ichiro009 (ichiro009) 翻訳実績

14年以上前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 中国語(簡体字) 韓国語 タイ語 タガログ語 中国語(繁体字)
ichiro009 英語 → 日本語

Open Platform

Earlier this year, Kanbox announced its own open platform through which developers could capitalize on Kanbox’s stable storing power by using its API. It already saw some very creative use cases.

Meitu Xiuxiu, one of the most popular Chinese photo beautifier is built upon Kanbox’s cloud servers, saving it the hassle of setting up its own online storage.

Kanbox will be holding an app contest in the second half of this year to inspire more interesting products that use its infrastructure as their premise. Just like what Amazon’s S3 means to the Valley startups, Huang is hoping Kanbox could serve as some sort of incubator for Chinese entrepreneurs.




中国で最も有名な写真家の一人、Meitu Xiuxiuは、自身でオンラインストレージを構築する煩わしさを考慮し、Kanboxのクラウドサーバー上で活動している。


ichiro009 英語 → 日本語

Hi! My Buyer, Surely 100% percentage which you will receive the full money back. You just ship out my item as condition as I ship to you. After I receive item, I will refund your money back in 24 hrs. Kindly Bui

Please give me your paypal email address and I will send you a invoice or you can send payment directly to my paypal account at thegolfhabit@verizon.net

Arlie Wilson requested $179.00 USD by phone, and also noted: Tour issue 7b3. Sent using the PayPal Mobile application..

To send money, create a PayPal account on your computer at https://www.paypal.com/us/. Then click the Send Money tab to pay online.




Arlie Wilsonは、$179.00 USDを電話で要求しています。それと、Tour Issue 7b3を気に留めて置いてください。 このメッセージは、Paypalのモバイルアプリケーションから送付されました。


ichiro009 英語 → 日本語

In Syria, activists say the bodies of at least 45 women and children have been discovered in the city of Homs.
In Iraq, nine people are dead and four wounded after a gunfight between armed men and security forces at a market in Baghdad.
One year later, Japan remembers the tsunami that killed tens of thousands and made nearly 400,000 people homeless.
In Mexico, the city of Leon is busy preparing for the visit of Pope Benedict XVI at the end of the month.
An ABC News-Washington Post poll says that 60 percent of Americans believe the war in Afghanistan is not worth its costs.
A newly finished mega mansion in Bradbury, California is on sale for 78 million dollars.


メキシコでは、今月末のPope Benedict XVIの訪問に向け、レオンの街は準備に追われています。

ichiro009 英語 → 日本語

I apologize mistake, I called Simms and I was informed that it was the chest/hip pack that came on the Tech Pack that is why we sent you the chest/hip pack. I also stated in the email that we would be sending you a chest/hip pack. I have just been informed that it was supposed to be the Simms Chest Pack that we were supposed to send you. We will go ahead and get the Chest Pack shipped out to you. Would you like to keep the additional chest/hip pack that you have just received and pay for it or would you be okay sending it back to us the most economical way and we will reimburse you for the return shipping as long as a receipt is included? Again, I am so sincerely sorry for all of the hassle with your order.


間違いに関しまして、大変申し訳ございませんでした。私は、Simmsに連絡を取り、チェスト/ヒップパックであるとの報告を受けました。チェスト/ヒップパックがTech Packとあったため、我われはあなたに送付してしまいました。さらに、私はメールの中でチェスト/ヒップパックを送付すると記載しましたが、Simms チェストパックをあなたに送付しなければならなかったとの報告を受けたばかりです。我われは、チェストパックの発送準備に取り掛かっています。すでにお受け取りになったチェスト/ヒップパックに関しまして、代金をお支払い頂き、ご使用になりますでしょうか?それとも、お手数ですが最も費用の掛からない形でこちらに送付いただけますでしょうか?その際には、送付の際にかかった料金のわかる領収書を一緒に送付いただければ、ご返金します。