1142Non avendo ricevuto risposta alla precedente email, scelgo la prima ipotesi ("rimborso della somma totale del pagemento")
It was about to disappear silently right in front of you. I thought that it would be rude not to tell my important friends the reason so I am now writing the last e-mail. At the age of 18, I got uterine cancer and I became unable to born children. Then, I gave up love and relationships. And now I discovered that I have breast cancer. I thought that it would be so much easier if I became a man. The day you clear the instances was the date of the announcement. By erasing everything that day, I wanted to erase my existence. I cried because it's a cruel life, but I have not thought about committing suicide and I'm not thinking about it even now.
1142Buongiorno. Le faccio una proposta: Lei mi rispedisce subito il pacco COL CORRIERE PIU' VELOCE CHE AVETE ( senza che io paghi ancora dei soldi) ed io, a pacco ricevuto, Le lascio un feedback POSITIVO. Ok ???!!! Cosi' eviterei di fare una brutta figura... Eventualmente il pacco stavolta lo spedisca direttamente a me a questo indirizzo: ●●ITALY Attendo un Suo riscontro.
生年月日:1993年11月4日身長: 180cm血液型:A出身地:広島県 SOLIDEMOのシンデレラボーイ。【avex audition MAX 2013】のアーティスト部門でグランプリを受賞し、SOLIDEMOのメンバーに選ばれた。初めて挑戦したCMオーディションに合格し、香港大塚製薬有限公司ポカリスエットのCMに現在出演中。 好きな言葉は"夢は必ず叶う!"
Date of birthNovember 4, 1993Height: 180cm Blood Type: A Pleace of birth: Hiroshima Prefecture Cinderella Boy from SOLIDEMO. He won the Grand Prix at the department of artists [Avex Audition MAX 2013], and was elected as a member of the SOLIDEMO. Passed the CM audition that was challenged for the first time, and currently plays in the commercial of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Pocari Sweat. His favorite word is "dreams come true by all means!"
生年月日:1993年7月8日身長: 187cm血液型:O出身地:埼玉県 SOLIDEMOの天真爛漫な20才。数多くのオーディションに挑戦し、高校2年の夏に応募した集英社「MEN’S NON-NO」のオーディションに合格し、2010年3月から専属モデルとなる。 好きな言葉は"スーツ"
Date of birth: July 8, 1993 Height: 187 cm Blood Type: O Birthplace: Saitama Prefecture Young nenber of SOLIDEMO being 20 years old. He was challenged to a large number of auditions. In the summer of his second year of high-school he passed the audition for "MEN'S NON-NO" of Shuensha and became an exclusive model from March 2010. His favorite word is "suit"
サブリーダー 生年月日:1988年7月19日身長: 181cm血液型:O出身地:福岡県SOLIDEMOのサブリーダー。エイベックス・アーティストアカデミーに一般生として入校し、音楽レッスンを開始。 歌唱力が高く評価され、2009年に『力の限りゴーゴゴー!!』(フジテレビ系)の人気コーナー「ハモネプ」に出演した男性アカペラコーラスグループ“腹筋学園”のメンバーとして話題に。TAKE名義でのソロ音楽活動や、役者としてドラマや舞台も経験。 好きな言葉は"不撓不屈"
Sub-Leader Date of Birth: July 19, 1988Height: 181 cm Blood type: O Hometown: Fukuoka Prefecture Sub-Leader of SOLIDEMO. He enrolled as a regular student in Avex Artist Academy, and started his music lessons. His singing skills were highly appreciated, and he became a member of the male cappella group "abs school" which appeared in the popular part "Hamonepu" of the show called "Gogogo with all the streight!" (Fuji TV) in 2009.He was experience as a solo musician in TAKE, and as an actor in stage dramas. His favorite word is "unflagging"
Ho capito. Chiedo scusa alla sovrapposizione che moltiplicato per la preoccupazione e disagi per voi.La lente non deve essere restituito. Rimborseremo l'importo come avete chiesto.C'è un obbligo che si paga dall'inizio di 52 € dogana.Questa è la regole su ebay. Penso che sia bene tenere a mente per il futuro.Si prega di trascorrere un buon fine settimana.Grazie.
Design Photo che è stato tagliato nel momento Archivi essere tagliato al momento della progettazione
December 29th - 31st, for three days, the distribution of the limited edition album containing the countdown and live set list held in Holy land, Yoyogi and First Gymnasium, will start at once on iTunes, Rekochoku, · mora · mu-mo and other delivery websites.check each site for details ♪※This is not a live sound source. It will be the sound from the original album.
※イベント参加後の、ご帰宅等に関する終電等の時間に関しては、主催側は一切の責任を負いかねます。必ずご自身でお確かめ頂いた上、ご参加いただきますようお願い致します。[特典2]3月12日発売アルバム『Mirrorball Flare + Royal Mirrorball Discotheque』を会場でご購入の方にオリジナルポストカード(1枚)を先着でプレゼント致します。
※After the event, the organizers do not take any responsibility regarding the last trains to home. Please make you you check it and attend the event.[Benefits 2] We will offer you an original post card (1) together with the the album released on March 12th, 『Mirrorball Flare + Royal Mirrorball Discotheque』, which will be available for purchase.
主催:ローソンHMVエンタテイメント【発売中チケット】4/5(土) SHIBUYA AX機材席開放につき、当日券を若干数販売いたします。販売時間:17:30~場所:当日券売場料金:4,500円 (ドリンク代別)4/6(日) SHIBUYA AX 機材席開放につき、当日券を若干数販売いたします。販売時間:16:00~場所:当日券売場料金:4,500円 (ドリンク代別)
Sponsor: Lawson HMV Entertainment [Tickets on sale] 4/5 (Sat) SHIBUYA AX There are some tickets for equipped seats available. Office Hours: 17:30 ~ Location: Ticket gate on the day of the event Fee: 4,500 yen (with a free drink) 4/6 (Sun) SHIBUYA AX There are some tickets for equipped seats available. Office Hours: 16:00 - Location: Ticket gate on the day of the eventFee: 4,500 yen (with a free drink)
5/3(土) PENNY LANE 24一般販売:販売中■ローソンチケット0570-084-001(Lコード:17971)■チケットぴあ0570-02-9999 (Pコード:223-469)■イープラスhttp://eplus.jp (PC・mobile)
5/3(Sat) PENNY LANE 24Distribution: available for sale■Lawson tickets0570-084-001(Lコード:17971)■Pia Tickets0570-02-9999 (Pコード:223-469)■E-plushttp://eplus.jp (PC・mobile)
ITA0369くれBuonasera, quando riceverò il rimborso toglierò il reclamo! C'è la possibilità di ricevere il prodotto giusto? Perché lo vorrei regalare!
ITA0369くれこんばんは。返済をもらったら、クレームを削除します! 適切な製品を取得することはできますか? プレゼントとして送りたいのですが。
HelloI am really sorry for causing you trouble last time.It was explained in the product description but I apologize for not the lack of information.We have proceeded with the refund of the total price, so please confirm it.We will make sure that this kind of situation will not occur again.We hope that we can be of your use someday.Good luck to you!PsThe refund procedure has been completed.I would like to ask you something.Could you please withdraw the claim to B?
クレ0369Ho ricevuto due speaker musicali water dancing quando in realtà ho ordinato un acquario. Ho aspettato un mese p'er ircevre questo??? Mi fate INCAZZARE CRISTO!era un regalo di compleanno fate un pò voi9931ho rimosso il feedback dopo aver parlato con amazon.Confido che siate più precisi in futuro, e spero che il disagio e disguido sia nato solo per motivi di traduzione.Alla prossima.
クレ0369二つの音楽スピーカーワターダンシングをもらいましたが、私は実際に水族館を注文しました。 これをもらうため1っか月も待ちました。とてもがっかりしています。 実は誕生日プレゼントとして使うつもりでした9931アマゾンと話した後、フィードバックを削除しました。これから正確だということを信頼し、不快感や不便さは翻訳のために行われたことを信じています。ではまた
8701ho acquistato da voi un Jeeg Robot prodotto:"Magne Magne robot model series reprint Jeeg" con numero ordine ●●.Il prodotto è arrivato in perfetto stato, ma come mi avete preventivato voi, mi hanno chiesto le tasse doganali.E come da vostra mail precedente mi era stato detto che me le avreste rimborsate.All'atto della consegna del pacco HO DOVUTO SALDARE 15,71€ PER TASSE DOGANALI.Vorrei sapere come mi verranno rimborsate tali spese?In attesa di un vostro positivo riscontro porgo Distint Saluti
8701あなたから「 Jeeg Robot」というreprint Jeegモデルのロボットを買いました。注文番号は●●です。商品は完全な状態で届かれましたが、あなたがおしゃった通り、通関手数料を頼まれました。あなたからの以前のメールには私が返金されなければならないと書いてありました。 小包の配送の時、通関手数料のため15,71€を払わなければなりませんでした。この費用を弁償される方法教えていただきたいのです。あなたの肯定的な応答を待っています。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。
ITA4359thanks for the quick reply. the order number its: 171-6413576-5284359please could you tell me where can i track the shipment? it would be possible to have the direct courier link? thanks. ITA0712Hallo, I am sorry but I can't understand what you are saying?Can you try to write in english please?I've ordered a Digital Camera as You have writen "1 di Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ40 Fotocamera digitale 18.9 megapixel [ASIN: K]"I don't understand what You mean with "battery".Don't You have already send the camera?
ITA4359早いお返事をありがとう。注文番号はこちらです:171-6413576-5284359発送はどこで追跡できるか教えてくれますか?できればダイレクトリンクを送ってくれますか?ありがとうございます。ITA0712こんにちは、すみませんが、おっしゃっていることがわかりません。英語で書いてくれますか?書いていた通り、ディジタルカメラを注文しました "1 di Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ40 Fotocamera digitale 18.9 megapixel [ASIN: K]"「電池」について、言いたいことはよくわかりません。もうカメラを送りましたか?
Soft nappa leather ballerina with slip-last construction, elastic on the instep in same color as the upper and bow detail
評価IGI1139Still waiting for this delivery. The tracking numbers they supply are not recognized by the courier. The emails from them are courteous but ultimately unhelpful
評価IGI1139まだ配達を待っています。彼らが提供するトラッキング番号は宅配便に認識されません。 彼らからのメールは丁寧いですが結局は役に立ちません
On ...th, I will return the car rented from San Francisco and I will go to your place by train.It is not decided in detail yet, but I'm planning to arrive there around 5 or 6 P.M.Are the shops(restaurants and grocery stores) opened at this hour?Please let me know if you have any recommendations. Please tell me more about how I can get and the keys of your house.Also, please tell me how should I return the keys after the check-out.On ...th, at 12 o'clock I have to take the plane so I may want to check-out early.