matilda 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
matilda 英語 → 日本語

Please let me know if you prefer Mangas only in English or in Japanese and English?

Books in just English would be great. A LOT of the kids here are into many of the different series. Whole sets can be expensive but I've found some pretty good deals. I have approximately a dozen different sets on order, including your set. My kids 12 & 14 both read many of the series so they recommended a few then I looked up many on line to be sure they were appropriate for kids this age. It can be hard to tell from the cover. The 17+ or mature books can look young because of the art. Are there any brand new series that have become popular there that are coming our way? Thanks for any information.




matilda 英語 → 日本語

I capture a varienty of angles for a variety of compositions.
Once I have a strong selection of photography that I con work with,it's back to the studio to start painting.
The majority of my work is on canvas and varies in size.
I enjoy working large and small-large because it tends to catch the viewer's attention and small because it allows me to work on multiple paintings at once.
I always strive to create richly textured surfaces using a variety of materials such as oil,acrylic,picture,pumice,joint compound,paper,found objects and spray paint,in this way the urban textures are translated into a beautiful array of painting surfaces.



matilda 英語 → 日本語

This test was carried out in a laboratory with a room temperature of 20±2t and 55%,
65%, 75%, 85%, 95% RH, by setting ΔT to 10℃, respectively, constant pressure to 6gf /cm2.

Therefore it is very important to study the properties of fabrics consisting of clothes, vanous designs and wearing relations to the environment, in order to accomplish a more comfortable
clothing life. Fabric is a composition of fibers, air and moisture while its thermal conductivity
shows a complex condition which relates to the thermal conductivity of these fabrics, air and moisture as well as radiation and convection between fibers.For these reason, there are many studies on thermal and moisture transport properties of cloth [1-5].


実験は、 室温20±2tで55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, 95% RHの実験室で実施された。それはΔT をそれぞれ10℃に、そして一定の6gf /cm2の圧力を設定することでなされた。


matilda 英語 → 日本語

good to hear from you and I mean that,1 day we must meet ,next year i,m to Asia for 2 months lets see what I can do ,I love Japan but the last time I was in Tokyo wow I was paying so much for a hotel but still love your country
Avengers is a great movie and i,,m glad you like it , I went 3 weeks ago to see it
Shuca please sir I trust you and I will give more orders for you to buy blu ray movies for me ,please don,t ever worry about me when I ask you to order for me ,you will never lose with me ( its always best to be honest with people)
Shuca it is always good to hear from you ,please may I ask you where in Japan do you live?


Shucaさん、私はあなたのことを信用していますし、blue rayの映画をあなたに注文します。どうか私があなたに注文を出すとき、心配しないでください。私はどこにも行きません。(相手に正直であることがいつも一番大事ですね)

matilda 英語 → 日本語

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Since the early days of Microsoft, Gates pursued his vision of 'a computer on every desk and in every home'. (Interestingly, the original slogan was 'a computer on every desk in every home, running Microsoft software', but the last part was often left off, because it seemed too self-serving.)

Looking back now, the spread of personal computers from the office into the home seems almost inevitable. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Foresight, however, is much more lucrative, as Gates has shown. It is important to remember, too, that the ubiquitous screens and keyboards that we all take for granted today were the stuff of science fiction just a couple of decades ago.


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