日本は熊本を中心九州全土に、本州、四国、東京、海外など年間数多くの DJSET をこなし 2010年には 海外 big clubでプレイするなどworld wide な活動も積極的に行い、自身のプロデュースパーティに数々の国内、海外のトップアーティトを招き、 メジャーからアンダーグラウンドな party ・イベントを 旬のトレンドを取りこみコーディネイトする。
We've played many DJ sets both in Japan and overseas, with the Kumamoto prefecture of Kyushu Japan at it's center. In Honshu, Shikoku, Tokyo, overseas and more places there were a great number of these sets. Having played in big clubs in 2010 overseas very positively, we are inviting many domestic and international top artists to our own produce parties . We want to make it both a major and underground party, which fits this period's trends.
世界の様々なパーティで衝撃を受けた minimal / techno / trance music をバックボーンに様々なサウンドまで使い分ける TRACTOR SCRACH を使った 4mix DIGITAL LIVE は、 ワールドワイドな DANCE MUSIC を中心に、 それぞれのトラックを生かしながらも、ジャンルレスにグローバルな4 BEATS をオリジナルのグルーヴ感で統括し客を魅了する。
Having had a big impact on various parties in the world, this music will fascinate the crowd. Having minimal/techno/trance music as a backbone, many different sounds are used for different purposes with help of the 'tractor scratch' that's a part of the 4mix digital live, which has it's origin in dance music. While using each of those tracks, they will also use the global 4 beats which will create a unique groove.
自身がプロデュースする様々なレジデントパーティも異例な盛り上がりを見せ、また熊本のダンスミュージックラジオ番組の企画、構成、パーソナリティ、mix も務めながら、ニューサウンドを武器にの様々な空間、電波に、新しいグルーブを展開し、日々発信中である。2012年には最新のリリースも控えており、その幅広い視野で培った感性でドープかつオリジナリティ溢れた TRACK をリリース予定であり、一躍ダンスミュージックシーンのメインストリームに躍り出る期待がかかる。
Seeing the exceptional climax that's shown at the resident parties I produced, I'm again working for Kumamoto's radio station's programs planning, organisation, personality and mixing. While doing so, I want to use new sounds as a weapon to fill up the various space there is. I'm releasing new grooves on the radio waves, and transmitting music daily. Having held back on my first release in 2012, I'm currently planning on releasing a track that's brimming with originality and is very dope, that uses the experience I have gotten in this field, that I expect to jump to the first place in one go in today's dance music's mainstream charts.
I failed to notice the mail you sent me. I'm sorry. I ship products from Japan's Tochigi prefecture. It is possible to ship to the address you specified with EMS for 9 dollars. If there's anything you don't understand about the transactions of my web shop, please ask me by mail. I have confirmed your eBay feedback.To prevent any problems from happening during the transaction, I will confirm your eBay feedback, so please send me a mail from eBay. I'm unable to confirm your feedback, so I will have to cancel the transaction.
Thank you for giving me a response.I look forward to working with you from now on as well.
As for a separate matter, I would like to propose something, up till now I have only offered you full bicycles, but I was wondering if you would possibly be interested or in need of any second-hand bike parts? Of course I can't promise you that I can offer you anything you need, but there are a lot of parts on the market. If there's anything you might need, please inform me about it, and I'll look for it for you.
Thank you for always offering me good business.To tell you the truth I have contacted you regarding something I'd like to discuss.The clock I ordered from you previously has been returned by a customer, because of 2 problems.To confirm the problem I tried to connect it to my computer, but it wasn't able to properly synchronize. It seemed in a state where it would sometimes connect and sometimes wouldn't. Besides that the other point is that the wrist-band's connection was already rusted together.Is it possible to get either a new product, to exchange the products or to get the money returned?
About how much volume of Gopro can I get for $200 in October?
昨日2回と本日2回クレジットカードで注文しましたが 途中でエラーとなってしまいましたが 昨日の利用した分をクレジットカード会社に連絡したら使用した形跡がありますが まだ詳細があがってきてないと言われました。なぜエラーになってしまうのでしょう?本日2回分、同じオーダーのスクリーンショットを送るので 課金の処理は行われていつと思うので本日の1回分を 注文を確定してもらうことは可能ですか?早急に返事をいただけると 助かります。
I have tried to order it with my credit card two times yesterday and two times today, but it keeps giving me an error mid-way. I have contacted the credit card company about the part I used yesterday, but although they found traces of my usage, they couldn't give me any details yet. I wonder why it keeps giving an error? I will send you a screenshot of the error I got twice while sending the order today. I think the billings are being processed currently, so would it be possible to confirm one of today's orders for me? If you could respond as soon as possible, it would be a big help.
How do you live with pets?Because of this recent trend, the demand for going outside and traveling together with pets has increased.The pet industry's international trade fair 'Interpets' states in it's name that it's a abundant fair for the lives of both pets and people. Besides the great amount of goods for pets, there are also life-style goods exhibited. You'll find the latest pet food and refined fashion item's whose design will catch your eye, and above all of that what especially caught my eyes were the special pet-size vehicles.
The vehicle was made in a collaboration between the French company Renault and the seat accessories producer Cabana. Upon seeing the exhibition, a lot of those attending stopped walking, and had a peek at the car. The president of Renault Japan was also at the booth from day one, and stated: ''What I think is the most important thing is that being in a place where pet-lovers meet, and talking with those people helps us understand what kind of needs and wishes these people have.'' As for pioneering new business fields, the top knows the general needs from experience, and will have to make quick decisions and tactics, which he's doing his best at at the event.
While heading towards the end-of-year sales wars, the Jewelry Fair (JJF2012) opened it's doors on the 28th of August. The company UBM, who organize the worlds biggest jewelry & gem fair in Hong Kong, have opened a trade show in Japan in collaboration with the Japanese jewelry association. Being the 20th anniversary of the fair, this time 394 companies from 19 different countries and regions displayed their goods, exceeding the previous year.For the opening event Kanda Uno, who had been appointed as the jewelry ambassador, made an appearance. She announced the eterjours Christmas product, which she's producing herself.
The president in power at UBM, the company that organized it, commented: ''The JJF is a very good place for business discussions because of it's timing before the sales wars and Christmas, but at the same we really want to make it of practical use to those that attend to get a glimpse at the latest trends. That's why it's necessary to have a high variety of fashion and bridals, including unusual industries, to capture the many sides of jewelry. For the attendees the JJF shouldn't just be a place where exhibitors gather and sell and handle their goods, they should see it as an event where they can get a lot of valuable and beneficial information.''
For Chinese users, the Soso Huiyan app isn’t limited to Soso’s search facility, but uses a variety of familiar names to get information, such as the product search engine eTao, Amazon China, and the books- and music-oriented social network Douban.Download Soso Huiyan from the iTunes App Store.1. But not yet updated to v2.0 for Android.
中国人のユーザーには、Soso HuiyanのアプリはSosoの検索エンジンだけではなく、様々な有名な情報源を使っています。例えば、商品検索エンジンeTaoとAmazon Chinaと読書や音楽向けのネットワークDoubanを使っています。Soso HuiyanはiTunesのApp Storeからダウンロードしてください。1. まだアンドロイドのバーション2.0のためにアップデートされていません。
Thank you for contacting me. I would be happy if you could send it as soon as possible. I would also like to know the tracking number.With the 2000 dollars the stocking up has ended.I'm sorry.I'll send you a list with products I want again before long, so please try to look for them.I'll contact you again!Thank you very much.
The payment will be on the 16th of September.The payment will be on the 30th of September.The payment will be on the 1th of October.
返信ありがとうございます。私は現在はショップはもっていませんが、来年の1月にあなたのようにネットでショップをやる予定です。現在は日本のebayのようなサイトで個人で販売を行っております。今回あなたが出品している商品で興味があるのは〇です。ebayのIDでいうと〇です。具体的に交渉したい価格としてはあなたが現在buy it nowで出品している金額から20%~30%程度値引きくらいの価格です。もちろん、できるできないはあると思いますので、対応できる範囲で返答もらればと思います。
Thank you for your reply.I currently don't have a shop, but I'm planning on making a net shop like yours in the first month next year.I'm currently selling products on my own on a Japanese ebay-like website.The product that you're selling that I'm currently interested in is O.The ebay ID is O .I'd like to negotiate about the current price and was wondering if you would reduce the current 'buy it now' price by around 20 to 30%. Of course I think it's either possible or isn't, so I hope that to the extent we can interact I can have a reply.
17日 午後1時~ワークショップ18日 朝10時~夕方4時 京都観光協会のメンバーからの要望であなたの出演しているDVDを購入したい人が多数います可能であればあなたのDVDを持ってきてくれませんか?ワークショップや親睦会の際に販売して欲しいですそれと、あなたの大ファンの女の子があなたの作ったムチを購入したいとも言っています販売できるWhipの在庫があればぜひ持ってきて欲しいそうです荷物が多くなってしまうと思うので無理は言いませんが皆あなたの来日をとても楽しみにしています。私も
The 17th - 1'o clock in the afternoon ~ workshopThe 18th - 10'o clock in the morning ~ 4 'o clock in the evening, sightseeing Kyoto.This is a request from the members of the organisation,there are a lot of people who want to purchase one of your performances on DVD.If it is at all possible, could you bring your DVD's?We would like to sell it at workshops and social gatherings.There is also a girl that's a really big fan of you that would like to buy one of the whips you've made.If there are any whips you can sell and have in stock, she would really like you to bring them along.This way your luggage will become quite full, so I don't want to ask you to do the impossibleEveryone is really looking forward to you coming to Japan. As am I.
Explanation added to the game:The goal of this game is to pile up zombie animals.By piling up more than 30 meters of animals, you will change the background of the game and it will scroll up above the clouds, and show drawings of angels. If you pile up more than 30 meters of animals, but let the tower of animals fall apart, the animals won't fall onto the ground but will turn into angel-like animals that have grown wings, and fly in the sky.If you don't manage to make a pile of 30 meters or higher, and let the tower of animals fall apart, the animals will stay zombies and fall onto the ground.
Yoke Ukashi ShirtsThe shirt uses a trench coat design on the back, and for the buttons high quality mother of pearl buttons are used, besides that it has the feeling and appearance of a jacket. The materials used are of high quality and it's made with broadcloth which has the same slightly glossy finish as two fold yarn 100s. (Sizes 1, 2 are for women, sizes 3,4 are for men.