japanese address from the one in Calfornia.
ちなみにカルフォルニアの住所のまま操作を進めると問題はなく、合計金額が$189.95になります。そこで提案なんですがこのままカルフォルニアの住所で操作を進めてペイパルで支払いを済ませますが、実際は日本の住所の方に商品を送ってくださることは可能ですか?お手数をおかけしまして申し訳ありません。お返事宜しくお願い致します。もし私の提案が可能でしたら、下記の私の日本の住所に商品を発送してください。xxx-xxxx -cho 10-10xxx-Shi OKAYAMAJapan
It does not cause any problem if I didn't change the address from Calfornia one and the total shows as $189.96. Here is my suggestion: I will complete the transaction by keeping my address in Calfornia, but are you able to send the item to my address in Japan?I apologize for the inconvenience. Please reply me when you can.If it is posslbe, please send the item to my address in Japan:xxx-xxxx -cho 10-10xxx- Shi OKAYAMA JAPAN
4月6日からScan Feeが課金されています。今も課金され続けています。おかしいです。システムの問題があるのではないですか?私はプレミアム会員です。何か問題があるのでしょうか?課金された金額を返金処理して下さい。よろしくお願いします。
I have been charged for a Scan Fee since April 6.I don't think it is right and suspect if there is a system failure because I am a premium member.Please refund me the amount that was charged by mistake. Thank you.
But sorry that we're not able to accept returns beside the function question, but consider you're our old customers and X sells very hot, here we have some suggestion. 1. As you may know that the return fee will be high and takes long time, would you pls help to sell it at lower price, the difference we will refund to you or we can replace some other goods you needed to you, thanks. 2. We'll refund to you after we got and checked the goods if you prefer to return the goods, thanks. Sorry again for such trouble to you friend, we'll responsible for it, but consider it will add both of our cost, so we suggest to make agreement for each other for this issue, if our suggestion is not OK for you? Any ideas?
申し訳ありませんが商品の製品上の問題以外での返品は受け付けておりません。しかしながらお客様はお得意様ですし、Xの売り上げもとても好調なためいくつかの提案をさせていただきたいと思います。1. ご存知の通り返品手数料はとても高く時間もかかります。もしお客様が小売価格よりも安くお売りになられた場合、商品の差額を当社から返金させていただく、もしくは違う商品と引き換えさせて頂く。2.商品の返品を受け取った後に、商品代金を返金させて頂く。今回は本当に申し訳ありませんでした。当社の責任でありますが私達お互いにとって問題解決の最善策を提案させていただきました。今回の提案において不都合がございましたらお申し付け下さい。
私達は日本での独占的契約を結べなくて残念に思います。しかし、私達はあなたに注文します。ですが 私達が以前提案した 年間50-80本のオーダーは 難しいです。その理由は、私達が日本でのAの 統一の値段を決めれない事や、広告宣伝をすることができないことからです。多くの 2011/2012モデルが 2012/2013シーズンモデルとして継続販売されると思います。2011/2012モデルの中で 2012/2013シーズンに販売しないモデルは存在しますか?
We feel very unfortunate that we were not able to get an exclusive contract with you. We will still continue to ask you although it will be difficut to order 50 to 80 bottles a year as we have suggested in the past. The reason for this is that because we are not able to set a certain prices or try to advertise A in Japan.I believe many of 2011/2012 models will continue to be sold as 2012/2013 season models. Are there any models from 2011/2012 which will not be sold in 2012/2013 season?
Thank you so much for the updated schedule! They are fine.By that way, do you know what is happening with Angelo?I am wondering if he is coming to the seminar.I want to ask you if you have the money to cover the cost of the seminar for Angelo.If so, would you be able to tell me how much? I would like to know the details.Also, please let me know about Nico's if you could.I have been discussing this with Mr. Sano, so I want you to let me know asap.I am trying to organize this seminar differently than usual. Please look forward to it!