what would make a difference to your client?
Damn. If a snake slid up to me and verbally persuaded me to eat an apple, I'd eat it and give the snake props for talking
6 am wake up call from USADA... Not fun, but it's my duty as an athlete to play clean and fair!
ヤマダタロウは1999年11月1日から2009年10月31日の期間、㈱ 佐藤商店の商品の調達に関わる仕事をパートタイムとして、雇用されていた。その時は時給1,200円での契約であった。
Taro Yamada had been employed by a store named Sato Co., to work part-time in the area of product purchasing during the period from November 1st, 1999 to October 31st, 2009.The contract at that time was made for the hourly wage of 1,200 yen.
Stress is like waves on the ocean. Unprepared every wave is a disaster. For the skillful surfer every wave is exhilaration
Just submitted an article on 3 YouTube Mistakes and what to do instead - should be out soon!
What a year its been, what a monster.
To all my amazing fans,Thank you for making Bad Romance #1 in the UK! I love you more than anything.
素敵なファンのみんなへ。みんなのおかげでBad Romanceが英国で1位獲得よ、ありがとう。みんなのこと、最高に愛してるわ。
RT @gandhi_bot: I prize even the failures and disillusionment's which are but steps towards success.
RT @gandhi_bot: 私は、失敗やがっかりするようなことだって、素晴らしいと思います。だって、これだって、成功への一歩に他ならないもの。
A suspenseful story of an adolescent who has gained a mysterious power after receiving the cornea transplant, and fights against an evil entity led by a genius crime organizer.
The story will develop in a present private high school, which can be said to be the microcosm of the modern Japanese society, an extreme opposite of the spiritual society of Bushido. It is a story of a normal, trouble-evading high shcool student who transforms into a samurai warrior in the face of danger in order to solve problems rooted in the society.
I have never said that he seems to have me confused with Robert Reich,who has.
Your room is an extension of your mind. If a room is lop-sided, just trying to keep a cup on a table becomes a drama.
I'm sure I'll get fired if the company finds out my falsification, but can it result in my being arrested?
What would happen if I lied in my resume?
Not many people work on translation (here) on weekends.
Can we possibley make a career change in our 30's?
I'd been too busy to keep my diary, but from now on I'll write like crazy, so bear with me.
When would my own Santa show up....? Whenever that would be, somewhere inside my heart do I believe that I will find the person of my destiny, and I do my best to live my life in order to find him/her.
Tonight was one of those nights you don't ever forget the details of.