Mars16 (mars16) 翻訳実績

5.0 24 件のレビュー
11年以上前 男性
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IT ビジネス 技術 出版・プレスリリース 旅行・観光 マーケティング IR 財務
10 時間 / 週
mars16 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Dear Suzuki,

I am sorry for the delay. We finally have the cinnamon boxes from the
village. Now all of your samples are finished.

We will pack them tomorrow. How do you want us to ship them to you? We
could use your Fedex account to send a collect shipment. The weight is
about 3 kgs and the size of box is about 25 x 20 x 15cm. I will give
you the exact weight and size tomorrow. We do not ask you to pay for
the samples but only to pay for the shipping of the samples.

Here is a list of all the samples. We made 4 sizes of the cinnamon
candle holder so you can have more choices.

Please email me if you have any questions. Thank you


鈴木 様


明日梱包いたします。どのようにして発送すればよろしいでしょうか?取り集めたものを送るのにそちらのフェデックスのアカウントを利用することもできます。重量はおよそ3キロで箱のサイズは25センチ x 20センチ x 15センチです。明日、正確な重量とサイズをご連絡します。サンプル品の料金は請求いたしませんが、発送費についてはお支払いをお願いいたします。



mars16 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

There are lots of new infrastructures which are the achievement of new generation people in Cambodia. Those infrastructures are High rise buildings, Super market, Government building, Bridge, and Road. The high rise buildings are being grown in the city and they make Phnom penh city looks very interesting and modernization. Moreover, they also help to burst the Cambodian Economic to the next level because those buildings play very important roles such as Office Building for local and international investors, each floors of the buildings has super market and local/international restaurant.
In addition, those buildings are also used in any events such as Wedding event, Parties, The expo trade,



mars16 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

and many other events because those buildings were equipped with high standard equipments. Moreover, some of the government buildings also used to be the place which served the ASEAN forum for ASEAN leaders. Santepheap Building (Peace Buidling) was a historical building that held the great meeting between Cambodian prime minsters Mr. Hun Sen and US President Barack Obama. Vathanac Property Building is the highest building in Cambodia. This building is belonged to Vathanac Bank and it is still under the construction. We also have OCIC Tower which has 32 floors and it is belonged to Canadian Bank. There are many office space for rent and also many store and super markets in this building.


そして多くの他のイベントにも利用されています。なぜなら、このビルには高い基準の設備が整っているからです。さらに、政府ビルの中にはアセアンのリーダーが集うアセアンフォーラムの会合場所としても使われています。Santepheapビル(平和ビル)は歴史的なビルで、カンボジアのフン・セン首相と米国のオバマ大統領との素晴らしい会合が行われました。Vathanacプロパティビルはカンボジアで最も高いビルです。このビルの所有者はVathanac銀行で現在も建設中です。他にもOCICタワーがありますがここは 32階建てで、所有者はカナダの銀行です。 このビルには賃貸用の多くのオフィススペースのほか、多くの店舗やスーパーマーケットがあります。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

Election procedures in rural China have improved greatly over the last 20 years and a
good number of reasonably free and fair elections have been held. But changes in the
‘exercise of power’ have not kept up with changes in the ‘access to power’. In many
communities, township authorities, Party branches, and social forces continue to impede democratic rule. This suggests that a purely procedural definition of democracy is problematic and that democratization depends on the power configuration in which elected bodies are embedded. Putting grassroots democracy into place goes well beyond getting the procedures right, and ‘high quality’ democracy rests on much more than convening good village elections every 3 years


中国の郡部における選挙手続きはこの20年で大きく改善され、数多くの合理的に自由、公正な選挙が実施されてきた。 しかしながら、「権力行使」の変化は「権力へのアクセス」の変化につながっていない。多くのコミュニティ、町当局、党支部、社会的な圧力が民主的な規則を妨害し続けている。このことは、純粋に民主主義の手続きに関する定義に問題があり、民主化は、選ばれる主体が備わっている権力構造に左右されることを示している。草の根民主主義を導入すると手続きを正常化する以上にうまくいき、 「質の高い」民主主義は、優れた村の選挙を3年ごとに実施するよりも多くのところに宿っている。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

He specializes in corporate financing, advising and assisting small to mid-size companies on capital raising, mergers and acquisitions including cross-border, exit planning, restructuring and workout, and shareholder value maximization.
He understands the biggest value to his clients is to solve their problems. He is dedication and has delivered results across different sectors in varying countries by being consistent in providing the highest levels of integrity, creativity, quality, professionalism, and service. He takes great pride in delivering the highest level of service to clients, and committed to building a long-lasting mutually beneficial relationship.



mars16 英語 → 日本語

Number of candidates is another indicator of competitiveness. When village
elections were first introduced, non-competitive elections were
common. Today, multi-candidate elections have become the rule. Most provincial
regulations prescribe that there be two candidates for village committee director and
vice-director, and that the number of candidates for ordinary committee members
should outnumber the positions available by at least one. Though this permits
minimal competition for ordinary committee spots, ‘sea-elections’ and selfnomination
can increase the number of primary and final candidates greatly. In one
village where only two formal candidates for director were put up, 25
additional individuals were nominated、



mars16 英語 → 日本語

Voter registration helps ensure voting rights and the validity of elections. Though
both the Organic Law and provincial legislation remain murky about precisely who can
vote, stipulations that require publication of a voters’ list 20 days before an election
offer an opportunity to raise objections, and in some cases have led to lawsuits by those
who felt they were excluded illegally.

Candidate nomination has received much attention because it is crucial to an
election’s competitiveness and fairness. Control over the nominating process has
been gradually loosened over the last two decades. In particular, selection through
‘sea-elections’ , which entitles every voter to nominate primary candidates,
has now spread.



候補者指名が多くの注目を集めてきたのは、これが選挙の競争性と公平性にとって欠かせないからである。指名プロセスに対する統制は、この20年間で徐々に緩和されてきた。 とりわけ、「海选」による選抜が広がっている。これは、各有権者に主な候補者を指名する権利を与える方式である。